What are your views on abortion?

Are you in favor or against abortion?

  • Against

    Votes: 19 20.0%
  • In favor depending on the situation (rape or whatever)

    Votes: 29 30.5%
  • In favor

    Votes: 47 49.5%

  • Total voters
I couldn't put an answer to the poll because my veiw on abortion doesn't really fit any of those choices. Personally, I am against. I cannot ever see myself having one. But I don't think my views give me a right to say what other women can and can not do. As the old quote goes **If you can't trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?**
Well, I asked your view. If I wanted to know wheter you approve legalizing it or not that's not my question. I asked people's opinions just for themselves.
ah, abortion what a touchy subject. i think that any person who ever even has to consiter haveing one has got it rough. and i simpathis (though i cant spell it) with anyone who finds themselfs in that situation. i think that depending on the person and the situation it can in any and every way be right. so you wantedan honest to God opinion and you got it. It should just be put to that person and whether or not they feel they can handle putting themselves through that sort of thing.
I am against it for myself. I believe that if I do the 'deed' I need to deal with the consequences....
Then comes the whole complicated topic of rape, etc. And in that case I am all for abortion. I would not want to carry some rapists child for 9 months and then have the responsibility of rasing this child I didn't want.
Oh, and abortion is legal already, so there isn't to much to say about wanting to legalize it.
long live the freedom of choice. There are far too many people on this planet at the moment and we are destroying the place as it is. The world population is expected to double (at least) by the year 2050.

May I even go a bit further and be controversial and say I think there should be a cap on how many children any couple or person should be allowed to spawn. Its only common sense.

I cant get my head around these people who feel the need to have 4+ kids. No need. Just my opinion and one that is taken for the good of future generations.

I'm going to do my bit for world over population by having no offspring whatsoever.

I have to dissagree with you:
I think there should be a cap on how many children any couple or person should be allowed to spawn.
That just doesn't seem right to me. It really is noone's place to say how many children I may or may not have. That should be my decision and not the government's. If that is what you want, move to China..don't they have a limit of 2?
China's population control attempts came about because they used to think the way you do, Belle... and paid for the lack of insight into the problems of overpopulation.
Against abortion. If all the poor women aborted, where would I find good slave labor?!
I am pro-abortion. Not only should it be an option for everyone, but it should be encouraged in certain circumstances.
My views on abortion are strictly as a spectator.
And it will stay that way.
Just as it should be for everyone else.

Mind your business.
I'm pro-choice.

Xev - We always have 3rd world countries. And cloning vats. Oh and Canada. Lots of good slaves to be had in Canada.
the whole "personal is political" strain of this thread is so circa 1960. its a concept that's definitely outlived its usefulness. the reason we live in a country where masses of people who belive the same thing can't change a ****ing thing is because of the American worldview that your own personal business is more important than anything else.

It doesn't mean **** to say that "I'm against it for me personally". Who gives a **** about what you do, personally? It's a simple matter of law - and if the law says that abortions are illegal, then abortions will be performed ILLEGALLY - which means they will be performed unsafely, unsanitarily, and at great risk to the life of the woman having the abortion. If you think that making abortions illegal means that they won't happen, that's extraordinarily naive. They'll still happen - but they'll happen in alleys with coathangers instead of in hospitals. Whether you're a man or a woman or other - it shouldn't matter what your "personal choice" is. What matters is to have systems and policies in place so that the best interests of PEOPLE are served.

Needless to say, pre-formed embryonic tissue does not constitute a person, to me.
What you call "pre-formed embryonic tissue" is as alive as you are...:bugeye:
so is algae, mold, bacteria . . .

but i'm misrepresenting myself. i do value human life more than bacteria. i don't think it's "kinder" to bring an unwanted child in the world and put them into the - well, let's call it "imperfect" - adoption system. I think THAT'S cruel.

If you want to pull that lame argument "what if jesus had been aborted" or Einstein, or whatever - just think about the logical extreme of that argument. are you in favor of bringing every single sperm in existence into being as a child, just in case one of them might be the next messiah?

sorry, but the dead baby pictures aren't doing it for me. most anti-abortionists I know will get all worked up about the abortion of a little white American baby (notice all of those pictures are of white children) - but are completely unmoved by pictures of starving Iraqi children. that kind of racism is rampant throughout this thread, too - with all the talk of 'slave labor' - but I've taken it mostly as joking. still, it's pretty sick that some people would rather save every unborn white catholic child, but have no problem with the fact that thousands of middle eastern children have died over the past several years for the sake of good americans driving their SUVs to church on Sunday.
that kind of racism is rampant throughout this thread, too - with all the talk of 'slave labor'

Look bitch, pull the stick out of your ass and get a sense of humour before you accuse me of racism.

I have slave-children of every ethnicity chained to looms in my basement, thank you very much, and they're not JUST Hondurans.

but have no problem with the fact that thousands of middle eastern children have died over the past several years for the sake of good americans driving their SUVs to church on Sunday.

What the fuck are you spewing, you microencephalic twat?
Originally posted by Unregistered1921
the pregnancy and what to do with or about it are a matter of consideration only for the pregnant.

What about the potential father?