What are the 10 commandments? (I don't even know)

Jenyar said:
One source (unfortunately I've lost the reference) said that after Moses broke the first tablets, God gave it to him again, but with further instructions (Ex.34). In this way the whole of the law (i.e. the 613 mitzvot) was revealed in three stages. Some of that can be seen here, at the Jewish FAQ:
This number is significant: it is the numeric value of the word Torah (Tav = 400, Vav = 6, Resh = 200, Heh = 5), plus 2 for the two mitzvot whose existence precedes the Torah: I am the L-rd, your G-d and You shall have no other gods before Me.

That "source" would be indeed vastly ignorant.

So God decided to "change" His mind because the first set wasn't perfect enough so perhaps he ought to add some more just to make sure..

Hahahah! Where do people get this stuff? Oh wait, nevermind.
Rappaccini said:
Ever heard of venal and mortal sins? Varying degrees of 'badness'?
Tough luck. The problem of evil is evil per se; the degree to which you are guilty does not lessen the fact that you are guilty.
SouthStar said:
That "source" would be indeed vastly ignorant.

So God decided to "change" His mind because the first set wasn't perfect enough so perhaps he ought to add some more just to make sure..
I think you misunderstand what I (they) meant. God didn't change his mind, He "elaborated". It's like a particular legislation is just an elaboration of a universal statute.

How else would you explain Exodus 21:1 "These are the laws you are to set before them," onwards?
The Aseret ha-Dibrot are not individual mitzvot; rather, they are categories or classifications of mitzvot. Each of the 613 mitzvot can be subsumed under one of these ten categories, some in more obvious ways than others.
- Aseret ha-Dibrot: The "Ten Commandments"
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