What annoys you in the Religion forum?

Proud_Muslim said:
What annoys me the most is the presence of ATHIESTS in the religion section, athiests should be BANNED from coming to the religion section, I suggest you make them their own place where they can sit and socialize with each others.

PM when your believes are studied and questioned and survive, dont you agree that they come out stronger?
i generally argue the atheist view point, although i would describe myself as agnostic. i usually attempt to argue the experimental evidence found my science is not incompatible with religion, more so it has no implication towards religion what so ever. the realm of religion involves it with things outside this physical universe and science can say nothing about that. science only concerns itself with things that can be tested and are part of this physical universe.

PM i apologize to you if i have offended you with some of my arguments in the past (i dont know if i ever argued a point against you) i do get frustrated sometimes though, in general, when some on the religious side refuse to consider what is experimentally verifable. i try to consider, very objectively, the arguments made by the other side, but very often the religious texts contain contradictions and i find that frustrating. i would just like to receive arguments that stem from something more than the word "because"
James R said:

The point is that I am seeking feedback from posters, with a view to amending the forum posting rules.
I would hesitate before "amending the forum posting rules" using annoyance as the criteria.
James R said:
...will be deleted from this thread.

Quotes like the above from moderators annoy me in this forum. What is worse is when you delete whole threads arbitrarily while allowing other threads with just as much personnel animous to continue. In other words, you are guilty of inconsistency as a moderator and quite frankly may not understand your own guidance or simply consciously choose to stray from it. From my brief visits her you are far too intrusive in this forum as it stands. No flame intended, just a straightforward criticism.

The essence of good moderation is as little intrusion as possible while allowing the group to thrive. Flames etc are normal as long as they don't get far out of hand. Deleted threads should be avoided at all costs as long as they are on topic [you are guilty of this].

A much better question from you would have been the simple query: "When should I step in?" You of course do this for free and the forum gets what it pays for.
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Proud_Muslim said:
Yes I agree but the way athiest question and rant about religion is so offensive and insulting !
LOL! :D ... I'm sorry but you PM of all people accusing others of ranting amuses me .. you're so cute :p

And I guess the way you rant against athiests and agnostics questioning your beliefs and other religious beliefs could also be construed as offensive and insulting to us/them. ;)
Proud_Muslim said:
What annoys me the most is the presence of ATHIESTS in the religion section, athiests should be BANNED from coming to the religion section, I suggest you make them their own place where they can sit and socialize with each others.

What annoys me the most is the presence of MUSLIMS in the religion section, muslims should be BANNED from coming to the religion section, I suggest you make them their own place where they can sit and socialize with each others.

Proud_Muslim said:
Yes I agree but the way athiest question and rant about religion is so offensive and insulting !

Yes I agree but the way muslims question and rant about religion is so offensive and insulting !
What annoys me mostly are the Christians. They won't listen to anyone else's comments or reasoning, because 'they' are the only ones who are saved, etc. Some of the Christian members have stalked other members of the Religion Forum, and this has been a serious problem. Others try to over-justify their defense of Christianity by posting pages and pages of scripture. This is annoying. And another thing, they are so sensitive as well as ignorant when we call them 'xians,' which is acceptable on other web sites.

Another thing that annoys me are those members who post regularly on other forums, when their bio says they are not members of any other forum, and they really are! All they are doing is copying from one to the other!

It annoys me when members criticize others without offering anything of substance to debate. You know who you are!

It annoys me when children become members of the Religion Forum. It is far to annoying to debate with them when they don't know anything!

I think it would be a good endeavor for the Religion website to control what Christians post. I believe it would be better if we had a Christian option where they could meet and debate. Maybe they would learn something. They're just too annoying here.

As far as moderation, James R, you're doing a good job. I for one am glad to see Cris go as moderator. Although he was an athiest, he was biased in favor of the Christians. That's pretty weird if you ask me.

Perhaps occasionally we could take a vote on who stays and who goes. Some of the members post the same old thing everytime they post. It gets old. I don't think this is a place for Christians, though. They need their own Forum.
On a serious note James I would suggest four seperate headings under the one religious forum........





