What constitudes a spiritual person for you?

its a translation of sanskrit

māḿ bhajeta sa tu sattamaḥ
the important word being sat - tamah, which basically breaks down to "the best amongst persons associated with the foundations of spirituality"
So to you "saintly" = "spiritual"?

it is a fact
what I submitted was what a spiritual person constitutes for me
It is a fact that it is your opinion, I presume (unless you are unsure of your opinion?) - but nowhere did you state that it was your opinion. You stated it as though your opinion was fact. Which is different.

what a spiritual person means for me aside, do you have any specific issues with what was offered in the list?
Issue with? No. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, however odd / bizarre / pointless / or of value they might be. I think your opinion is significantly different to most (a) in that it seems fairly prescribed, and (b) it in that it appears to see spirituality as a removal of the material, whereas most see spirituality as being additional to the material.

A different viewpoint - but not one I have an issue with.
And just how do you know that I didn't plan to lose my wallet and get a migrane? I work in mysterious ways...
yes, if you engineer the workings of the universe to deliver yourself repeated setbacks, sufferings and traumas, you truly do work in mysterious ways ...


Originally Posted by lightgigantic
its a translation of sanskrit

māḿ bhajeta sa tu sattamaḥ
the important word being sat - tamah, which basically breaks down to "the best amongst persons associated with the foundations of spirituality"

So to you "saintly" = "spiritual"?
more specifically, according to sanskrit
"sat" (literally "eternity")is the substance of the spiritual

it is a fact
what I submitted was what a spiritual person constitutes for me

It is a fact that it is your opinion, I presume (unless you are unsure of your opinion?) - but nowhere did you state that it was your opinion. You stated it as though your opinion was fact. Which is different.
its really not such a complex thing - If ask "what constitutes a nice meal for you", you would get different factual answers from different people - an italian might say pasta, a bangladeshi may say rice, a termite might say bamboo, etc etc

what a spiritual person means for me aside, do you have any specific issues with what was offered in the list?

Issue with? No. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, however odd / bizarre / pointless / or of value they might be.
lol - I know exactly what you mean
I think your opinion is significantly different to most (a) in that it seems fairly prescribed, and
what do you mean by prescribed and how would that automatically render information suspicious? I mean most people's definitions of spiritual fall within the characteristics given.

For instance if you asked the italian what is pasta and they gave you a recipe, would you suddenly get suspicious and think "Gee this sounds prescribed"
(b) it in that it appears to see spirituality as a removal of the material, whereas most see spirituality as being additional to the material.
its not so much removing the material, but superseding it because the spiritual has inherent properties of eternity (and matter obviously doesn't)
its really not such a complex thing - If ask "what constitutes a nice meal for you", you would get different factual answers from different people - an italian might say pasta, a bangladeshi may say rice, a termite might say bamboo, etc etc
I appreciate that - but when your answer is nothing but a recipe it comes across impersonally - i.e. that you are merely answering from a prescribed list of answers with no actual input from yourself.

what do you mean by prescribed...
No personal involvement in your answer.

...and how would that automatically render information suspicious?
It doesn't. It just smacks of impersonal thoughts - when the question is aimed more at individual, personalised thoughts. i.e. what is YOUR opinion - not what is written in some book.
Maybe you don't like wandering into your own thoughts, and want everything detailed to you by someone you regard as being in authority.
Maybe you have thought long and hard about it - and realise that your own thoughts match what you have been taught 100%.

I mean most people's definitions of spiritual fall within the characteristics given.
No - they don't.
There are some elements that are similar, sure, but most people's do not.

Ask them what they think are the characteristics of a "saintly person" and you'd probably have very similar ideas - but to most being "saintly" and "spiritual" are different.

For instance if you asked the italian what is pasta and they gave you a recipe, would you suddenly get suspicious and think "Gee this sounds prescribed"
No - because "pasta" is defined by its recipe.
"Spirituality" is not defined for most people.
So your analogy is false.

its not so much removing the material, but superseding it because the spiritual has inherent properties of eternity (and matter obviously doesn't)
From the passage you gave it seems to be far more about removal than superceding:
Start with the standard "human behaviour" - your "spirituality" is the removal / conquering of unnecessary acts, desires, feelings etc.
Most see it instead as being additional to the standard.
I.e. yours is an elevation through removal - whereas others see it as an elevation through addition.
But then this is merely what I gauge from the passage you gave.

