What are your opinions on animals rights?

What do you think [in most general cases]?

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no, why should i?
you asked for posters opinions on the issues i responded to.

The statement you quoted is just a simple fact and I stated it without any value judgements. I asked you whether you read the rest because you didn't get that I was not making a value judgement.
The statement you quoted is just a simple fact and I stated it without any value judgements. I asked you whether you read the rest because you didn't get that I was not making a value judgement.
i forgot to include in my previous post the following:
i do not consider abuse and/ or death as entertainment.
as far as that goes i guess all sports cater to a certain degree to humanitys bloodlust.

as far as values go, i'll let my posts speak for that.
I, too, must come down on the side of being pro-animal research, if only because without it biomedical science would be nonexistent. Now, I happen to like medicine, it's saved my life literally countless times, so I have a vested interest in keeping it around.
We, as the dominant species use other species for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research. What are your opinions on this?

I will tell you mine.

First, what gives us the right to do these things to these animals? I think the answer is - because we can. We are capable of doing these things, that is why is 'okay' for us to do them - it is not inherently wrong. We can, by the same justification, test and kill lab mice, as a lion can kill a buffallo. But because we are more capable, we must also extend our altruism to as many members of other species as we can - why? Because we are able to. There is no objective or maybe even rational decision why this has to be the case, but out own altruism compels us to extend our kindness and fairness to other species - the same way we can't help taking care of a kitten or a puppy.

My opinions -
So, pets - yes, of course. As long as they are not kept in tight places with little exercise, pets are practically the best life any non-human can have.

Food - Probably not. Why? Because we can do just as well without 'em. Put me with a cat on a small island, I will eat it. But in a restaurant with the best meat in the world, I wont. I personally value life more than a few extra grams of protein - unless my own life is at stake. This is why I am a vegan*, I eat nothing from animalia except milk and derivatives.

Clothing - No. Clothing from animals is almost totally unnecessary - what with all the amazing synthetic fibers we have.

Entertainment - Yes, only if they are treated as good as or better than pets.

Scientific research - Definitely. As a species, our interests would always take precedence over any other species sufficiently removed from our level of achievement. So apes and elephants, dolphins and whales, parrots and crows, octopuses and squids - only if they are treated well and not experimented upon unless there is no alternative. We can, of course, study any species, but even those which we mercilessly experiment on should be extended our altruism - causing them the minimun suffering possible.

*besides, meat production is very wasteful - a large part of the biofeed goes into the animal's metabolism - all those extra pounds of grains and litres of water can be used to solve hunger and starvation is less privileged places. Not to mention it is also quite expensive.

Pets: Yes. I think that since we as humans are more capable, more intelligent and are able to sustain compassion, I think there is nothing wrong with having pets so long as they are treated well and with respect. By owning a pet, you're giving the animal an opportunity to live a full life and one of happiness.

Food: Yes. I say yes because I acknowledge that there will always be will that enjoy meat. I'm one of them. HOWEVER, I don't agree with how we are currently treating the animals that we raise for food. I think that much has yet to be improved in that area. I think it is cruel and inhumane that we raise animals in cages. The level of suffering imposed by their housing, diet, weight, and other conditions is completely unacceptable to me. I think we should improve their lives but giving them an opportunity to a life worth living. No creature deserves how we treat our mass produced animals.

Entertainment: I'm leaning toward "No" on this one. I find that far too often the animals are abused. Barnum and Bailey had a huge scandal for their abuse of their animals. If the animal was treated with respect and lived a life not just performing and not just kept in a cage, then I may say yes. But that's not the case and never has been. So, NO.

No. We have so many other textiles that can be made into clothing (cotton, silk, manmade such as nylon, etc). There's absolutely no need for the use of animal hides. HOWEVER, I don't have a problem with sheering sheep for wool. It doesn't harm the animal and is useful to us.

Scientific research: I'm going to say no to this one as well. With our developments in science, there is very little need to test on other animals. I say, if anything, test on ourselves. We do already to a point, but not in the initial phases of the drug's/chemical's development. It sounds like an infringment on human rights, but I'd say test on prisoners. After all, if they're in jail that means they've already lost most of their rights and freedoms. It may also possibly deter future criminals from committing violent or illegal acts.
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