What Did God Actually Create?


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
Whether you believe in Creationism or Intelligent Design or whatever other method you might think your god placed mankind here, what exactly do you believe?

1) Mankind and everything else was created in the form it currently resembles.

2) Mankind and everything else was created as a pool of ooze in which all things evolved.

3) Mankind and everything else was created in a (insert scientific theory ie. Big Bang) and originally sparked by god but left alone to evolve on its own.

3) Mankind and everything else was created by some other means - explain.
In the beginning, heaven and earth were made as an empty chaos. The bible uses the hebrew word (yatsar)meaning to make from nothing instead of using the word (bara) which means to frame or form. This signifies that there was completely nothing and then God created from nothing the universe.

Some argue that when God created from nothing the whole universe, he could have made the universe as aged or young as he willed.
Look around, look up.

And, all we have to say is "Thank you, Father."

What is there to thank? Call me an ungrateful bastard, but if the universe didn't exist, it's not like I would be around to feel disappointment.

I also don't think I will be thanking this imaginary father figure as I am laying in my death bed in unbearable pain, with no medical help to end the torment because my "father" forbits the ending of life... even in mercy, because life of course is so damn precious that we must live it out to the bitter end. Or is that just his dumb followers who claim he thinks that way? I never can tell where the ethics of his followers and the ethics of God himself begin.
Quigly said:
In the beginning, heaven and earth were made as an empty chaos. The bible uses the hebrew word (yatsar)meaning to make from nothing instead of using the word (bara) which means to frame or form. This signifies that there was completely nothing and then God created from nothing the universe.

Some argue that when God created from nothing the whole universe, he could have made the universe as aged or young as he willed.

That doesn't answer the question.
craterchains (Norval said:

Look around, look up.

And, all we have to say is "Thank you, Father.

Thank him for what? For creating us in our current form or thanking him for kickstarting the universe and letting us evolve to our current form?
I think mankind were taller back then and lived longer. I think Animals had a micro-evolution take place throughout the years, so they were less in variety then. Plants were probably the same way too. Less in variety

As far as macro-evolution, I don't buy that.
Quigly said:
I think mankind were taller back then and lived longer. I think Animals had a micro-evolution take place throughout the years, so they were less in variety then. Plants were probably the same way too. Less in variety

As far as macro-evolution, I don't buy that.

What caused mankind to become shorter and not live as long? Are those the only changes in mankind from the original form created by god?
So maybe God created the universe yesterday but implanted our memory of times past so we'd think we've been here for longer.
KennyC, sucks to be you. (Remember, it's only a test.) Yet, I would concern myself with the one, and not the other. Read the book yah ungrateful bastard. (uhmmm your words). ;)

Q, well I guess you would have to figure that out to your own satisfaction now wouldn't you. Again, someone needs to read the book. :bugeye:

For the rest of yah all, READ THE BOOKS, now really look around yourselves. Look at our solar system for the signs that the bad demons have been cast down, ( but they don't exist), they have been beaten in a great war and have been thrown out of the heavens above. And they are beaten here in this (forum) game of deceptions and lies called religion. Losers! :D

I sincerely believe that we are part of a pool of elements present in different dimensions ...our dimension must have been a ripple or a by product of some changes which took place in the original pool ...just like a ripple ...which is dying out ...some of the higher dimension energies seeped into our dimensions and resulted in life in different forms ( including not discovered aliens) ...now the original Pool might be the creation of GOD but I doubt our dimension was intentionally created... I have no way of proving anything I said ..but if you read any religious book and pick up lines which agree to my theory then I guess I have proved my point :) if you still don't believe it then see the sun rise and the beautiful nature ..it is all part of the energy which seeped into this dimension ... ( Sattire intended)
KennyC, sucks to be you.

Why? Because I haven't fallen to my knees to worship an imaginary father figure?

Read the book yah ungrateful bastard. (uhmmm your words).

What book are you talking about? The Bible? I've read it. Nice fairy tale... shame people mistake it as fact.
craterchains (Norval said:
Such a shame, or sham, you think of it as something religious.

Not sure if you're replying to my previous post, so if you are then I suggest reading it again without a religious thought.

Look around, look up.

And, all we have to say is "Thank you, Father."
Absolutely - cancer, typhoid, polio, plague, aids, floods, volcanos, eathquakes, tsunami, famine, birth defects, parkinsons, arthritis, .......................................

His wonders have no bounds. Thankyou father for sending us these wonderful gifts!!!!!!!!!!!
(Q) said:
What caused mankind to become shorter and not live as long?

We were first ethereal beings, then we evolved and became more and more material so our bodies could no longer be so tall. That's why many animals and plants have gone through a giant phase (dinosaurs) and then those giants have died and smaller forms have evolved. Man and dinosaurs coexisted, millions of years ago.

We got shorter life because we separated from "God" (ourselves, life itself). We consume lots of energy when we resist our natural state of being (nothing) so we die faster.
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Well, Chris, you should probably read the part of the book where those loser fallen angels should be thanked for all those problems. After all, they do have the power and authority here on earth, for a short time more at least.
wuahhhhhhh hahhhh hahhhh
The time is getting very short for those losers.
