What are the aliens intentions?

I really didn't wanna get involved in this crap discussion but what the hell. It made me angry.


I afraid your general attitude hasn't really done you any favours. I'm not gonna address the majority of the crap you've posted but let me tell you something for free.

UFOs exist and they are not all black project air craft. True UFOs that defy explanation do exist. Strange objects have been seen in the sky throughout recorded history. Any possible argument you can give me to the contrary I will quite happily contend with. So go ahead and please try, but be warned that you're gonna get into a very one sided argument!

You are totally convinced that no aliens are here. Fair enough! The fact is we simply don't know what true UFOs represent.

I read elsewhere on this board that the majority of scientists do not take UFOs seriously because they have not been shown any evidence worth studying.

I beg to differ on this point. Many scientists are working under a blanket of ignorance.

If any of you sceptics have never heard of the 1981 Trans en Provence case and the in-depth scientific investigation by Gepan (the French equivalent of NASA) then I suggest you check it out. I for one would like to hear any of you sceptics explain this case away by using the usual tedious arguments. Personally I think many scientists would be amazed if they saw the contents and conclusions of the Gepan report.

Another excellent case is the Hessdalen case from Norway. A team of scientists have studied the strange lights in this remote mountainous region for a long time. There is no doubt that these lights exist and on some occasions they seem to have acted in a very strange way which suggests somthing other than a natural answer. We still don't know what these lights are and science needs to get to grips with this question. A far greater level of reaserch is needed.

Meanwhile you sceptics can be as dismissive and noisy as you like about UFOs. The fact remains is that there is something to all this that we don't understand and it's about time we tried harder to get some answers.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited August 17, 1999).]
Xeno, you really are a small mindless child aren't you. Can't write, can't spell and can't even come up with orignal ideas / theories:

Ever heard of Michio Kaku? I think you have. It is quite blatently transparent a huge proportion of your postings have swiped his findings / research has mysteriously appered on your postings -and then you insist that you understand them and pass them off as your own?

Anyone interested should try some of these posts. You may recognise some of it. I apologise for the space this post takes up and since I have only just gone online, I also apologise for not yet knowing how to paste links. I am but human, not a pure incandescent 10th dimensional asexual energy spike. Sorry.

<A HREF="http://www.maximus.dircon.co.uk/

" TARGET=_blank>http://www.maximus.dircon.co.uk/

</A> <A HREF="http://www.greenleafpublications.com/stdlist_hl.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.greenleafpublications.com/stdlist_hl.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.meru.org/science.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.meru.org/science.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.wbaifree.org/explorations/mk-artcl.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.wbaifree.org/explorations/mk-artcl.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/mk-artcl.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/mk-artcl.html

<A HREF="http://www.flash.net/~csmith0/hyper.htm

" TARGET=_blank>www.flash.net/~csmith0/hyper.htm

</A> <A HREF="http://www.khouse.org/articles/update/hyperspace.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.khouse.org/articles/update/hyperspace.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.salemctr.com/newage/snac21.html

" TARGET=_blank>http://www.salemctr.com/newage/snac21.html

Alternatively, you could go to one of your facourite search engines and type either of the follwing: Xeno's plagiarism home page / Unable-to-think-for-oneself.com / I'm-cleaning-my-teeth.mum / I-got-an-"A"-at-1hand.typing.com / Pass-thetissues.com

You know it to be so
Xeno, you really are a small mindless child aren't you. Can't write, can't spell and can't even come up with orignal ideas / theories:

Ever heard of Michio Kaku? I think you have. It is quite blatently transparent a huge proportion of your postings have swiped his findings / research has mysteriously appered on your postings -and then you insist that you understand them and pass them off as your own?

Anyone interested should try some of these posts. You may recognise some of it. I apologise for the space this post takes up and since I have only just gone online, I also apologise for not yet knowing how to paste links. I am but human, not a pure incandescent 10th dimensional asexual energy spike. Sorry.

<A HREF="http://www.maximus.dircon.co.uk/

" TARGET=_blank>http://www.maximus.dircon.co.uk/

</A> <A HREF="http://www.greenleafpublications.com/stdlist_hl.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.greenleafpublications.com/stdlist_hl.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.meru.org/science.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.meru.org/science.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.wbaifree.org/explorations/mk-artcl.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.wbaifree.org/explorations/mk-artcl.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/mk-artcl.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/mk-artcl.html

<A HREF="http://www.flash.net/~csmith0/hyper.htm

" TARGET=_blank>www.flash.net/~csmith0/hyper.htm

</A> <A HREF="http://www.khouse.org/articles/update/hyperspace.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.khouse.org/articles/update/hyperspace.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.salemctr.com/newage/snac21.html

" TARGET=_blank>http://www.salemctr.com/newage/snac21.html

Alternatively, you could go to one of your facourite search engines and type either of the follwing: Xeno's plagiarism home page / Unable-to-think-for-oneself.com / I'm-cleaning-my-teeth.mum / I-got-an-"A"-at-1hand.typing.com / Pass-thetissues.com
I am sorry again for the double post!! Living in only 3 dimensions at a timeand briefly occupying the 4th- I cannot help this. Sorry.

