?what anaerobic life forms?

and there should be protection from cosmic radiation I guess...i not sure how the process of photosynthesis could withstand a constant bombardment of particles from space without being disrupted in the long term. This might be valid for any biological process
yes i have read your idea. It is a really nice concept. Stephen Baxter came up with something similar in one of his SciFi story collections. Can't remember which one.
i think part of the problem here(in this forum) is that most of our ideas are not our own(they came from textbooks, web-site links, etc)...we are simply rehashing them. then, when we do decide to speak/converse about them...we (ok..I) get bashed down. this forum needs to consider becoming a bit more tolerant and user-friendly. know what i mean? ...:bugeye:

let me see if i can paraphrase...what i am trying to say and so miserably..is that we are all up-to-date on the most current goings-ons in science, right? right. (most of us, that is) ..but, we are simply reading and reciting what researchers and scientists have spent long hours "discovering" ...know what i mean? what it boils down to here in this forum is that if someone makes a mistake about the name of a certain gene or the length of a particular dna strand then all the "experts" want to jump at the chance to tell the person just how wrong he/she is. i think this forum should be more nuturing...especially to the budding biologists out there...this should not be a forum that becomes intimidating to enter. does anyone understand what i am trying to explain...eh....i guess it doesn't matter. but, science questions should explained with not only expertise, but, a bit of empathy thrown in as well for the novice. we were all in grade-school science classes and attended science fairs...remember? so, i just want to suggest that the "experts" here not be so quick to cut someone down to size when information is seemingly in error.
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nope, i'm not...i wasn't implicating any one certain person... i think all of us have been guilty to a point from time to time...

but, YOU...man, dude .....if you are going to be writing all those heavy-duty research papers that you are so capable of doing in the future(because you do have strong science genes:D) ..then, you need to learn how to spell...:D that's the only beef i have with you. sheesh...think about it....all those students are going to be sitting around someday reading your articles in science journals...and, they're going to be like....wha?? but..hey...that's just because i am a grammar nazi. :p :D
Ha I have to go through 2-4 people and my own stepmother (an editor) before my reports look descent!
point made.

Forums like this I need to improve my childish writing skills. I have notice a improvement in fact over the last 800 posts!
:bugeye: hmmmm......*been pondering Fetus* .....i wonder if you're doing it "on purpose" NOTICE: i did not say porpoise.. ....i mean, since your syntax is ok and your punctuation is ok...plus, you get a mean point across ....maybe, just maybe...you're faking it! out with it, man! are you? are you really a super-duper biologist in some secret govt. research lab cooking up newer and better recipes for cures? :p :rolleyes: :D :bugeye:
i was looking at that paper again and wanted to ask a question, but didn't, because it might have looked like i just wanted to critizize it. I just didn't understand some things in the methods.

and letting other people read your paper is a good thing. Unfortunately some type of advice is not very usueful in my opinion. Such as the people who correct grammar and punctuation (no offense Pump. K.). For an early draft this is not important. The best advice i usually get is just a simple sentence. This could simply be something like: ' i do not understand this entire section, what are you trying to say here'. It is obvious then that your message is not clear. Just rewrite the whole thing. Or real smart people can give you a new perspective to look at your data. That sometimes makes your paper twice as good.

But the thing to remember is that you do not have to follow advice. Not even of your professor or supervisor, or whoever is the authority you fall under. You are after all responsible for what you write.