What ARE 'UFOs' and 'ET' contacts?

phlogistician said:
One was a dark haired female, who was strangling me with one hand, and smiling at the same time. In that dream, I was sat up in bed, and I awoke, to see her walk up to me, put her hand out, and start to cruch my windpipe.
Whohoah! Paging Dr. Freud! Paging Dr. Freud!


Six years ago when I was mentally at a low ebb, depressed, very much alone and in need of help, I started to suffer from sleep paralysis. Fortunately I'd heard something of it, so I was predisposed to the naturalistic explanation. I did, however, take the opportunity to have an out-of-body experience while I could. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do anything verifiable with it. My "other presence" was not so much an actual presence (real or alien) but my very real terror that if there was somebody I was utterly unable to do anything about it.
phlogistician said:
Not quite. My experience was that I was laying in bed, on my back, looking up at a white face, hovering over the end of the bed, and I was paralysed. I was very scared because of this, and started trying to scream, and lash out at this stranger/alien. Eventually, I managed to sit up, scream, and put my arms up in a defensive position, ready to punch the invader.

My girlfriend reported that my experience started when I was face down, that's when I started thrashing. I was dreaming I was on my back, but actually on my front. I managed to spin over when the paralysis stopped, but the transistion was blurred, and I didn't know I'd done that. The experience was very real, had I been alone, I might have gone looking for whatever it was I thought I'd seen, and I'd have certainly checked the doors and windows were shut!

I've had a few other experiences similar to this, two others at least involving another person. One was a dark haired female, who was strangling me with one hand, and smiling at the same time. In that dream, I was sat up in bed, and I awoke, to see her walk up to me, put her hand out, and start to cruch my windpipe. everything in the room in the dream was exactly as it was in reality (bed side light on, book I'd fallen asleep reading on my lap, the works). I managed to scream, and lash out, and when I finished lashing out, she was gone (ie, I'd awoken) and I then ran around the house checking doors and windows (I was alone at the time this one occurred)

Sorry, is it unique or similar? What are you trying to say?

D_____that, ok, THAt is YOUR experience. others' experiences are notably different. Not that. Not sleep paralysis. mine wasn't sleep paralysis, i was freely moving about?..clearer?

One single experience cannot be the same as a range of diverse experiences, what are you trying to say here? That some people have different experiences, so mine is invalid?

d___no. i would never say anothers' experience is inavalid. i will leave that for you (s m i l e)

Well plenty of people have very similar experiences to mine and call them 'abduction', that is my point.

d__But i beg to differ, in comparison with yours, the abduction experiences i have heard of are very detailed and invlove a lot of different things. like that one i told you of, where there were other witnesses. Have you read 'communion' by whitley Strieber?...his is more than just waking up and screaming. etc. what about people who are DRIVING and have one?

That's just a vivid dream, not even hypnogogic or night terrors.

i take it you are meaning mine? you see how you just patronize. like YOU are TELLING me. this think i have struggled to understand all these years and still am. you come along, dr phlologician and tell me what my 'condition' is.......? NOT dude

It wasn't like mine, no. I have a direct witness for my experience, and it actually happened. I'd love to see a reputable source for your story, but it sounds like an urban myth. Maybe the guy just fell asleep in the back of his limo, dreamt the whole thing, and the peon driving daren't contradict him?

d___SEe what you do! you dont know anything about this story i have ever so brifly mentioned...YET you have nearly CONCLUDEd what it means. That is NOT scientific

Yours sounds a lot like my first experience where I was strangled, except you had more dream before the hypnogogic part.

d___ no, i wasn't strangled. like i told you, i simply 'got up' to go to the loo and couldn't pee.` What my experience Is differnt from, is where the 'OBEer' sometimes report FLOATING out of the body. i got up....! you are too quich to conclude about all this

Let's see, you went to bed, fell asleep, and had a wierd experience. Hmmm, could it have been a vivid dream?

i have had vivid dreams before, but NEVEr had an experience like this. previous to it, i had found my self 'out of the body' and was dancing with a woman

Nope, they're just dreams. Nothing mystic, just random neurons firing.

hahah...it's all just a dream to you. but think on this/ you don't seem t make any connection between dreaming, and an Imagnal realm. don't know if you know what i mean. that there is a dimensions that is a continuum with dreaming but also something more. that in a materilaitc fram of mind we demarcate 'awakenss' with dreaming. as is doen with 'rationality' and 'imagination'....BUT there is possibly a dimension that is not SO strictly bounded as your mind seems to imagine
Also, i feel must mention this. i notice on the two occasions you have had 'non-ordinary' experiences. they have cause you stress
do you think your strong reluctance to entertain a deeper dimenson of experience may be due to your freakout experiences?
duendy said:
there is a dimensions that is a continuum with dreaming but also something more. that in a materilaitc fram of mind we demarcate 'awakenss' with dreaming. as is doen with 'rationality' and 'imagination'....BUT there is possibly a dimension that is not SO strictly bounded as your mind seems to imagine

Did you write the scripts for the Freddy Krueger movies? Your "messing with the boundry between dreams + reality".

There must be thread somewhere for people to describe + interpret the wierdest dream they ever remember having..
jennyRater said:
Did you write the scripts for the Freddy Krueger movies? Your "messing with the boundry between dreams + reality".

There must be thread somewhere for people to describe + interpret the wierdest dream they ever remember having..

Well, i am sure the Freddy Kreuger creators didn't patent this idea of the merging of 'dreaming' and 'reality'

this here now whatever it is, has been termed 'Maya' by Eatern religious thought. 'Maya' means illusion, but also an interpretation can be 'Play' or 'magic'. the former interpretation is a fave of the ascetically oriented religious groups, who claim it is a delusion that must be gotten over

Well, i believe it is a form of play that can be played on many layers, and that there is really no limit, in that evolutionry ways of experiencing reality are possible

what Is reality? many Westerners imagine they have a handle on what it 'really' means. but from where i am standing the western materialistic scientific version is myth like any other--albeit their 'script' is writ in mathematics