What a lovely example

I don't even really have a problem with the loving God part. What I do not generally see though is the message having much of an effect. Honestly, do you?

Yes I do see a great deal of good from people loving each other and from loving God. There may be a global effect but what I see is at the level of the individual. My parents are great examples they just have made a positive difference in so many lives it makes me proud to be their son. And you and your ideas whould be welcomed into their home.
Originally posted by Raithere
Thanks. I really had more than one person in mind but maybe the point will get across to some of them. The problem is that those to whom this behavior is most directly attributable to I have already attempted to make the point. It seems to have gotten lost.


I hear ya.:)
Originally posted by thefountainhed
You see, it is dishonesty like this that annoys me.
If you feel that I'm being dishonest please let me know where and how.

You lie. It was not the intent.
Then why don't you tell me what my intent was.

If you are examing this so called paradigm, then how can you miss a pretty ovious analogy?
I didn't miss it, it just doesn't work. I'm not reducing the scope to instants of an individual's behavior. This is why I didn't name anyone or cite specific examples.

And within the context of the thread, and its location, I daresay only the 3rd def matters.
Seeing as that I'm an atheist and that you know I'm an atheist I find your choice of interpretation to be problematic. In any case, my clarification should suffice.

Again, you act cowadly and then suggets that your broad generalizations should be accepted; who are these individuals?
Tell you what, I'll name some threads and you can figure it out for yourself:

Inside of Christian Fundamentalists!
Where are the moderate Muslims?
The Real Name of the Muslim Messiah
Suicide Bombings in the Bible !!
Even Jews are converting to Islam
How to Get to Heaven (According to Jesus !)
is mohammad the anti-christ?
Were the OT prophecies fulfilled?

Let me know if you notice any trends.

Are you that blind? What of the nature of most responses?
Well, let's look:
6 of 9 people posting seem to agree with me.
One asked what example I had in mind.
One seems to be disagreeing very politely and in a sort of round-about fashion.
And then there's you, who'd rather attack me than address what I'm getting at.

If you're trying to show that certain individuals will attempt to take a thread down in flames no matter what, you're not doing a bad job. But I'm not going to join in.

If you feel that I'm being dishonest please let me know where and how.
I thought I already did. You claim that your original post was intended to be scarcastic. But your response to my first indicated otherwise. This "Certainly I have been guilty of such at times but rarely with the displays of rage and hatred that have been flavoring this forum lately and when addressed I quickly repent..." would suggest that the thread itself was not a part of these diaplays. Thereby making your supposed "scracasm" inapplicable.

Then why don't you tell me what my intent was.
Without scarcasm, that this place is filled with threads that are "flooded with vast overgeneralizations, stupidity, insensitivity, close-mindedness, misunderstanding, name calling, bigotry, swearing, racism, and hatred. " The hypocrisy and irony being that this thread is one...

t miss it, it just doesn't work. I'm not reducing the scope to instants of an individual's behavior. This is why I didn't name anyone or cite specific examples.
You are still missing the analogy. Your "repent" does not warrant your judgement...

as that I'm an atheist and that you know I'm an atheist I find your choice of interpretation to be problematic. In any case, my clarification should suffice.
My assumption followed from this: "That these values fashioned by the Lord are tossed away in the heat of anger only to be supplanted by that which is anathema to those values..." and the like.

Inside of Christian Fundamentalists!
Where are the moderate Muslims?
The Real Name of the Muslim Messiah
Suicide Bombings in the Bible !!
Even Jews are converting to Islam
How to Get to Heaven (According to Jesus !)
is mohammad the anti-christ?
Were the OT prophecies fulfilled?

Let me know if you notice any trends.
You still don't get it.

And then there's you, who'd rather attack me than address what I'm getting at.
I have done both.

If you're trying to show that certain individuals will attempt to take a thread down in flames no matter what, you're not doing a bad job.
How so, if that individual is I?

But I'm not going to join in.
Puts away the popcorn:(

I just dislike it when people of one faith try and lord it over people of other faiths. You know the "my god is better than my god" and the "my religion (or lack of) is better than your religion". And no I'm not suggesting we put flowers in our hair and hold hands, and dance around in a circle singing 'give peace a chance'. Just that some discussions would make more sense if it didn't degenerate to the 'mine is superior to yours' form of argument. It never ends and the accusations are so broad and general in such discussions that anyone who tries to take part is shot down in flames if one does not take sides.

Chiming in again

While such behavior is not unknown, we might take note that it seems a rare enough occurrence to spark a journalist's interest and get into the daily news.
Is it the cooperation itself or the general lack of knowledge in the journalist's market about the cooperation that makes it newsworthy?

I'm looking around for a link, but it's not easy to find; I recall hearing about a tradition somewhere in the world in which Muslims actually took over Jewish businesses for a day in order that the Jews could obey some religious obligations. I'll find it, eventually.

While I do think I follow your topic point, perhaps there's something I missed about the example you provided, but they're not matching up according to my perception of your intent.

I mean, the journalist is in Lucknow, has a name that seems rather Hindu or at least Indian, and works for the BBC. If I add those things up, I lean back toward considerations of ignorance in the market, rather than the rarity of cooperation between diverse peoples.

Or have I missed something?
I've read the whole thread..

My analogy;

Emotions fly high, in some arguments. Fact is I'm having one at the moment with an individual on "where is god" thread, VitalOne and I, seem to jump at each others throat, with most of the aggression coming from me.

Rait;, you are correct sometimes there is so much overgeneralization, just another way to point out someone don't know didly of what they are talking about.

However this is a Religious forum, some emotions are going to fly high, here. The fact that religion is so contraversial, and opinions are so defended by individuals.

The point should not be who is right, wrong, better than, nor ignorant of some substantial fact of argument, Or that I possess better skills of argument than the individual making a case, the point is to make clear an argument upon facts.

Much of what Tiassa is trying to accomplish with his/hers (Tiassa sorry it's been a while forgot your gender) Journalist from the BBC, story. She/he is trying to get some fact other than just her say so, on the whatever given topic she chose to report at this very weird thread.

Weird because the insight of Rait was to bring a case in point, the case been that some emotions are just flying off the wall at the pointed arguments. That some folks unamed were just not been so manerly upon their arguments and result to name calling, overgeneralization, etc..etc..

However what turned out was an atack by another individual that seems he took it personal.

If anything I've learned from these threads, and at Sci, is a lesson that I got from Tiassa long ago. DONT TAKE IT PERSONAL

However this is hard to do when one is attacked or try to make a fool off your stance on any given topic, natural reaction is to defend oneself, and start the feud.

But knowing to call it quits, and still remain with your dignity is what we all strive for, no one likes it when one's opinion are been atacked, heck iv'e had arguments here with one the better ones (my opinion) Tiassa, You could say we don't see eye2eye in many topics, but I chose to back off, and I quess so has she.

The point been I'm just rambling by now, but emotions can fly off the wall Rait, and that is exactly what is happening.

Perhaps it would help if you knew that I was no taking it personal, since I knew I was not amongst the supposed inidviduals who Raithere was speaking about.