What defines morals?

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
I believe morals and ethics are somethings that are instilled in us at a very young age. We know what we are taught. True, when we reach a certain age and maturity, we have the strength to determine what is right and wrong, but alot of our choices are made subconsiously. Due, to what was experienced at a very young age.


A person who comes from a family with alcoholics or drug addicts are more likely to use alcohol or drugs.

A person with an abusive father is more prone to that behavior (if it was a man) and more prone to seek that type of relationship (if it was a woman). And vise versa.

A person raised in a family that smokes are 50% more likely to smoke.

And the list goes on and on.

Take care:)

I dont quite agree. Recent studies suggest that addiction and aggression are more genetic than we thought they are.

Of course certain environments are more likely to fuel these genetic tendencies than others ... but there's certainly much more to it than childhood environment.

Childhood environment has been largely over-rated in the influence it has in shaping people's behaviour.

- Sivakami.