What Atheists do and do not beleive

What about spirituality? Do atheists believe in the spirit?

"the spirit"

One is to wonder what theists mean by "the spirit" and all it entails? When questioned, they themselves are unable to explain it beyond their own personal imaginative whims, and then expect others to "believe" in their whimsical tales. Or, they turn to their fundamental doctrines to recite rote-driven drivel that's meant to provide clarity and credibility to their fabrications.
What culture has ever thought murder was just fine?

Most of them actually; I don't know of a single culture that thinks self defence and defensive war is wrong.

Early ancestors used to bash in skulls with equanimity. The idea of killing being wrong is related to religious scriptures.
Are you equating self-defence and defensive wars with murder?

What culture felt that murder within the society was OK?

I can give you numerous examples of religion endorsing murder that was not in self-defense, many of them from the Bible.
Early ancestors used to bash in skulls with equanimity. The idea of killing being wrong is related to religious scriptures.


Once again, the self-serving, narcissistic theist cannot leap beyond their one-dimensional universe as they continuously bleat their cults doctrines as the first and foremost authority for morality, ignoring all that came before as they conveniently reduce mankind to blithering imbeciles bashing in each others skulls for entertainment.

THEIR contrived god, from the many purporting the same nonsense, will save us all.
What do atheists believe?

Atheists are generally folks who dont want to believe.

They want to know.
From my "research" so far, you can rule out morality

you can rule out everything
my disbelief regarding the validity of a claim made by you is just that, disbelief
it is not an overarching philosophy that accounts for all of the cosmos and my place within it

atheism is a specific and restricted concept imposed from without
i see no reason to embrace the label that has at its root, a fallacious concept

present a valid argument for god
convert me
its what you fundies do, ja?
i dare you
Murder is also innate?

Lets see.

What about spirituality? Do atheists believe in the spirit?

What atheists beleive in terms of religion or spirituality isn't the subject of this thread.

here's the original questions agin to save you from getting too bogged down:

In matters not relating to religion - such as politics and science - why would an atheist have a different view point to a theist.

Would that differing viewpoint stem obligately from their athesim?

What examples can you give of an atheist point of view on a non religious topic that stems speciffically from a person's atheism?
I simply give it as an example of a commonly held moral feeling, that is independent of any particular theology. The only standard is that we can all imagine living in a society where random unjustified killing was common would be unpleasant.
I simply give it as an example of a commonly held moral feeling, that is independent of any particular theology. The only standard is that we can all imagine living in a society where random unjustified killing was common would be unpleasant.

So in your opinion, without laws, humans would be prone to random unjustified killing? But if its biological, it cannot be wrong certainly. We could just call it collateral damages.:shrug:
Fine, lets pick that. Why is "endorsing murder" wrong? By what standards?

In human terms it can be understood in terms of evolution.

Modern humans descended from a relatively small population of humans - which probably came out of africa around 100,000 years ago - as such there is very little genetic diversity within our species - therefore by killing a member of our own species - who very likely carries many of the same genes as we do, we lessen the chances of our genes reaching the next generation.
In effect we are genetically programmed to find murder abhorrent - we never needed religion to do that for us.
In effect we are genetically programmed to find murder abhorrent - we never needed religion to do that for us.

So all the animals who are close to us and who murder, as well as all soldiers, hunters and murderers and biologists who breed and dissect animals (ie murder) are mutants?