What are the aliens intentions?


Registered Member
If the aliens are indeed here than we must find out what their intentions are, that should be are first priority.Then and only then will we have had first contact with the aliens.
Many people say that aliens are here,
but are they really? Just because someone
said something doesn't exactly mean
that it's true. Just because someone
saw something doesn't mean that it's
an alien. There are such things as
dillusions and paranoia you know.

Yes, the goverment is probably involved,
but the whole of the situation is
different than it sounds (in my opinion).

Perhaps the U.S. goverment ISN'T in
collaboration with aliens and that none
are here. Perhaps the goverment has
ingeniously thought up skimatics and
designs for new technology. Perhaps
the conspiracy of aliens on earth
is really a conspiracy in itself.
Just think of it - the goverment wants
the public to believe that we are
being visited by aliens to get their
mind off the technology developed by
them. Perhaps they want them to believe
this so that other countries such
as IRAQ might not take the matter
seriously (the matter being that new,
powerful technology is being developed).

Don't believe me if you don't want to,
these are just the opinions shared
by Tuskin and I. However, go ahead
and believe in Ufos. See if I care;
you are only living in a false reality
of science fiction.

Echo The Dolphin,

Finding out what the aliens intentions are is what the government
was trying to do and probably still are.
Remember, people were told many things were impossible or fantasy and are reality today!I've been researching this subject for about 15 years and I feel they are making contact with us bizzare.
I believe they have been watching mans progress over thousands of years and
realize that chaos could brake out if
they revealed themselves to the world.

I am so-so with that statement. I cannot
disprove it 100%, but I don't believe
in it 100%.

I do believe that aliens exist in the
universe and most certainly in our
galaxy, but c'mon people, here on
Read what I am about to say and notice
hard. If you disagree, look at it again
and study it's meaning (if there is one):
#1 - Why aliens are not here on Earth:

Are you familiar with the term, "grey?"
Y'know... those tall, slim yet scrawny,
2-big-eyed, telepathic, grey looking
aliens? If not, go watch a few episodes
of the X-Files and you'll see what I
am referring too.
If you have an image of their appearence,
close your eyes for a second and
concentrate on it. What do you see?

* Do you see... *GASP*... Arms?
Yes, yes I think you do. Infact,
there are 2 of them.

* Do you see... *GASP*... Legs?
Yes, yes I think you do. Infact,
there are 2 of them.

* Do you see... *GASP*... a head?
Yes, yes I think you do. Infact,
there is one of them.

* Do you see... *GASP*... 2 Eyes?
2 Eyes!?... 2 Eyes??

* There is more that you should see
in the picture as well.

Put it together and what do you get?
! I know !... the big, big brode~...
Sorry, wrong subject. Anyway, what
we have here is something of pure
science-fiction devised by the
innovative and creative, human,
subconscience mind.

Don't agree with me? Go ahead, see
what I care. Cling on to you're
PRECIOUS evidences that the universe
is really inhabited with Characters
strait from StarTrek. Oh yes, all
the alien races in StarTrek look
like humans; why can't they in real

Realistically, what's the likeliness that
an alien race NEAR us in our galaxy
would look like us in such a way that
their only differences from us would
be that they have:
1) less muscle
2) different skin color
3) large eyes that are black
4) no use for speak; they use telepathy.

I wish I could believe as you do
that people are just imagining things.
Do peoples imaginations create two circles a few hundred feet in diameter on a frozen mountain lake nine miles into the wilderness? And then the Air Force covering it up themselves knowing it was not a hoax and treated it with their utmost attention? I am not saying that
there are not a lot of hoaxes out there
I am saying the evidence is there to support thousands of peoples claims from all walks of life. I have talked to people who would know this.You might say they were lying maybe they were I don't think so because one of them I would trust my life to.Besides I have had a few experiences myself.The biggest problem I
have seen is some people cannot accept the concept of extraterrestrial visitors
if that is what they indeed are.How can you be so sure that we do not come from an ancient race of beings, noted scientists say it is possible yet there are those who would rather look the other way.Unfortunately I am one of those.I want to find the truth and must live with what I find. After 15 years in this field I can assure you this phenomenon is
geniune even if I do not have all the answers.There is plenty of smoke out there to be a fire.And yes the government lied.
Ooooooooo, Crop Circles.
Big Woop, Woop-Tee-Doo.
You sure stumped me on that one.
Oh, by the way, try NOT to be drunk
when you start blabbing on about
aliens and ufos.

As for... *Chuckle* *Sneer* *LOL*,
c-ROP... CIRcles, I think they're stupid.
Big deal. You fired the same lame
story - ooooo, the aliens flashed
me with circles. Is that the best
you can do? I can think of good
explanations to counter any kind
of debate you give me.

I'm sick and tired of all this alien crap!
When there's something that can't
be explained try and find an explanation...
... oh, man that's too hard..., what
the hey, let's go blame the aliens;
it's always the aliens.
Oooooo, my computer crashed and there
was a poweroutage, and an aircraft flew
over my house... must've been the
aliens, right?
I saw startrek the other night and
GUESS what! Aliens were in my TV.
Must've been the aliens, right?

