What about miracals?

Then what time governs the propagation of light? If there was no such one, then it wouldn't have a speed.

This may be where you are confusing the issue – time does not govern anything, especially the propagation of light. Time exists as a mathematical quantity and is not some physical quantity in terms that anything depends on it. There is nothing in the physical universe that depends on time.

And you can't say that time stops at the speed of light, because that's just a corollary of the presupposition that events can only propagate at the speed of light - that doesn't explain how light propagates.

You don’t need time to explain how light propagates.

Since the speed of light is still an absolute limit in GR and it is always the same (in the same medium) there is by definition a CONSTANT speed at which it propagates


out of which falls the propagation of events.

No, you are asserting that the speed of light is determined by events and/or determines those events– it does not.

So, some frame-independent time defines the propagation of light, and the propagation of light governs the frame-dependent propagation of events. Time need not be absolute, but the travel of the photons is still governed by a non-frame-dependent time.

Again no, the propagation of light is exclusively determined by the permittivity and permeability of space. Time is not needed to explain this.
Dahm i stay away for a few days and i have no idea what ya'll are talking about, can someone catch me up a bit on what this topic has turned into?

Science does not cover art, poetry, humor, psychology, music, love, religion, economics, politics, ...should I go on?

Lol you just answer yourself. All of this can fall under psychology.

Art : The process of combining 2 different pigments creating another pigment or different proportions. The ability of the paint to stay on simple things like paper or cardboard can be explained scientifically. The effect it has on someones mentality (Psychology).

Poetry: The effects of it has on another person. How it is created and used in a person head (Psychology). The psychological need of poetry and rythm can also be explained scientifically.

Humor: The brain activities causing us to find something funny, or "Make a Funny"(Psychology). The ability to laugh, the benifits of laughing and mental goodness of humor can also be explain scientifically.

Psychology: You joking...Here's the definition of psychology since you don't know it:
The science that deals with mental processes and behavior Psychology also plays into the idea of art, poetry, psychology, music, love etc etc etc.

Music: The sound vibrations emitted when a instrument is played. How the materials are created to make these sound waves, how they work and how they entrigue a person mental psychy(Psychology). How the vocal cords work, how the tongues and mouth help in forming sounds all fall under some branch of science.

Love: Lets just make them simple now i don't feel like going through everyone and giving you an explanation. This can fall under psychology.

Religion: Can also fall under psychology. Religion can also be a stress reliever. It allows people to believe in something that is all supreme and gives people the feeling that they are safe and being watched over. Religion changes how a person would normally act (Psychology).

Economics: People's economic decisions, the structure of economy and the ideas and commotions which happen in the minds of the people who are pawns to these economic ploys. (Psychology)

Politics: Basically the same thing as economy.

Summary: Everything and i mean every single thing, as much as you want to argue about it, everything falls under science in one way or another. Some of the things i may have said may not have mayed sense since i hate writing really long things but you have the basic idea, so think about it and you will see that it does fall under science.

Oh yes and please continue spidergoat.
Then what's all this crap about the space-time continuum that people keep throwing at me?

Maybe these people are simply throwing crap – the phrase “space-time continuum” sounds like it came from sci-fi show.

However, spacetime is where the 3 dimensions of space and the dimension of time are treated as a single 4 dimensional manifold. Each point in spacetime is considered an event within the manifold containing 4 coordinates (t,x,y,z).
please dear god, dont try and explain that you yourself have felt a miracle, because judging by the way you spelled Miracles you probably think the god damn light in the refridgerator is a miracle
please dear god, dont try and explain that you yourself have felt a miracle, because judging by the way you spelled Miracles you probably think the god damn light in the refridgerator is a miracle


Spider goat im still waiting for your response.
scientific proof of God's existence

I believe and for those that need proof check out bible prophecy (more accurate yhan Nostodamus). Also their are scientists that haven proven this but then shunned. Try reading "The Physics of Immortality". It is written by a physicist and provides proof of God's existence in scientific proof. There are several others if you are interested.:)
Re: Re: What about miracals?

Originally posted by Mystech
Hey I'm pretty sure that plenty of people on the religion board do! That's really where this thread should be.