And please don't give confidence statements such as "and matter obviously doesn't" unless you have the evidence to back them up?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
its really not such a complex thing - If ask "what constitutes a nice meal for you", you would get different factual answers from different people - an italian might say pasta, a bangladeshi may say rice, a termite might say bamboo, etc etc

I appreciate that - but when your answer is nothing but a recipe it comes across impersonally - i.e. that you are merely answering from a prescribed list of answers with no actual input from yourself.
so in other words nothing can be perfectly liked by a person unless it is totally reconstituted by them?

what do you mean by prescribed...

No personal involvement in your answer.
ditto above

...and how would that automatically render information suspicious?

It doesn't. It just smacks of impersonal thoughts - when the question is aimed more at individual, personalised thoughts. i.e. what is YOUR opinion - not what is written in some book.
what if I personally agree with the book?
(BTW - its an incredibly rare thing to encounter something "original" in this world)

Maybe you don't like wandering into your own thoughts, and want everything detailed to you by someone you regard as being in authority.
Maybe you aren't widely versed enough to understand how most people's ideas are mostly other people's

Maybe you have thought long and hard about it - and realise that your own thoughts match what you have been taught 100%.
Or alternatively, maybe after a long time searching I have found what I am looking for

I mean most people's definitions of spiritual fall within the characteristics given.

No - they don't.
There are some elements that are similar, sure, but most people's do not.
aside from the contributions of atheists and other persons who are antagonistic to the notion of spiritual life, can you name any post here that offers something that doesn't fall within the Srimad Bhagavatam quote?

Ask them what they think are the characteristics of a "saintly person" and you'd probably have very similar ideas - but to most being "saintly" and "spiritual" are different.
true - there is no standard definitions for such things in a materialistic society

For instance if you asked the italian what is pasta and they gave you a recipe, would you suddenly get suspicious and think "Gee this sounds prescribed"

No - because "pasta" is defined by its recipe.
"Spirituality" is not defined for most people.
So your analogy is false.
assuming of course that spiritual life has no standard (another version of the "God is an imagination/doesn't exist" argument) , and thus practitioners also have no standard

its not so much removing the material, but superseding it because the spiritual has inherent properties of eternity (and matter obviously doesn't)

From the passage you gave it seems to be far more about removal than superceding:
can you suggest where?

Start with the standard "human behaviour"
depends what you mean by standard human behaviour

- your "spirituality" is the removal / conquering of unnecessary acts, desires, feelings etc.
and exactly how do you think such conquering is proposed?


Most see it instead as being additional to the standard.
the "standard" being?
I.e. yours is an elevation through removal - whereas others see it as an elevation through addition.
who are the "others" and why is their view less substantial?

And please don't give confidence statements such as "and matter obviously doesn't" unless you have the evidence to back them up?
your suggesting there is no evidence that we die at the rate of 100%?
so in other words nothing can be perfectly liked by a person unless it is totally reconstituted by them?
I never suggested that.

ditto above

what if I personally agree with the book?
You obviously do.
However, when your arguments and ideas tend toward mere quoting of scripture it smacks of blinkered vision - and, dare I say it, brainwashing. It smacks of someone who doesn't think for themselves - and adds nothing to the discussion than what can be found in the various books themselves.
Afterall - the thread is about what YOU THINK - not what the SCRIPTURES state.
Although if you are happy to concede that you don't think...?

Maybe you aren't widely versed enough to understand how most people's ideas are mostly other people's
Did you finish this sentence?
And please don't start down your elitist notion of superiority - unless of course you happen to know how well read people are.

Or alternatively, maybe after a long time searching I have found what I am looking for
Perhaps - which speaks volumes of the need, little of the desire to challenge.

aside from the contributions of atheists and other persons who are antagonistic to the notion of spiritual life, can you name any post here that offers something that doesn't fall within the Srimad Bhagavatam quote?
Yes thanks.