Wait a second... I just heard a noise.
Must've been the aliens, right?

Someone farted... must've been aliens
drinking booze, and eating peanuts
while watching TV.

I have a similar story.
I saw a women's bear breasts, ooooo
look, crop circles... and they're
large too.

Wait a second... did I hear a car
pass my house? Let me guess,
the aliens are using hypermotors
now, right?


(Compliments of Tuskin, Tuskin, Tuskin,
and....... Dan.)
Why Tuskin? He gave me half of the
good combacks.
No they were not crop circles and it wasn't a trick question.I guess your not serious about the subject. And no that is not the best I can do.
I think their intentions are to eventually cover up the rapture of the Church when it happens. To pass it off as some kind of mass abduction, or to say that they took us somewhere to save us from something (God's wrath). We'll see soon enough, huh?

God loves you and so do I!

why are you so paranoid about aliens
being on earth.

(*Bore*)(*Yawn*) More theories that (*Bore*)
(*Yawn*) are just (*Bore*)(*Yawn*).

Guess what everyone! Today, our conversation
will be about Ufos and their true
significance here on earth.

#2 - why aliens are not here on earth

Ok, this has more to do with ufos than
it does with aliens. Infact, it probably
has nothing to do with aliens.

Anyway, I'd just like to say that I
believe ufos exist - why wouldn't they!?
Ufos have been seen throughout history.
Also, Ufos are just a simple, plain
old catagorization for

objects that FLY that
cannot be identified

makes sense? The other day, I saw
a type of animal (bird if you will)
and I didn't know what type of bird
it was. I call that a ufo.

Anyway, I should be moving on to the
next part now, seeing how I'm probably
talking as if you all are stupid.
(Sorry if I am, I know all of you aren't).

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Long ago (let's say 1940whatever),
Einstein devised the skimatics for
what became the atomic bomb which led
to the developement of the hydrogen
bomb. When it was first used, it
was a shock to the world. It was also
a great example of what great minds
can come up with.
Anyway, Ufos are probably nothing more
than a new breed of aircraft underway.

The U.S., is obviously not going to
let such projects be discovered or
leaked to the public. That's just
plain stupid.
think about it. If you were the one
to discover cold fusion (if it really
does exist) and the goverment
(Canadien or U.S.) found out, do
you think they'd want the public
to know?


(I'm tired right now, so I'm going to
go catch some Zzzz's. Perhaps I'll
decide to continue this lesson sometime
in the future.)
evolve skimatics??

Einstein was the main reason why
the atomic bomb was developed.
Sorry if I made any mistakes about
what I said above.

Another example of great human thinking
is the theory of relativity.
Who developed it? Einstein did!

So Xeno, you're saying that Einstein was the father of the bomb, as opposed to Oppenheimer, Pauli, Heisenberg and Schroedinger?

Since that's not what the history books say, would you care to elaborate a little bit?
Hey Xeno, if you are so sick of this discussion, why do spend so much of your sad little life posting here. No Friends? Nevermind, mummy will change your nappy shortly and read you a nice little story. You don't need no nasty little friends do you....
Einstein thought up the plans for the
atomic bomb. If you can't figure that
out, then I guess you're a moron then.

I spend time on here trying to disprove
everyone because I choose too. So
far, no one has been able to disprove
the combined theories of Tuskin and I.
Go ahead, try, that's why I keep reading
these postings and replying.
Sure, you can say that there are such
things as Ufos and aliens, but do you
have hard evidence to support those

Do you have hard evidece to the contrary then? I don't think so. It is stalemate.

You know it to be so

Einstein had nothing to do with the atomic bomb. In fact, he flatly refused an invitation to join the team that developed the bomb. Einstein was a pacifist, and never participated in weapons design.

His only contribution to the bomb was the famous mass-energy conversion equation that resulted from general relativity.

Stop calling Aloysius a moron; he's smarter than ten of you put together.

I am; therefore I think.
Thanks Boris :)

Yeah, stop calling me a moron!!
And don't call Boris a moron either! ---
he's smarter than at LEAST nine of you put together!!!

Sorry I called you a moron. In the future
I will refrain from such harsh
words unless I really feel they are
needed. No apologies Matt, you're still
a moron.
Wait, I can't truly call you a moron.
You're more like a crazy guy who's just
there to screw everyone up.

Big deal, I'm 15. Of course you (aloysius)
and Boris are smarter than me. I'm
still in high school. Anyway, that
doesn't mean that I'm not smart and
that I don't have something good to

Sorry if I've sounded kinda disoriented
and screwed up lately (past 2-3 days).
It happens sometimes, especially when
I'm tired.

Okay Xeno.. Now you pi$$ed me off with your lame talk.. If you think that this topic is so boring and "Science Fiction" then, butt out. When i want to read about it, i am tired of scrolling through debunkers like you..

If Aliens and E.T's are Science fiction, then(this do not belong here) what proof do you have of God and Jesus? If you wanna answer me on that.. then make a new topic in the appropiate forum..

EDIT: Smart? Now I am really LMFAO!!!
"We didn't inherit this world from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children".

[This message has been edited by H-kon (edited August 17, 1999).]