What are Religions for?

From my viewpoint the universe as it exists is very close to the implied description of God. We come into existence through birth and observe and experience life. Then we die and cease to exist. Cruel wouldn’t you say? Life is only a vapor that appears for an instant and then is gone.
From my viewpoint the universe as it exists is very close to the implied description of God.
what be that description?

We come into existence through birth and observe and experience life. Then we die and cease to exist.

but if you make a baby, before that 'die'..... do you still 'exist'?

Cruel wouldn’t you say?
bunch of suffering when not knowing

Life is only a vapor that appears for an instant and then is gone.

perhaps like a flame?

a small flame can ignite a huge fire and be gone in a flash.

what to look for, is what was left