what are you ?

Well, yes - but again - even the most simple language, like poetry, is open to infinite interpretation. We see and hear through the filters of our own experience and knowledge. And each group chooses to see things in the way most beneficial to themselves, even if only subconciously.
wow, this thread started off about aliens and has become religous. This happens quite often. I am atheist, i believe whole heartedly in science. And i see religion as a way to explain the inexplicable, that was started way back when. But over the years it took on new meanings. I also see religion as hope, and faith, there isn't really any solid proof of god but people have faith in him. And when they die their faith is rewarded, also it's comforting to think that there is always someone watching over you whenever you feel alone.

Anyhoo back to aliens. If the universe IS infinite and i can't really imagine it being anything else, then there simply HAS to be another intelligent life form of some kind out there. But the chances of any two intelligent species coming into contact is so incredibly unlikely then it might not even be our species that gets visited. But imagine it from "their" point of view, you've spotted a planet and you've done some preliminary research, because if you are intelligent enough to solve the simple problem of interplanetary travel, you'll be smart enough to know what you're getting yourself into. So they know that we are a planet governed strictly by rules, law enforcement, government etc etc. If they were spotted, and a mass of people saw solid proof of their existence then they would be caught instantly. Of course what with their infinite wisdom they could probably avoid capture. But still, it's better to never get caught than to escape capture, so they'd find some way of studying or abducting us without being detected by more than a few people.
As for them never abducting anyone of actual importance, and just going for plain old billy bob. How often are poeple of HIGH importance ever alone and away from a dense urban area? and when they are, people would KNOW that they've been missing. People with high IQ's would most likely be the target.

I personally don't believe we've ever been visited, and i don't expect we will, not in my time on this planet anyway. But as for them living in a different dimension, not being dictated by time etc etc, that could most likely be possible if they are this superior race.

Anyone want to poke holes in my theory or agree with me?
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