Athiest/ Agnostics

Then whoever ventures out of their "forum" does so at their own peril... LOL

I think it would create more constructive debates rather than the usual mush that we have at the moment.
Medicine Woman doesn't want the members of the largest religion in the world on the Religion Forum? That's a bit odd. So we're to be controlled while our religion is regularly insulted by...oh, say...people like Medicine Woman.

Maybe if Christian weren't aggressively insulted every other post they would not be defensive. I thought the point of this forum was to debate, not to shout down the Christians so you don't have to hear what we're saying (not that anybody's listening anyway).
Hey! I don't visit much, not as much as I used to any way. However the only thing I see gone is Chris, but I've no problems with Raithere either, for as much as I post lately, I don't get bothered by anything, for one thing, people, if you don't like a person, or a particular post, just don't read it, simple as that.

As for whom should be here in Religious forums well it's all of the above, including atheists. LOL, it's religious topics either way, even stricly atheist forums get the occasional thiest condeming us, and the what nots. It's all about having a good debate, learning to debate, or simply having a blast in an all flame out war, with someone.

Things I learned here, is not to take it seriously, nothing that I can read here will affect me in any way, nor will it affect your beliefs, however some do, either way take it lightly, don't take it at heart. Most arguments end up in some tipe of flaming around here, that's tipical, I'm also quilty of it, I take it, and hell I will shovel it out as well, but what I don't do is hound the person over and over, for the same topic. Take it lightly, forgive and forget. Then don't hold a grudge. That's all.


I would hesitate before "amending the forum posting rules" using annoyance as the criteria.

I don't intend to do that. Perhaps I should have asked something along the lines of "What kinds of post do you think should be moderated which aren't currently being moderated (if any)?" That is the question I'm trying to get at here.

shame of islam

Quotes like the above from moderators annoy me in this forum. What is worse is when you delete whole threads arbitrarily while allowing other threads with just as much personnel animous to continue.

I delete threads very rarely. I usually merge threads which duplicate the same post or topic, but the similarity has to be very close to do that. I will also occasionally move a thread to another forum, if it does not fit here (e.g. political threads).

I will immediately delete a thread which plagiarises somebody elses work in the first post, provided there have been no replies.

In other words, you are guilty of inconsistency as a moderator and quite frankly may not understand your own guidance or simply consciously choose to stray from it.

I hope you can point out any perceived inconsistency. Then I will either be able to change my ways or explain to you why what you perceive as inconsistency is not. Please be specific.

From my brief visits her you are far too intrusive in this forum as it stands. No flame intended, just a straightforward criticism.

The majority of posters disagree with your assessment, as indicated by a recent poll I conducted on the forum. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion.

The essence of good moderation is as little intrusion as possible while allowing the group to thrive.

I disagree. "As little intrusion as possible" means no intrusion. A forum like this, particular dealing with such a contentious topic, needs to be carefully watched, lest the passions of the posters get out of hand to the extent where the forum becomes no more than a place for infighting among a very small number of people.

Flames etc are normal as long as they don't get far out of hand.

That depends on how you define flaming. There is a clear standard of civility expected among posters in this forum. People are expected to be able to debate with each other without descending to petty insults which add nothing to the discussion.

Deleted threads should be avoided at all costs as long as they are on topic [you are guilty of this].

Please provide examples.

A much better question from you would have been the simple query: "When should I step in?"

You're right. And it seems your opinion is, essentially, "Never." Right?
James R said:

The point is that I am seeking feedback from posters, with a view to amending the forum posting rules.

Hiya James,

1) Too many personal attacks imo, which are not moderated(I haven't been here a while so I don't know if this has changed at all).

2) Too many unsubstantiated threads especially against Christianty but also Religion in general, which in all honesty don't belong in any area of sciforums, as they are only created to cause an argument which seems obvious to me.

But I haven't had time to have a good look at the recent threads, so maybe this has changed too since I was last here.

3) Too much of "my religion is better then yours" is going on, with no actual debating content. I just generally do what someone above said, and avoid them, so it's no big deal.

