What consitutes human?

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Hi Ismu,
As Far as I remember the experiments carried out in MIT,that i have talked about in various threads about remote sensing etc,used Apes as guniea pigs because of their relatively higher intelligence.
Intelligence starts developing from Nematoda,isnt it?after all what is intelligence,its all about the art of survival,adaptation,better usage of tools avalable.its just due to neural network present and as far as i know most Vertebreta members have neural networks built inside their brains...

I would again say Kindness is nothing but a part of intelligence itself Ismu.After all its just a pattern developed in the neural net,isnt it?its a pre-programmed notion.

In the technical context, yes. Intelligence is ability to process information, and create decisions as it's results.

But if we talk about Intelegence which is belong to human being, --as you mentioned to implant into robot to make it as 'human' as posible--, we must see the 'Human Intelegence' itself from philosophical view. Kindness here is the factor that the intelligence itself able to create 'humanity', not just a simple decision like apes does.
Hi KM,
Remember Joke about sentence that you just spoke?
To boldly go where no man...err...one has gone before...;)...

Re: OOps...

Originally posted by zion
Couldnt get you Ismu...
about Kindness...????:confused::confused:

Intellegence = processing information ( + intuition);
Kindness = humanity = compassion = simpathy = blah... blah... blah... (take a look at English thesaurus!);

Human=Body (including brain) + spirit (if you believe) + Intellignce + Kindness;

So... Kindness = a 'sign' to determine difference 'human' with other 'stuffs' which may also have body, spirit and intelligence;

Got it?
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kindness and other emotions are probably very difficult to reproduce but I believe it can be done.

kindness, for example, is just a reaction to what a person thinks is the right thing to do, Kindness is a reaction that has been forced into peoples minds because of society, kind of like instructions that have been coded into computers.

say that a person lived thier whole life in a fake world where everyone tried to kill everyone else, the person would have nearly no kindness or feel no pity, this is because it has been forced into the persons mind that it is normal to kill innocent people, just like it had never had been coded into a computer
you become human when you become so complex of a computer, so sophisticated a mashine, that you forget that you are simply a processor of input.
Processor of Inputs,are we talking instaneous inputs here?

We are more like sequential circuits.(Combinational+Memory devices for feed back)...

isnt it?

it is.

since efore we are born, we aquire input from the outside world and all of our decisions in life are simply output calculated based on the input we recieved.
Emotions are nothing but information processed in a certain fuzzy pattern. All the algorithms are out there to duplicate the process except the hardware to create the AI.
you become human when you become so complex of a computer, so sophisticated a mashine, that you forget that you are simply a processor of input.

elegant. so what happens when we once again realize that we are just "processors of input", do we lose our humanity?


Maybe that's what sentience is: becoming more than simply a processor of inputs.
no way

Emotions are Fuzzy

I don't agree with this much. Emotions are very precise, quick and reflexive, it's only when reason tries to measure them, when it becomes fuzzy. Actually I find reason to be fuzzy more often. My image memories are often fuzzy, but the emotions that come with them are usually very "vivid".

Also there's a lot of support that a lot of reason judgements are confabulated from emotions.

I have a feeling I just opened up a big can of worms ;)

Hi Xenu,
Welcome to Science Fourms.
do you see star Trek,if you saw the first contact movie,you might remember a scene where DATA finds spot(a cat)in enterprise's wrekage,
he cries as well as laughs,a fuzzy picture isnt it?

Okay,let us take an example to understand what KMguru said.Take for instance our own anger,it has ranges.several degrees.a little lesser anger will be irritaion or something like that.a more(content wise) will be something else.it just depends upon the situation to which brain is exposed to.so instead of any preciseness in emotions we have several varying levels of emotional responses to a particular situation.
i am sorry,since i am busy currently with my own college project,so i may not be able to respond...

I have designed "fuzzy systems" for pH control and other chemical processes.

Google "Fuzzy Logic" you will understand....
Thanks kmguru, that makes a lot more sense. My argument was in a totally different realm of thinking, not computer algorithms and such. Ahhh, semantics.
I love words. Are we to assume that the word human is well defined and we only need to discover it's meaning ? Ok so may be not the word, how about the idea behind the word ? Is this the same thing for everyone. - well dang, no, it is not the same, it has a lot in common and when we dont care about the difference meanings we each have we can use the word and the idea. But in this question we do care and the word becomes useless.

We can ask "What is it to be the decendant of or a parent or any combintaionn of the above." That might devide the world up into groups of things that are related. But this gets into the philosophy of what can and cannot be separated. As my great gran parents are pushing up daisies. Does that make the earth human as is is made up in part of my grandparants ? When does the matter that was my granparents cease to be human and become just part of the earth ? We can pick a member Einstein or the common ancestor and then ask what does it take to belong to this group. Easy to answer mostly. But if someone has a heart from a pig, does that make the rest of the pigs human ? <grin>

The point is that what we think when we think of a human is not precise. So we can not precisely answer what is human. What we can try to do is agree on a precise answer. But is there a precise agree-able something that makes the difference between human and non human ? - So far we have not found/ agreed on one.
Dont tell that to a computer - it may smoke like they do in movies....the keyboard sparking and all.... :D
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