What are Religions for?


this suggests a kind of innert ......? (what?)

James 1:26-27
If any one doth think to be religious among you, not bridling his tongue, but deceiving his heart, of this one vain [is] the religion;

27. religion pure and undefiled with the God and Father is this, to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation -- unspotted to keep himself from the world.

and wiki, shares

A religion is a system of human thought which usually includes a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices that give meaning to the practitioner's experiences of life through reference to a higher power, deity or deities, or ultimate truth.


i like that OR

and then above that ideal of responsibility

but is there more, that is kind of equal to all mankind? (forget the beliefs but what applies to you)

let's try this idea (thread)
(i'm learning as oooosual, so be fair)
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Religion is a tool for a human's understanding of the world.
Religion is a source for understanding of the world.
Religion is a way to simply understand the universe around us without having to go too far into details.

All mine...
Religion is to control your body, your wallet, your soul if you have any, your thought and your entire life .
Enjoy the contradictions and the dictatorship of any religion you wish .
Religion is a tool for a human's understanding of the world.
Religion is a source for understanding of the world.
Religion is a way to simply understand the universe around us without having to go too far into details.

All mine...

Religion is antiquated and a remnant from an old philosophy.

Freedom of religion cannot exist without first having an absolutely protected freedom of thought. Freedom of religion without freedom of thought is an absurdity.

"a church cannot seek the protection of one constitutional amendment while it allegedly deprives citizens of the protection of other constitutional guarantees."
--Robin George v. International Society of Krishna Consciousness 473 F,
Supp. at 312, U.S. 89-1399.
A religion is a system of human thought which usually includes a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices that give meaning to the practitioner's experiences of life through reference to a higher power, deity or deities, or ultimate truth.

Religion is a tool the ruling elite use to control the masses.

"It's amazing how conservative Christians claim to be the persecuted ones in modern society even as they are fighting to control others' lives. They are the only group I know of who can define "persecution" as "not being allowed to dominate everything and everyone" with a straight face." - Impenitent Atheist

The tendency to turn human judgments into divine commands makes religion one of the most dangerous forces in the world.” - Georgia Harkness
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religion is for the Sick, Old and Dying as well as the people that are afraid to be alone. It is a way to control people on mass.
To explain the un-explainable and to bring comfort to those who require it.

Little else.


now that is the PERFECT answer!

and for any to comprehend how true that is, then the evolution of knowledge can be both sustained within a theologically observant mind, as well release the bonds of hypocracy bound to beliefs.

people can learn beyond beliefs
I suppose you believe the main purpose of the Bible was to bring us back into communion with God through his son Jesus. ;)

If not for control then what?

i believe jesus is handling the maintainance on the lawn, this morning

i am not a "control" freak..... as i know "We the People' run this taco stand

the issue is, many condemn themselves to believing they less than another.
now that is the PERFECT answer!

and for any to comprehend how true that is, then the evolution of knowledge can be both sustained within a theologically observant mind, as well release the bonds of hypocracy bound to beliefs.

people can learn beyond beliefs


To superstitiously explain the un-explainable, certainly not factual explaining. More like trashing one's mind using nonsense instead of growing an intelligent mind using facts.

To superstitiously explain the un-explainable, certainly not factual explaining.

let's try that again......

To explain the un-explainable and to bring comfort to those who require it.

he didn't say 'factual'

he shared, what religions are for (basically to try)

ie... einstein, newton, planck and all them contributers are (were) doing the same thing (trying) but not perfect (see Ptolemy too)

the post was perfect of sense, if observed as it is, not what you wish to change definitions for YOUR reasoning

or better yet, this is a forum..... why not assist with perfecting the line item, so anyone can share, see and observe the TRUTH of the matter, equally.

i.e..... what words can be used to share that FACT, as proposed by SS1?
Good for you too,

Anything and everything thought of as odd was attributed to God.

and in reality, we all (should) know better

knowledge evolves

i observe your ideology as quite similar to much of physics today, that what they cannot define, they make up another force, matter (dark crap), holes, even gravitons (particles)

the circle jerk is not just of theology (keep that in mind)