Western Science sinful?


Valued Senior Member
According to a Nigerian cleric Western education, Western culture and science are sinful. To prove his point, he sent about 150 of his followers, armed with Western scientific technology in the form of guns, to die attacking a police headquarter - That'll show em!

So? It really made me wonder? Maybe science is sinful? Haaa! Seriously, places like Nigeria I think it's easier to see clearly, people are giving up their superstitious Islamic ways of life as they become better educated. The Islamic in Afghanistan face the same struggle. Either modernize and become less religious or try and force people to remain ignorant and superstitious. In the 1500s the Japanese had the exact same problem. They choice to close Japan. And it worked, it's one of Japan's flowering cultural period, with Samurai, Gaisha, Art, Poetry, ... Japanese would be murdered if they tried to copy Western style boats. So by the 1900s these guys were still trying to navigate in boats built like they were in the 1500s!
After a couple hundred years it of course collapsed in on itself.

Things happen much faster now-a-days. These Islamists see the writing on the walls. This river is streaming towards a modern secular multicultural world. Hence they are mad as hell and willing to die. But, it won't make a damn bit of difference. There is nothing anyone can do that is going to stop humans from continuing to seek truth and modernize. It's our nature.
I just read today that albino Nigerian children must be hidden or people will use their skin and bones in witchcraft. There is a whole group of albino orphans who's families were killed for being albino (or for profit).
I just read today that albino Nigerian children must be hidden or people will use their skin and bones in witchcraft. There is a whole group of albino orphans who's families were killed for being albino (or for profit).
The continent, where in many countries, albinos are deemed to be witches or associated with witchcraft or possessed and thus also killed. And yes, sometimes their remains are used in witchcraft itself.

The stories coming out of Africa in general, not just Nigeria, about the treatment of Albinos is horrific to say the least. It is particularly bad in Tanzania.
.... Hence they are mad as hell and willing to die. But, it won't make a damn bit of difference. There is nothing anyone can do that is going to stop humans from continuing to seek truth and modernize. It's our nature.

Seek truth and modernize? Don't you mean "destroy"? Or perhaps "pollute to death"? Or perhaps "fuck up nature to the point that it can't recover"?

I don't see how anyone can look around at the world of modern man and not see that man has been nothing but a disaster for all of the Earth. We call humans the "superior" species, and yet he's literally destroying the planet. How can that be called "surperior"?

Maybe the Islamists are right ....kill off all the non-believers, then go back to the way it was 1,000 years ago ...and quit polluting the planet. Geez, maybe I'll join 'em!!

Baron Max
I just read today that albino Nigerian children must be hidden or people will use their skin and bones in witchcraft. There is a whole group of albino orphans who's families were killed for being albino (or for profit).

Doesn't that happen all the time everywhere ?
Science isn't sinful for there isn't sin, there's only bad people and they make science look bad.
Things happen much faster now-a-days. These Islamists see the writing on the walls. This river is streaming towards a modern secular multicultural world. Hence they are mad as hell and willing to die. But, it won't make a damn bit of difference. There is nothing anyone can do that is going to stop humans from continuing to seek truth and modernize. It's our nature.

actually just on a side point (I mean aside from the point that the word "science" can attract a wide range of cultural connotations according to the persons who represent it), its only the western paradigm which sees religiosity and modernism as incompatible.

Even just a quick look at the statistics that surround the simultaneous rapid increase in modernism and religiosity in asia indicates that there is nothing anyone can do that is going to stop humans from continuing to seek the truth and modernize. (after all, its our nature)
Western science...so the scientific methodology is different in the East?

I mean more often than not its directed by some off shore entity that has an interest in capitalizing on the local market.

This means "science" is often perceived as "foreign exploitation".

For instance , monsanto often has a few economic methodologies in place as well as the regular scientific ones.
Science isn't sinful for there isn't sin, there's only bad people and they make science look bad.


note: the hadron (the single biggest waste of money on the planet for the pursuit of science lost in a tangent) (they have created their own industry; the business of)

proof: name one thing except the ability to isololate isotopes, that a spinner (accelerator) has done for mankind?

name one advancement from them things that has assisted mankind in 'life'? (except employ people)
Either modernize and become less religious or try and force people to remain ignorant and superstitious.

the inuit and indians have lived a lot longer without damaging our earth: which is ignorant? One created nuclear weapons, the other can live within nature. When the nuclear weapons are used; one will survive (the others will have a tough time: without a grocery store)

Things happen much faster now-a-days. These Islamists see the writing on the walls. This river is streaming towards a modern secular multicultural world. Hence they are mad as hell and willing to die.
this secular 'religious state' crap is because of Israel

india and pakistan broke up because the jewish folk moving into palestine at the end of wwII.

the hate is because the west allows a religious state to maintain a 1.2million soul concentration camp (gaza) with 20% of the population in israel is muslim and not allowed to vote, serve in the military or equality; pretty much exactly what hitler did before wwII.

But, it won't make a damn bit of difference. There is nothing anyone can do that is going to stop humans from continuing to seek truth and modernize. It's our nature.


once the last chapter is finished; the modernization will be of mind; not toys!
According to a Nigerian cleric Western education, Western culture and science are sinful. To prove his point, he sent about 150 of his followers, armed with Western scientific technology in the form of guns, to die attacking a police headquarter - That'll show em!

So? It really made me wonder? Maybe science is sinful? Haaa! Seriously, places like Nigeria I think it's easier to see clearly, people are giving up their superstitious Islamic ways of life as they become better educated. The Islamic in Afghanistan face the same struggle. Either modernize and become less religious or try and force people to remain ignorant and superstitious. In the 1500s the Japanese had the exact same problem. They choice to close Japan. And it worked, it's one of Japan's flowering cultural period, with Samurai, Gaisha, Art, Poetry, ... Japanese would be murdered if they tried to copy Western style boats. So by the 1900s these guys were still trying to navigate in boats built like they were in the 1500s!
After a couple hundred years it of course collapsed in on itself.

Things happen much faster now-a-days. These Islamists see the writing on the walls. This river is streaming towards a modern secular multicultural world. Hence they are mad as hell and willing to die. But, it won't make a damn bit of difference. There is nothing anyone can do that is going to stop humans from continuing to seek truth and modernize. It's our nature.

The U.S and its allies most of them CHRISTIANS killed millions of INNOCENT people in both Iraq and Afghanistan . Is there such a thing worse than killing and destroying innocent lives ?!.
I think the U.S. should grow up and stop to be a blood thirsty monster .
Killing innocent people under pretexts of manipulation and deceits is indeed the American way of modernization .:crazy:

note: the hadron (the single biggest waste of money on the planet for the pursuit of science lost in a tangent) (they have created their own industry; the business of)

proof: name one thing except the ability to isololate isotopes, that a spinner (accelerator) has done for mankind?

name one advancement from them things that has assisted mankind in 'life'? (except employ people)

They are working to understand the basic nature of our universe. The practical benefits to that may not be comprehensible at the moment, but such understanding would likely prove revolutionary.