What constitutes a good life?

Feeling happy and satisfied MOST of the time.

Finding someone to love and who loves you.

Living a fairly healthy life and not being cursed with an awful disease.

Having enough money to live comfortably and not go without.

Seeing your kids grow up to be successful in their lives and being blessed with grandchildren.

Dying of old age, before you go senile, are drooling and wearing diapers.
The greatest and the best is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters. On those grounds I think we can say that Genghis Khan would have believed Columbus had a very good life.

Very good Pandaemoni :)
A 'good' life is going to be different for every single one of us.

I, personally, [as I can speak for no other but myself] regard a 'good' life as one well lived. There's a quality to life that can transcend conditions or placement, however I'd be fooling myself if I were to think that those of us with a maid and health insurance aren't more apt to survive, and have more to enjoy.

Ultimately things are in the eye of he who perceives them, and life is what we make and do with it, if we manage to make or do anything of or with our lives....
Being alone, in soft lighting, reading an endless stream of books.

Having a quiet, gentle lover to cuddle you during the night. It helps if he's rich, so good luck with the new store, honey.

A cat purring in your lap.

A dog sleeping at your feet.

An hour or so in the evening on the phone with a dear friend.

Fixing a filling, tasty dinner for the people you love.

A job that makes you feel needed and appreciated, even something humble like sweeping the floors. I'd just as soon be a successful journalist, though.

A modest but steady income that pays for your bills, insurance needs, and retirement fund. A little extra wouldn't hurt, but I'm not sure what I'd use it on.
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Epicurus worked it out pretty good. The Buddha came to some very similar conclusions coming at it from a different direction.

Its all pretty straight forward. Leading a moral life to reduce your suffering. Keeping good company. Enjoying work and pleasure in moderation and leveraging them off each other to enhance their enjoyment. Keeping your mind and body fit. Helping others. Avioding fame, greed, anger, prejudice, etc.

The Epicurean garden societies were a high point in the good life.
"Spiritual growth" is a meaningless concept, there is no spirit.
You are a spirit. You live in a body. You have a soul (mind/will/emotion).
This is a good thread topic. My answer is:
serving God, bringing the lost back to Him, having a personal relationship with Him, freedom, being patriotic, serving your country, being healthy, fulfilling work, being a cheerful giver, having peace--especially within, helping/educating people, good friends/family, an abundance of love, chocolate, and pizza.:D
Oh, and science.:D
Or being a self-actualized CCR.
Or being a 10 mentally, physically, emotionally, spritually, financially, romantically, socially...
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