You know it to be so

Did you know you can delete those redundant posts? Just click the 'Edit' icon above a message, and select the 'Delete' button, then press Submit.
I think that the intentions of the aliens were the same as ours.
To go out in space and find another planet that has life.
And if the government is hiding something they have real good reasons.
think of what would happen if the government came out and said there was such thing as aliens, and the ufo's were automobiles of aliens. People would go absolutely insane, people these days aren't stable enough yet to deal with something like this.
People would start cults, like the people who thought the comet would take them to a better place, so they commited suicide.
Any way people can't even be kind to eachother, there have been so many murders this year. Such as the Columbine High School incedent, we are mis-understood by are our kind, how will we all understand the next level of race?

¤*+¤*+alien princess+*¤+*¤

if you wanna go believe in aliens,
go ahead. This is the last you'll
be seeing me on this ufo discussion
since I won't be posting on here
I'm sorry if I pissed off everyone.


I believe that ufos exist. There
is no denial that they have been
seen and they are here. No one
truly knows what their origens
are, but have you ever thought
that there may be more to the
whole picture than just aliens on
earth. Perhaps they are really
are technology developed by the
goverment without any outside help.
Does that not sound any more crazy
and nonsense to you guys as aliens
visiting earth sounds to me?

Just because you don't agree with
what I say doesn't mean that it
isn't true. A thousand years ago,
people thought the world was flat.
There were people who sailed out
into the oceans and never came back.
People took it that they had fallen
off the edge of the earth. The
people had no true proof, but resorted
to speculation and statistics to
back up their views.


You say

"Have you ever considered blah blah blah....

The answer to that is yes, I have. I've been thinking about possible answers to the UFO mystery for far longer than you've been alive and in that time I've considered many possible answers.

The only possible answer you appear to accept is that they are black project aircraft.

Question: How can this theory possibly account for sightings of these things back in the late forties when the most technologically advanced vehicle man had produced up to then was the V2 rocket.

Question: Why would any government test black budget aircraft over densely populated areas if they are supposed to Top Secret. The whole point of the base at Area 51 was that nobody could ever get near enough to prototypes of the U2, SR71, F117 etc to see them fly.

And by the way, I never said they were alien craft. It is however a possible answer to the question whether you like it or not. The fact that you refuse to consider it is your problem.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited August 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited August 18, 1999).]
Xeno, you really are a small mindless child aren't you. Can't write, can't
spell and can't even come up with orignal ideas / theories:

Ever heard of Michio Kaku? I think you have. It is quite blatently
transparent a huge proportion of your postings have swiped his findings /
research has mysteriously appered on your postings -and then you insist
that you understand them and pass them off as your own?

Anyone interested should try some of these posts. You may recognise some
of it. I apologise for the space this post takes up and since I have only
just gone online, I also apologise for not yet knowing how to paste links.
I am but human, not a pure incandescent 10th dimensional asexual energy
spike. Sorry.

<A HREF="http://www.maximus.dircon.co.uk/

" TARGET=_blank>http://www.maximus.dircon.co.uk/

</A> <A HREF="http://www.greenleafpublications.com/stdlist_hl.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.greenleafpublications.com/stdlist_hl.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.meru.org/science.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.meru.org/science.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.wbaifree.org/explorations/mk-artcl.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.wbaifree.org/explorations/mk-artcl.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/mk-artcl.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/mk-artcl.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.flash.net/~csmith0/hyper.htm

" TARGET=_blank>www.flash.net/~csmith0/hyper.htm

</A> <A HREF="http://www.khouse.org/articles/update/hyperspace.html

" TARGET=_blank>www.khouse.org/articles/update/hyperspace.html

</A> <A HREF="http://www.salemctr.com/newage/snac21.html

" TARGET=_blank>http://www.salemctr.com/newage/snac21.html

Alternatively, you could go to one of your facourite search engines and
type either of the follwing: Xeno's plagiarism home page /
Unable-to-think-for-oneself.com / I'm-cleaning-my-teeth.mum /
I-got-an-"A"-at-1hand.typing.com / Pass-thetissues.com

You know it to be so