Celpha Fiael: One who has a capacity for awe and wonder and immerses themselves in the inspiration that exudes from that.

true - there is no standard definitions for such things in a materialistic society
The implication being that there are "standard definitions" in a "spiritual" society? Yet it is exactly what constitutes "spirituality" that is in question. So your comment is (a) elitist drivel, (b) irrelevant.

assuming of course that spiritual life has no standard (another version of the "God is an imagination/doesn't exist" argument) , and thus practitioners also have no standard
Not assuming at all. You provide evidence that (a) there is a spiritual / non-material existence, and then perhaps we can move on to there being (b) a standard for this non-material existence.

Oh, right - you can't - because I obviously don't have the right education. :rolleyes:

can you suggest where?
You want me to provide teaching as well? Sheesh!

…he is free from all envy and jealousy... and he is free from possessiveness. He… strictly controls his eating. He has conquered over the six material qualities….. He is free from all desire for prestige…

“Free from” = removed himself from, i.e. removed – not added.

depends what you mean by standard human behaviour
I guess you would understand it as the behaviour of a “non saintly person”.

and exactly how do you think such conquering is proposed?
Irrelevant to the discussion.

who are the "others" and why is their view less substantial?
Again you put words into others mouths!
I have never said that other peoples’ views are less substantial – or any more substantial for that matter.

Or is it YOU that is now claiming them to be? If so – why?

your suggesting there is no evidence that we die at the rate of 100%?
Strawman fallacy, LG. And a pathetic one.

Energy conservation – ever heard of it?
Please detail how energy is destroyed.

If you can, and can prove it, feel free to collect your Nobel prize for Physics.
If you can’t – then please stop making confidence statements.
Last edited:

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
so in other words nothing can be perfectly liked by a person unless it is totally reconstituted by them?

I never suggested that.

ditto above


what if I personally agree with the book?

You obviously do.
However, when your arguments and ideas tend toward mere quoting of scripture it smacks of blinkered vision - and, dare I say it, brainwashing. It smacks of someone who doesn't think for themselves - and adds nothing to the discussion than what can be found in the various books themselves.
Afterall - the thread is about what YOU THINK - not what the SCRIPTURES state.
Although if you are happy to concede that you don't think...?
once again, are you advocating that nothing can be perfectly liked by a person unless it is totally reconstituted by them?

Maybe you aren't widely versed enough to understand how most people's ideas are mostly other people's

Did you finish this sentence?
And please don't start down your elitist notion of superiority - unless of course you happen to know how well read people are.
how many ideas presented on this forum are ideas that cannot be traced to some already existing body of work (aside from the ideas that are too inane to be accepted in intelligent circles)

Or alternatively, maybe after a long time searching I have found what I am looking for

Perhaps - which speaks volumes of the need, little of the desire to challenge.
once again, it seems like you under the impression that the goal of knowledge is to reinvent everything like a mad artist just so one can stick one's signature on it

aside from the contributions of atheists and other persons who are antagonistic to the notion of spiritual life, can you name any post here that offers something that doesn't fall within the Srimad Bhagavatam quote?

Yes thanks.

Celpha Fiael: One who has a capacity for awe and wonder and immerses themselves in the inspiration that exudes from that.

something like "His strength and meaning in life come from the truth itself", eh?

true - there is no standard definitions for such things in a materialistic society

The implication being that there are "standard definitions" in a "spiritual" society?

Yet it is exactly what constitutes "spirituality" that is in question.
and how do you propose to question such things without standards?

So your comment is (a) elitist drivel, (b) irrelevant.
from a viewpoint of someone who holds materialist pursuits as elite, most certainly

assuming of course that spiritual life has no standard (another version of the "God is an imagination/doesn't exist" argument) , and thus practitioners also have no standard

Not assuming at all. You provide evidence that (a) there is a spiritual / non-material existence,
the beginning of which would be theory (ie establishing standard definitions)
and then perhaps we can move on to there being (b) a standard for this non-material existence.
without standard definitions to begin with we might as well be painting watercolour landscapes on ice cubes
Oh, right - you can't - because I obviously don't have the right education.
if you have a notion how one can approach the realms of practice and values without theory, be my guest

can you suggest where?

