What creationists know

M*W: Without imagination there would be no progress in science. Imagination, however, is not evidence. It is the seed that eventually brings the evidence.

This is correct. However, when no evidence appears, then the theory is exposed as a myth. I just saw a documentary called "Clash of the Cavemen.' No, it wasn't produced by Steven Spielberg. It was considered a factual account of a neanderthal woman who was abducted. :bugeye: Now how anyone knew she was abducted is anyone's guess, nevertheless since the imagination is considered evidence in science, the show was considered a documentary. :rolleyes:

In this "documentary" scientists admitted that there isn't one ounce of neanderthal DNA in human DNA. Duh! Only scientists don't know why animal DNA can't get into human DNA, especially the DNA of fictitious animals. Nevertheless, scientists keep insisting that these fictitious creatures once turned into humans.

So myths die hard, long after the lack of evidence has been presented over and over and over again. :rolleyes: That's because the more arrogant one becomes, the further he has to fall when he finds out he was wrong.
This is correct. However, when no evidence appears, then the theory is exposed as a myth. I just saw a documentary called "Clash of the Cavemen.' No, it wasn't produced by Steven Spielberg. It was considered a factual account of a neanderthal woman who was abducted. :bugeye: Now how anyone knew she was abducted is anyone's guess, nevertheless since the imagination is considered evidence in science, the show was considered a documentary. :rolleyes:

In this "documentary" scientists admitted that there isn't one ounce of neanderthal DNA in human DNA. Duh! Only scientists don't know why animal DNA can't get into human DNA, especially the DNA of fictitious animals. Nevertheless, scientists keep insisting that these fictitious creatures once turned into humans.

So myths die hard, long after the lack of evidence has been presented over and over and over again. :rolleyes: That's because the more arrogant one becomes, the further he has to fall when he finds out he was wrong.

What makes you think that humans evolved out of neanderthals?
I'm still waiting to hear from Carico about all the things that creationists are supposed to know.

He claimed to be able to answer all the questions scientists with PhDs can't answer. But when pressed, he apparently has no answers.

My faith in Creationism is fading fast!
I'm still waiting to hear from Carico about all the things that creationists are supposed to know.

He claimed to be able to answer all the questions scientists with PhDs can't answer. But when pressed, he apparently has no answers.

My faith in Creationism is fading fast!
M*W: He hasn't answered my one question, either. My faith in Carico is fading fast!
I'm still waiting to hear from Carico about all the things that creationists are supposed to know.

He claimed to be able to answer all the questions scientists with PhDs can't answer. But when pressed, he apparently has no answers.

My faith in Creationism is fading fast!

Don't play dumb james, you know full well that he cannot answer with evidence, don't be so coy and pretend that you are genuine and actualy think he will come up with some kind of new found evidence to support creationist ramblings.

you aswell medicine woman, he is prob like 14 years old and is still learning things.

Don't play dumb james, you know full well that he cannot answer with evidence, don't be so coy and pretend that you are genuine and actualy think he will come up with some kind of new found evidence to support creationist ramblings.

you aswell medicine woman, he is prob like 14 years old and is still learning things.
M*W: If that's the case, he surely has been seriously indoctrinated. I think he's much older.
hat makes you think that humans evolved out of neanderthals?

So now you're claiming that neanderthals were not a transitional species to humans. Is that correct? :bugeye: If so, then I agree with you 100%. ;) But unfortunately, you disagree with every book & documentary on evolution. But again since the theory of evolution is as imaginary as it is subjective, that explains the disagreements between evolutionists. ;)
So now you're claiming that neanderthals were not a transitional species to humans. Is that correct? :bugeye: If so, then I agree with you 100%. ;) But unfortunately, you disagree with every book & documentary on evolution.
No, he doesn't. Why don't you read those books.Infact, the current issue of National Geographic has a cover story on them.
But again since the theory of evolution is as imaginary as it is subjective, that explains the disagreements between evolutionists. ;)
Unlike religion, science uses evidence and updates its views as new evidence comes to light. The current evidence is not extensive enough to be conclusive.
So now you're claiming that neanderthals were not a transitional species to humans. Is that correct? :bugeye:
Yes. Neanderthals were a different hominid species.

If so, then I agree with you 100%. ;)
Ermmm no. I don't think you quite grasp what we are discussing.

But unfortunately, you disagree with every book & documentary on evolution. But again since the theory of evolution is as imaginary as it is subjective, that explains the disagreements between evolutionists. ;)
Errr no. I have never read a book or seen a documentary on evolution that had homo sapiens evolving from neanderthals. Where do you get the idea that it were so?

Have you ever read any books aside from the bible on the subject of evolution? I'd suggest you do. Or better yet, pick up a biology book.
Errr no. I have never read a book or seen a documentary on evolution that had homo sapiens evolving from neanderthals. Where do you get the idea that it were so?

Have you ever read any books aside from the bible on the subject of evolution? I'd suggest you do. Or better yet, pick up a biology book.

