What Did God Actually Create?

craterchains (Norval said:
Well, Chris, you should probably read the part of the book where those loser fallen angels should be thanked for all those problems.

God created the fallen angels, and even though they weren't fallen angels first, God knew that they would be, because he knows everything (according to Bible), so it's all God's fault. God says: "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." Isaiah 45:7
craterchains (Norval said:
For the rest of yah all, READ THE BOOKS, now really look around yourselves. Look at our solar system for the signs that the bad demons have been cast down, ( but they don't exist), they have been beaten in a great war and have been thrown out of the heavens above. And they are beaten here in this (forum) game of deceptions and lies called religion. Losers! :D


Which books ???

You get a different vision from each one, and all the others are a bunch of hooey according to any one...

Is yours the right one ?

Am I damned if I choose a different one ?
Since I am the only creature extant with confirmed self-awareness, the universe and all that's within it exists only in my self-aware imagination. Consequently, when I cease to have self-awareness, the universe, and all that's within it, will also cease to exist...:D :D :D
God created: He brought into reality everything that
exists, and out of nothing miraculously gave being,
and He sustains everything that has
being in existance. Nothing can come into existance
without God's hand and nothing can cease to exist
without God's allowance. (The fact that one can destroy
ones own existance does not change this fact.
God allows self-annihilation, he does not condone it).
Lawdog said:
God created everything that exists out of nothing and
sustains everything that has being in existance.
Nothing can come into existance without God's hand
and nothing can cease to exist without God's allowance.
(The fact that one can destroy ones own existance
does not change this fact. God allows self-annihilation,
he does not condone it).
in other words "God" defies the laws of physics....therefore "God" cannot be proved scientifically !!
....okay moving over to the next thread!!! :D
Yes, God does not defy but rather suspends the laws of physics, for the author of physical laws would have no difficulty in suspending them: However, God does not defy his own Word. Therefore
he cannot make a triangle out of four sides or make a cube trangular etc.
And yes, God cannot be proved scientifically, but nor can the fact that the most powerful motivators of human life.
Quigly said:
I think mankind were taller back then and lived longer. I think Animals had a micro-evolution take place throughout the years, so they were less in variety then. Plants were probably the same way too. Less in variety

As far as macro-evolution, I don't buy that.

Taller and lived longer? By how much?
c7ityi_ said:
We were first ethereal beings, then we evolved and became more and more material so our bodies could no longer be so tall. That's why many animals and plants have gone through a giant phase (dinosaurs) and then those giants have died and smaller forms have evolved. Man and dinosaurs coexisted, millions of years ago.

We got shorter life because we separated from "God" (ourselves, life itself). We consume lots of energy when we resist our natural state of being (nothing) so we die faster.

You have NO evidence for any of the above. Unless you consider King Kong to be the giant phase for apes?
Lawdog said:
God created: He brought into reality everything that
exists, and out of nothing miraculously gave being,
and He sustains everything that has
being in existance. Nothing can come into existance
without God's hand and nothing can cease to exist
without God's allowance. (The fact that one can destroy
ones own existance does not change this fact.
God allows self-annihilation, he does not condone it).

It would be nice, for a change, that you might perhaps answer the direct questions in the OP rather than preaching.
I am not meaning to be preaching, I am intending to be stating principles.
So what would you like to ask?
Lawdog said:
I am not meaning to be preaching, I am intending to be stating principles.
So what would you like to ask?

Those questions are in the opening post.
(Q) said:
Whether you believe in Creationism or Intelligent Design or whatever other method you might think your god placed mankind here, what exactly do you believe?

1) Mankind and everything else was created in the form it currently resembles.
yes. Man has always been in this form, for the most part, and has always been this smart. Consider the 5000 year old alpine frozen man, how advanced his own woodland technology had become.

2) Mankind and everything else was created as a pool of ooze in which all things evolved.
No, this cant happen of its own accord. Only a creating power can use base elements to form a complex body. God created out of nothing.

3) Mankind and everything else was created in a (insert scientific theory ie. Big Bang) and originally sparked by god but left alone to evolve on its own.
I doubt the big bang.

3) Mankind and everything else was created by some other means - explain.
That would be impossible because Man only has one creator, who is either God or does not exist.
Thanks Lawdog, those are the type of answers I was anticipating.
1) Mankind and everything else was created in the form it currently resembles.


2) Mankind and everything else was created as a pool of ooze in which all things evolved.

Evolution is a scientifically accepted fact.

3) Mankind and everything else was created in a (insert scientific theory ie. Big Bang) and originally sparked by god but left alone to evolve on its own.

Again, evolution is a scientifically accepted fact.

As for the rest, we still don't know the complete truth.

In Islam we believe that God created truth and we struggle for the knowledge to discover this truth. The Quran directs us to gain knowledge from those who have already struggled or are struggling (regardless of their persuasion) and then use our reasoning.
As a Christian, evolution makes sense to me. If there wasn't, they would have been using computers in the 1st century.
Evolution is proven. Get over it. It doesnt disprove God, all it does is disprove the literal interpretation of myths and so-called holy books
Provita said:
Evolution is proven. Get over it. It doesnt disprove God, all it does is disprove the literal interpretation of myths and so-called holy books

Man... the tone on these forums is brutal. "Get over it"? "so-called holy books"?

Lighten up. :rolleyes:
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Provita said:
Evolution is proven. Get over it. It doesnt disprove God, all it does is disprove the literal interpretation of myths and so-called holy books
No, evolution does not disprove God. However, it makes him look remote and demiurgic.
Lawdog said:
No, evolution does not disprove God. However, it makes him look remote and demiurgic.

Great, it sounds like you've been doing some reading on evolution science!
Can we count you as Darwinist?