There is a theory that aliens are actually angels (good and bad) and the cover up more to shield from metaphysical.
conserv said:
There is a theory that aliens are actually angels (good and bad) and the cover up more to shield from metaphysical.

Aliens are angels....And i bet the my dog is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

Here's a questoin for you :What aliens?
If you read the bible it will also tell you that miracles were jesus' way of proving himself as the son of god, and that after his death they would fade away over time.
Votorx said:
Aliens are angels....And i bet the my dog is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

Here's a questoin for you :What aliens?
I never said aliens are angels, I said there exists a theorey (not mine) that sitings are actually angels, metaphysical, whatever you wish to call them. I'm sure your dog resembles yourself as most do.
JoojooSpaceape said:
If you read the bible it will also tell you that miracles were jesus' way of proving himself as the son of god, and that after his death they would fade away over time.

Once again this is if you believe the bible or if there is even such a thing as Jesus or god. If what you say is true then miracles don't happen. And since miracles is a religious aspect then this shows that miracles are not real.
Votorx said:
Once again this is if you believe the bible or if there is even such a thing as Jesus or god. If what you say is true then miracles don't happen. And since miracles is a religious aspect then this shows that miracles are not real.
How so? "Religion" or things of some, don't necessarily represent God, but man. There is proof that God exists all around you. If you want a scientfic formula of proof, read "The Physics of Immortality" written by a physicist. There are also many more on scientific proof written by doctors, scientist, etc. but different thread. ;)
Once again, I never said or claimed this to be true. It is a theory I read and since this is a discussion board, I threw it out there to see if anyone else on board was familar with and had an opinion or more info on it.
conserv said:
How so? "Religion" or things of some, don't necessarily represent God, but man. There is proof that God exists all around you. If you want a scientfic formula of proof, read "The Physics of Immortality" written by a physicist. There are also many more on scientific proof written by doctors, scientist, etc. but different thread. ;)
Once again, I never said or claimed this to be true. It is a theory I read and since this is a discussion board, I threw it out there to see if anyone else on board was familar with and had an opinion or more info on it.

Jo jo explained it i do not wish to say it again. As for The Physics of Immortality, yeah of heard of it. I've also heard many countless times of it being complete bullshit. So why waste my time reading it? If you do not think that such a claim it true then why are u using this theory as supporting details that god acutally exists?
Why do you feel you need to distort every remark I make with your time being such an issue? First, I never implied any anyway that that "theory" supporting God, once again, a asked on discussion to see if anyone else had any knowledge of it as a curiousity. Second, you really have no educated opinion on the book if you have not read it and maybe it is giving you to much credit, but I would have thought you could have come up with a more intellectual response to describe the book than bs. Third as I recall, JoJo's comment was on miracles which once again, I never even mentioned nor did I comment on so once again, your reply unfounded. Last, I have no question that God exists and is not even an issue.
I can't understand why, if you are going to reply, you don't respond to what is actual issue written instead of manipulating the words to something else. Do you not understand or just have no basis for an opinion?
First, I never implied any anyway that that "theory" supporting God, once again, a asked on discussion to see if anyone else had any knowledge of it as a curiousity.


There is proof that God exists all around you. If you want a scientfic formula of proof, read "The Physics of Immortality" written by a physicist.

This right here shows that you were implying that that document was supporting the idea that god exists.

Second, you really have no educated opinion on the book if you have not read it and maybe it is giving you to much credit, but I would have thought you could have come up with a more intellectual response to describe the book than bs.

Hmm i never said I did. Nor did i say the book itself was bs. All i said was that I've heard OTHERS say it was BS. These people were obviously smarter than you so I would rather accept their opinions than yours.
Third as I recall, JoJo's comment was on miracles which once again, I never even mentioned nor did I comment on so once again, your reply unfounded.
When did i ever say you did? How was my reply unfounded?
Last, I have no question that God exists and is not even an issue.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------What's your point?
can't understand why, if you are going to reply, you don't respond to what is actual issue written instead of manipulating the words to something else. Do you not understand or just have no basis for an opinion?

I don't uderstand. I did reply to what was actually written and never manipulated anything. Maybe you should follow your own advice?