You want me to provide teaching as well? Sheesh!
just provide examples for your statements
…he is free from all envy and jealousy...
what is your understanding on how to remove envy, etc?

and he is free from possessiveness.
what is your understanding on how to to be free from possessiveness?

He… strictly controls his eating.
as clearly evidenced by western society, many diseases are caused by unnecessary eating - its not like a saintly person gives up eating - they just give up eating unnecessarily
He has conquered over the six material qualities…..

He is free from all desire for prestige…

“Free from” = removed himself from, i.e. removed – not added.
if you think that a saintly person attains such states of being by simply "giving up" you are totally unaware of what they are "adding"

depends what you mean by standard human behaviour

I guess you would understand it as the behaviour of a “non saintly person”.
and why is that the standard?

and exactly how do you think such conquering is proposed?

Irrelevant to the discussion.
not if the said conquering involves "adding" something

who are the "others" and why is their view less substantial?

Again you put words into others mouths!
I have never said that other peoples’ views are less substantial – or any more substantial for that matter.

Or is it YOU that is now claiming them to be? If so – why?
I.e. yours is an elevation through removal - whereas others see it as an elevation through addition.
your suggesting there is no evidence that we die at the rate of 100%?

Strawman fallacy, LG. And a pathetic one.
our bodies are not made up of matter

Energy conservation – ever heard of it?
Please detail how energy is destroyed.
please indicate an eternal energy that doesn't periodically undergo transformation - good luck

If you can, and can prove it, feel free to collect your Nobel prize for Physics.
If you can’t – then please stop making confidence statements.
once again, are you advocating that nothing can be perfectly liked by a person unless it is totally reconstituted by them?
Not at all - brainwashed people generally all "perfectly like" what they are taught.

how many ideas presented on this forum are ideas that cannot be traced to some already existing body of work (aside from the ideas that are too inane to be accepted in intelligent circles)
once again, it seems like you under the impression that the goal of knowledge is to reinvent everything like a mad artist just so one can stick one's signature on it
Irrelevant / strawman / flawed understanding on your part.
I'll leave you to decide which is appropriate to which of your comments.

something like "His strength and meaning in life come from the truth itself", eh?
Not really.
But then if you spout enough generalisations you'll probably hit upon one of them.

and how do you propose to question such things without standards?
If I ask what constitutes "big" for people - it depends upon their own personal viewpoint - not some definition or standard.
You are too driven by stamping the "standard" of your own scriptures upon everyone else.

from a viewpoint of someone who holds materialist pursuits as elite, most certainly
Please prove that I hold "materialist pursuits as elite". If you can't - or if your comment is aimed at someone else - then it is irrelevant. Please stop posting irrelevant comments.

the beginning of which would be theory (ie establishing standard definitions)
Please feel free to start anywhere you want - just provide the evidence. Don't write about what you intend to do - just do it.

without standard definitions to begin with we might as well be painting watercolour landscapes on ice cubes
If that is your whim.
I thought the standard definition of "non-material" was NOT MATERIAL?
Maybe I'm wrong. Feel free to provide an alternate working definition that we can all be comfortable using.

what is your understanding on how to remove envy, etc?
what is your understanding on how to to be free from possessiveness?
as clearly evidenced by western society, many diseases are caused by unnecessary eating - its not like a saintly person gives up eating - they just give up eating unnecessarily

if you think that a saintly person attains such states of being by simply "giving up" you are totally unaware of what they are "adding"
As stated - and as obviously missed from your reading of the previous posts - either deliberately on your part to create an argument, or purely through not bothering to read properly what others have written - my comments were based purely on the excerpt that you gave.
But your aggressively defensive attitude has once again prevented any reasonable sharing of ideas with civility. Congratulations.

our bodies are not made up of matter

please indicate an eternal energy that doesn't periodically undergo transformation - good luck
Why is this relevant?
You claim matter is not eternal - and yet your only retort is now to claim that it is, but it undergoes transformations? Please sort out your own arguments before you bother bringing them to others.
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
once again, are you advocating that nothing can be perfectly liked by a person unless it is totally reconstituted by them?

