What about miracals?

I suppose such things exist but I have yet to witness any firsthand. They could be just extreme coincidental happenings. If the universe is truly random like some propse it is then the chances of such happening exist right.

But, as a cynic, I need first hand proof of their existence untill then i'll turn to the Hallmark channel for my miracle needs.
Miracles! They happen.
I remember reading that the key to understanding miracles is to know that nothing is pre-ordained but that paradoxically nothing is random. I think fully comprehending this concept would be a miracle.
Originally posted by JesusRocksMySocks
does anyone believe in miracals?

Hey I'm pretty sure that plenty of people on the religion board do! That's really where this thread should be.
Miracles such as faith healings happen, and the testamonies of doctors as well as before / after medical records could scientifically confirm them. I've unfortunetly seen no books of that kind on the subject. It would be nice if the info was more readily available, but those who experience them don't want to make money over the salvation of a loved one.

theres no such things as miracles or faith/touch healing,or any supernatural stuff.
if there was and some one could prove it under scientificaly controled conditions,dont you think they would go for the million $ price?
Re: miracles

Originally posted by Q25
if there was and some one could prove it under scientificaly controled conditions,dont you think they would go for the million $ price?

Newsflash to Q,

Not everyone's top priority is to accumulate as much $$$$ as possible. Thank god it isn't.

Has anyone ever heard of 'The miracle man of Brazil?'


He's pretty hard to discount. Numerous american Doctors have studied him personally, and they've all been amazed at his results.
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I personally wonder how much money Randai is making off his lecture series. Colleges and institutions PAY for lecturers, you know.
The force of gravity existed for millennia before it could be scientifically explained. Gravity did not suddenly come into existence when it could be defined and measured. It had always been there. It is the same for the so called "paranormal forces". They are there. We just do not have the level of achievement to define and measure them.
Not everyone's top priority is to accumulate as much $$$$ as possible.

This is one of the biggest delusions anyone could imagine.

Pseudoscience is profitable because there are so many gullible people willing to open their wallets for something they really, really want to believe.
The "fortune telling" scams are not the whole of the so called "paranormal" field. The fact that individals have been reporting unexplained phenomenon for recorded time ought to tell you something. There has to be a reason for unexplained knowings.
The "fortune telling" scams are not the whole of the so called "paranormal" field.

I agree, there are a lot of scams in the paranormal field, most likely they are all scams.

The fact that individals have been reporting unexplained phenomenon for recorded time ought to tell you something.

Yes, people have a tendency to want to believe in things that don’t exist – the reasoning for doing so covers a wide field, from getting attention to mental delusions.

There has to be a reason for unexplained knowings.

There usually is but it has never been shown to be anything other than the mundane.
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Precisely, it is just a sixth sense that we all have. Just as some have acute hearing (sound waves) or vison (light waves) others perceive different vibrations. It is a vibrating universe.
Precisely, it is just a sixth sense that we all have.

And what exactly is the sixth sense?

Just as some have acute hearing (sound waves) or vison (light waves) others perceive different vibrations.

Like hearing things and seeing things? Those are hallucinations.
It is knowing something you should not know. An event that has happened at another place but you know it has happened. Perception outside logic.
It is knowing something you should not know. An event that has happened at another place but you know it has happened.

Sorry, but that ability has never been shown to exist with any degree of accuracy.
You persist in appling Newtonian process to something that is outside the box. It is not a science it is an experience. Open your mind and feel it. It is more emotion than logic. As much a feeling as a thought. Your body experiences as much as your mind.
It is not a science it is an experience. Open your mind and feel it. It is more emotion than logic. As much a feeling as a thought.

Uh, rather pointless, don't ya think? What am I to gain?
Ha, it seems everywhere I go I end up agreeing with (Q).

It is not a science it is an experience.

I hate to break this to you buddy, but everything is science. Science coveres everything in existence. While it is true that we don't have the technology to know every scientific, physical and cosmic thing out there, we do know enough to say that psychic phenomenons are false. Really, what proof do you have that such things aren't a scam? They always seem to say they can do this and that, they can read peoples mind and teach you about it. So you say sure tell me how to do it and before you know it your paying some 100 or 200 dollars for a book of crap. Once you finish this long book of nothing you realize it's bull and you 200 dollars shorter. How is this not a scam? If these psychic phenomenons are so true and emotionally enlightening then why is it that no one can prove it to the world? knwo why? because they can't. You know why? Because it isn't real. you know why? Because it's human nature to scam for a quick buck.