What CAN'T you Buy?


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
Well, nowdays, if you have enough money, you can buy justice with lawyers, you can buy policies with lobbyists, you can even buy relationships!! :eek:

So..... how does that relate to ethics? What does that tell us about who wins and who loses in this game? Is this fair for those who are born in poverty?

Money is power. There's almost nothing that cannot be bought with money. So people who have money will do everything they can in order to stay in power, because they have the power to do that. That creates A LOT of problems in our world. Poverty being the worst.

When will economy stop being dictated by concentration of resources.....? :rolleyes:

Well, not everything is lost....
As the old song used to say......
"Can't buy me loooooooooo- ove"..... :D
Money can't buy back your youth when you're old, a friend when you're lonely, nor love that's grown cold. Or a satisfied mind.
As trite as this sounds, money can't buy happiness. It sure helps, but cash isn't going to be the only thing that gets you there.
Life requires a struggle to mean something. How else do you know you're alive?
Well, everything's temporary.
Dammit, alright, you win.
Hey, I've been thinking Wes, and I don't think global warming is really gonna help us out. Not for several hundred years, at least. But this isn't the place for that. I'll PM you... sometime.
Actually, I read in the latest Scientific American magazine that global warming began more than 5,000 years ago, with agriculture, and that it postponed the begin of the next glacial era.....

But that is a whole different thread. I'm wondering about ethics, here...
Money means nothing to me... later, when I have the chance, I will destroy all the money in the world.
Well, even in the olden days money used to buy everything and it was never fair for the lower class/ poor people. Now, equality has developed but you still cannot surpress the power of money. But who knows? everything changes.
Well, I was just reading about a service in Las Vegas where you can buy an entorage for an evening . . . lost the link, read it on FARK a week ago . . . . but seriously, what's the true value there? Money was always meant for material purposes. It's useful. Beyond the material, it's no good.
a dinosaur
and, money can buy your youth back beryl, its just that no-one with enough money has yet invested in cloning
Money can also buy you bad things. Martha Stewart for example, though she probably was guilty, got a stupidly harsh sentence to make an example because she has money, fame, and power that was used against her. That's much more rare than money buying off things to help the person with the money, but still. Just a point. Money can't buy you brilliance (knowledge and education, but not inherited brilliance which is more useful than knowledge)