Not at all - brainwashed people generally all "perfectly like" what they are taught.
so in other words your logic follows a path similar to this - if a person likes something that is prescribed (ie not presented with some sort or whimsical or "personal" slant on it) then that is a clear indication they are brain washed

how many ideas presented on this forum are ideas that cannot be traced to some already existing body of work (aside from the ideas that are too inane to be accepted in intelligent circles)
once again, it seems like you under the impression that the goal of knowledge is to reinvent everything like a mad artist just so one can stick one's signature on it

Irrelevant / strawman / flawed understanding on your part.
I'll leave you to decide which is appropriate to which of your comments.
I've noticed you have this habit in discussion

you will advocate some general principle in connection to religion, and when one applies that general principle to situations outside of religion, you label it irrelevant/strawman/etc and leave it at that without further discussion or elaboration

If you want to put a glass ceiling on your arguments, fine. Its just another way of saying "I don't want to discuss this anymore"

something like "His strength and meaning in life come from the truth itself", eh?

Not really.
But then if you spout enough generalisations you'll probably hit upon one of them.
ditto above

rather than address "why" something is specifically wrong you just label it in some sort of way as if that is final

For instance if I retorted to this comment of yours that it is a strawman (and didn't exactly explain why it was a strawman, but instead directly or indirectly indicated that you were too much of a doofus to understand why it is a strawman) how would you expect to progress with the discussion?

and how do you propose to question such things without standards?

If I ask what constitutes "big" for people - it depends upon their own personal viewpoint - not some definition or standard.

everything has standard definitions - if they didn't you could travel to china and speak english and go about your daily life with just as much ease as you might in america

for instance if I said your shoes are too big and came out with a pair of shoes that were bigger than the ones you were already wearing, would that indicate that i had a standard understanding of the word "big"?

You are too driven by stamping the "standard" of your own scriptures upon everyone else.
most people would consult a physics text book for definitions if they were interesting in discussing physics
similarly most people would consult scripture for definitions in that field

in the absence of such a foundation, if you want to talk about things such as "Start with the standard "human behaviour" its kind of like hanging up laundry in a cyclone to a line that is only tied at one end

from a viewpoint of someone who holds materialist pursuits as elite, most certainly

Please prove that I hold "materialist pursuits as elite". If you can't - or if your comment is aimed at someone else - then it is irrelevant. Please stop posting irrelevant comments.
but then if you keep with enough generalizations I'm sure you will find something
(just joking)

your earlier gloss about "standard human behaviour" (aka - materialism)

the beginning of which would be theory (ie establishing standard definitions)

Please feel free to start anywhere you want - just provide the evidence. Don't write about what you intend to do - just do it.

(just joking)

Actually I am not exactly sure how your response relates to mine - is this an intro to the new thread you created? If it is perhaps we should take it up there

without standard definitions to begin with we might as well be painting watercolour landscapes on ice cubes

If that is your whim.
I thought the standard definition of "non-material" was NOT MATERIAL?
Maybe I'm wrong. Feel free to provide an alternate working definition that we can all be comfortable using.
non-material is vague (it indicates something that is not apparent compared to things that are inferior to our senses)
kind of like describing fire as non-water or something (rather than describing what something is, it is describing what something isn't)

what is your understanding on how to remove envy, etc?
what is your understanding on how to to be free from possessiveness?
as clearly evidenced by western society, many diseases are caused by unnecessary eating - its not like a saintly person gives up eating - they just give up eating unnecessarily

if you think that a saintly person attains such states of being by simply "giving up" you are totally unaware of what they are "adding"

As stated - and as obviously missed from your reading of the previous posts - either deliberately on your part to create an argument, or purely through not bothering to read properly what others have written - my comments were based purely on the excerpt that you gave.
But your aggressively defensive attitude has once again prevented any reasonable sharing of ideas with civility. Congratulations.

our bodies are not made up of matter

it should have read

are our bodies are not made up of matter?
please indicate an eternal energy that doesn't periodically undergo transformation - good luck

Why is this relevant?
You claim matter is not eternal - and yet your only retort is now to claim that it is, but it undergoes transformations? Please sort out your own arguments before you bother bringing them to others.
hope the above clears it up