Western Science sinful?

They are working to understand the basic nature of our universe. The practical benefits to that may not be comprehensible at the moment, but such understanding would likely prove revolutionary.

What can we hope to gain from such a revolution?
They are working to understand the basic nature of our universe.

root of the intent; yes

the integrity behind the science (physics); is shot!

The practical benefits to that may not be comprehensible at the moment, but such understanding would likely prove revolutionary.

nothing more important than defining life, period!

screw the toys, screw the political, theological or redundance of the 2nd law. Observe, define, educate the little people; life is all that matters!

eg... define life that applies in math and there will be no more religions!

'the pinnacle of knowledge: mankind (mass) comprehending its existence'

that final frame unfolds itself by observing the 'pregression' of what 'light' (energy) does naturally.

i tell you a complete paradigm shift based on light (em) being observed as the energy between mass. The positive and negatives of potential differences are just isolating portions of energy/mass. All particles are just that; isolated portions.

the only thing really different is that when mass shares energy it is entangled and will have an orientation and potential to that exchange (that is your gravity)

most of the math to correct the medical sciences is already written in todays sciences of electronics (the energy is the specimen (life of the mass))

the idea is to observe that each structure is just maintaining a specific (duty) wavelength and the combining of the appropriate structures/energy will best progress rather than reduce naturally. (opposite of the 2nd) (eg.. you eat what is good, not what you bump into)

the west has based science on proprietary and very few can maintain the absolute quest for the foundations of natural truths
I can only hope science finds a cure for whatever inspired the previous post. However, that might be more psychology than physics.
I can only hope science finds a cure for whatever inspired the previous post. However, that might be more psychology than physics.

when observing science and what is good and what is BS; did you actually believe that existance operates on a photon being both a wave and particle (duality) and that there is no certainty to how mass and energy associate?

Now you can see why this thread-title gets its meat? Many of the west are just too accepting of others opinions rather than have the moxy to actually check for themselves. Guys like you are too prideful and irresponsible to check the work themselves.

Put it this way; try testing in a life or death scenario. If anything i posted is incorrect, i am will to put an arm on the block; are you? Meaning; there is over 30 yrs of real research into each claim i post; what is your reasoning, that the 'western science' is so pure, that they must be right and nothing will change it unless the community accepts it.

think in the lines of compassion, moral obligation and scientific evidence; name ONE item that i posted that is incorrect that you can back up;

otherwise, your comment is basically that you do not have enough depth to address any of it that because no where in the existing knowledge, can you find another to substantiate the claims posts.

most everything represented is based on the same exact frame and that is why it all comes together; because of the consistancy!

try this; look up the right-hand-rule of electricity and find there is no potential of 'e' without its magnetic field (ever). Check this; to find that most all electrical potential is generated by coils and magnets. Most all potential in use will have its electric and magnetic field in perpendicular planes; and that is electromagnetic energy;

whether you like it or not.

sg............. either try, or get lost! Meaning; everything represented you can check for yourself and if you choose not too but will make the stupid post that you did

shares just how stupid the minds are, of the 'west' (people like you are the examples that stand out; they follow with pride, versus have the balls to back it up)