Actually I did just last week. It was a "documentary" called "Clash of the Caveman." It was about a neanderthal woman who was abducted. In the show they were surprised that they couldn't find one ounce of neanderthal DNA in human DNA. They were surprised because they claimed that humans evolved out of several transitional species including the neanderthal. So it appears that you're the ignorant one about a theory that you claim to believe.:rolleyes:

And considering that I was a non-Christian for longer than I've been a Christian, I've given evolution more than equal time. I've probably studied it for longer than you've been alive. So you're ignorant about my life as well. :rolleyes:
Actually I did just last week. It was a "documentary" called "Clash of the Caveman." It was about a neanderthal woman who was abducted. In the show they were surprised that they couldn't find one ounce of neanderthal DNA in human DNA. They were surprised because they claimed that humans evolved out of several transitional species including the neanderthal. So it appears that you're the ignorant one about a theory that you claim to believe.:rolleyes:

And considering that I was a non-Christian for longer than I've been a Christian, I've given evolution more than equal time. I've probably studied it for longer than you've been alive. So you're ignorant about my life as well. :rolleyes:

You must be a retard to have studied something for so long, yet still come out with ridiculous untrue statements about it.

Or maybe you haven't studied it.

Maybe both.
Actually I did just last week. It was a "documentary" called "Clash of the Caveman." It was about a neanderthal woman who was abducted. In the show they were surprised that they couldn't find one ounce of neanderthal DNA in human DNA. They were surprised because they claimed that humans evolved out of several transitional species including the neanderthal.
I hate to be the one to break it to you (Actually I am delighted it has fallen to me.:)): documentaries are not a sound source for scientific theories. They are a form of entertainment. Some of them give very accurate portrayals of current scientific thinking, but others devote to much attention to the controversial, or the extreme, or over simplify,to be of particular value.

I know of no scientist for half a century who has claimed Neanderthals were direct human ancestors. A small group of researchers believe there may have been minor interbreeding, but that is quite a different thing.

If you are basing your beliefs on documentaries, I am not surprised you have developed some pretty screwy ideas.
Why would you think he's 14???

I just got the impression that he was a young teenager, many things contributed to this impression but I see I was wrong and he is alot older than I am. :shrug:

M*W: If that's the case, he surely has been seriously indoctrinated. I think he's much older.

Yeah I think your right, But I don't think he was indoctrinated early on.

No one can tell if Neaderthals are an ancestor to humans, or just shared a common ancestor with them, since it requires DNA to be sure. The story of human evolution from an ape-like creature does not depend at all on every single humanoid fossil being a direct ancestor.

Your statements about animal DNA "getting into" human DNA are stupid. DNA changes over time. This is what allows living things to adapt to changing environments.
Here's what creationists know about the earth and the universe:

1) That the earth was created from water and by water
2) That God created the earth
3) How long it took God to create the earth
4) Why the sun just happens to be positioned the exact distance away from the earth to sustain life on earth
5) The purpose for the stars and moon
6) How man was created and why
7) Why the flesh and bones of man decay into dust
8) How and why animals & humans each reproduce themselves and not other animals
8) How the earth and all living things will end
9) What happens after humans die
10) That there is a God and who He is

That's just the tip of the iceberg of what creationists know. Scientists know NONE of the above which is why they're constantly exploring and always will continue to do so. ;)

It is of intrest to note Creationist: or Catastrophist are the dominating reason for science's greatest discoveries and law. Laws of Motion,Gravity, Discovering the true nature of the shape of the Earth, and General Relativity.

Uniformitarian theories have yet to be confirmed in many ways. Their work made possible by Catastrophist who concluded God must be a reality. Einstein was that last great leap. He died attempting to arrest the secrets of the Unifying Force from a set of complicated equations.
Actually I did just last week. It was a "documentary" called "Clash of the Caveman." It was about a neanderthal woman who was abducted. In the show they were surprised that they couldn't find one ounce of neanderthal DNA in human DNA. They were surprised because they claimed that humans evolved out of several transitional species including the neanderthal. So it appears that you're the ignorant one about a theory that you claim to believe.:rolleyes:

And considering that I was a non-Christian for longer than I've been a Christian, I've given evolution more than equal time. I've probably studied it for longer than you've been alive. So you're ignorant about my life as well. :rolleyes:

Ok. Let me get this straight. You have apparently been studying evolution for more than 36 years and you're still this ignorant of it? The claims you have made in this thread about evolution show a complete and utter lack of understanding on the subject. And you're saying you've been studying it for more than I have been alive.. which is 36 years by the way..?

Excuse me while I laugh too hard to be able to type..

Clash of the Caveman is a mockumentary.. Neanderthals were a different species of the homo genus. In other words, they were a different hominid species that co-existed with homo sapiens during a particular point in time. Do you know what this means? It means that humans and neanderthals shared a common ancestor at some point in the evolution tree. The reason it is deemed or referred to as the evolution tree is because it has many branches.

This is like basic biology. How hard can it be to understand?