I think the input of some of the Atheists/Agnostics regular posters here is the best aspect of this sub forum as it personally makes me think, and I learn from them.

Paula said:
Medicine Woman doesn't want the members of the largest religion in the world on the Religion Forum? That's a bit odd.
M*W: Christianity is NOT the largest religion in the world. Get your facts straight.
So we're to be controlled while our religion is regularly insulted by...oh, say...people like Medicine Woman.
M*W: Perhaps if you take a look at the statistics, the only entity controlling you IS Christianity!
Maybe if Christian weren't aggressively insulted every other post they would not be defensive.
M*W: Don't you understand why Christians are being insulted? You believe in a lie!
I thought the point of this forum was to debate, not to shout down the Christians so you don't have to hear what we're saying (not that anybody's listening anyway).
M*W: There is no debating with Christians. You people are blind and deaf to the truth. This is not a Christian website. If you want to hear from people who believe as you do, join a Christian website and wallow in your lies. If you are unhappy here, don't let the cyber door kick you in the ass as you walk out.

You're such a lovely lady. Thank you for insulting me, my religion and resorting to vulgar language. You prove my point nicely.

Why do you assume that every Christian has been indoctrinated and cannot come to certain conclusions on his/her own? Simply because you came to different conclusions than you did does not mean everything that you do not believe is a lie. It also does not mean that what you believe is the truth because you read a few books that said so. I read a book that says differently all the time.

I have attempted to respect you but you make it very difficult. I am sorry you had such a negative experience with Catholicism, an experience that does not mirror mine, but you needn't spew vitriol at every person who disagrees with you.

As far as being unhappy here, I was answering a direct question posed by JamesR about what annoys me. Why would he ask if he didn't want to know? I do belong to several Christian forums as well as many others and the level of rudeness and crass language exhibited by posters here is unsurpassed anywhere else I've been, even on forums whose sole purpose is to debate religion vs atheism.

I did not say it was a Christian forum, but it claims itself as a religion forum. Christianity (yes, the biggest religion my dear, check your facts please, even the anti-religious BBC agrees) is a religion. Therefore I did not see the conflict of interest.

M*W: Don't you understand why Christians are being insulted? You believe in a lie!

I believe something you don't, so I am deserving of insults? You believe in something I consider a lie but I don't personally insult you for that. Your response to my request not to be insulted is another insult and telling me to get off a forum which you do not run. How are you not a fundamentalist?

You have to treat M*W with a little sympathy - she knows very little but knows it so fluently.

James R,

I would therefore like you to briefly list the things you find most annoying in the Religion forum.

The most annoying thing is that nobody talks about the spiritual essence of religion. This is easily understandable when conversing with atheists or agnostics, but disappointing when talking with theists.

Jan Ardena.
El supremo el diablo cross posting to demand coherent answers from PM.

Like getting blood from a stone.
James R said:
I delete threads very rarely. I usually merge threads which duplicate the same post or topic, but the similarity has to be very close to do that. I will also occasionally move a thread to another forum, if it does not fit here (e.g. political threads).

I will immediately delete a thread which plagiarises somebody elses work in the first post, provided there have been no replies.

You deleted one of my first threads under shiat ali sh*t about Islam in Denmark [the double handle isn’t intentional, problem with pw]. It wasn’t plagiarism since it was posted with the original writer’s signature. It was also much more on topic than rants by one or two well known posters here.

James R said:
I hope you can point out any perceived inconsistency. Then I will either be able to change my ways or explain to you why what you perceive as inconsistency is not. Please be specific.

See above

James R said:
The majority of posters disagree with your assessment, as indicated by a recent poll I conducted on the forum. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion.

You asked.

James R said:
I disagree. "As little intrusion as possible" means no intrusion. A forum like this, particular dealing with such a contentious topic, needs to be carefully watched, lest the passions of the posters get out of hand to the extent where the forum becomes no more than a place for infighting among a very small number of people.

I don’t think “as little intrusion as possible” means no intrusion. I agree with the rest of your statement.

James R said:
You're right. And it seems your opinion is, essentially, "Never." Right?

"As little intrusion as possible" does not mean "never"; it means just what it says.