What’s with Protestants and Catholics and their hate of knowledge?

What is biogenesis , what does it mean , is it a beginning of life or before life ,
because when you mention prion and viruses, that is already part made by living organism. So let say we know how it started , can we make it without biological help ? And of we just duplicate someones work, Who ever that someone is

Biogenesis is already known - life creates more life. I am talking about Abiogenesis - creation of life-like things from non-living things. It is a materistic, naturalistic, scientific field of research. The prime ideas are-
1. Life [and maybe consciousness] is a emergent property [like a rainbow].
2. The only difference between living and non-living is that the non-living are different in "organisation" and "information" than a living thing. A virus has Dna, most other living things have cells and tissue and a complex organisation - a rock doesnt.
3. Hence, the key to understanding how life came from non-living is the understand the chemical processes that may create such organisation and basic information + evolution of very early, almost non-living protolife.
Sorry, Since God is immortal death does nit have any meaning. God is spirit the flesh is mortal.
you want to compare father and child in a human form , with an offspring if spiritual entity ,
Finally in the relation of God and Jesus , Jesus did not die , just the flesh stopped functioning and the worms did not take his flesh apart. But suffering yes He did both ways.

Twice you refuse the right answer.
So your son would die. Ok.

In regard God knew . I take it from Genesis one . " and God create so and so and he looked it was good " That tells me there is an objective , hopefully it comes out good .
When you rise your children , you provide them with the best and hope they will come up as good citizen , but do they ? But as things you provide them a falling nett.

Perhaps but in the case of God, he is the one tripping us and demanding that we fall into his net.


Perhaps but in the case of God, he is the one tripping us and demanding that we fall into his net.



You have a choice , If you don't like you can step out, and stop complaining , so he is not your god , find yourself a god that pleases you and you agree with him.
Biogenesis is already known - life creates more life. I am talking about Abiogenesis - creation of life-like things from non-living things. It is a materistic, naturalistic, scientific field of research. The prime ideas are-

Sp were are we as far biogenesis ?

Were are we as far making a DNA in the lab with out cellular process ?

Were are we as far producing ribose in the lab ?
You have a choice , If you don't like you can step out, and stop complaining , so he is not your god , find yourself a god that pleases you and you agree with him.

I do have one and he has morals compared to the immoral genocidal son murderer of the bible.

Just for curiosity Why are you so bitter against god and wht make you so righteous ?

Good of you to recognize the small bit of righteousness that I have.

I owe part of it to my apotheosis.

I hold no bitterness to imaginary Gods.
I do hold some disappointment, not bitterness, to those who base their theology on fantasy, miracles and magic. They tend to be literalists and fundamentals.
I hate to see good human minds wasted.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.


They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to your fellow man.
