were are they from?

I agree with you. More space than we can mentally grasp yet no life. For some I guess they must believe that however mathematically speaking theres life out there.
Lori- This is getting off the original string of this topic. Can we discuss this through e-mail? Or should we meet at the Religious Debate forum?

I am not offended by foul language. I served my time with the fleet. As to why I quoted the bible, many atheists have never read it. They call it crap without knowing what's inside. I guess I quoted it to show that I am thinking, not merely reacting. If the forum moderator has no objections, I'll meet you at the Religious Debate post.

Just me and you. Let's take it ouside.
There are two arguements,

1, The Universe is so immense that life elsewhere must exsist.

2, Intelligent alien life is visiting this planet.

The two are entirely seperate, and should be treated as such. The first should not be used as a kind of proof for the other.

I agree with you regarding the separate arguements. Some assume that because I think that the aliens that are visiting us are really the nephilum spoken of in Genesis, that I don't think there is a possibility of life existing elsewhere, but that's not so. Statistically, it is probable. But I don't think it's probable that this life, where ever it is, could reach us, and monitor us like these beings have for centuries. I also don't think it would lend to all of this new age mumbo-jumbo that is popping up all over the place. I think that the alien phenomenon can explain a lot of the unexplained in Genesis. What about all of the catastrophic prophecy that they are communicating? Why is it that the aliens land, and all of a sudden we're at the dawn of a new age? I think their agenda is much more than just to observe, and conduct experiments and whatnot. What about the hybrids????? What the hell is that about? Why are they claiming to have written the Bible? This shit just doesn't add up any other way. Maybe Eric can help with the agenda question??? Why the war? Why the hybrids? Why the spiritual enlightenment? Why the new age? What have you been told? I know that you don't like me, but I sure would appreciate some info if you've got it.

God loves you and so do I!
LOL Lori Lori Lori, I like you, sorry, i just thought you were bashing on Blaze for no reason, like she said i didnt know there was more to the conversation via e-mail lol.
Anyway,you are probably the most open-minded christian ive seen yet other than the Wiccan chaplains ive met in the army lol.
About the agenda,from what ive seen,it depends on the species,I know through gut instinct,one of the grey factions has planted us here,they are here to protect us from whats iminently going to take place.The Reptilians and another Grey faction are here to experiment on us for whatever there motive is i dont know. The Subterraneans,now thats a good question,when i met them,one was a child and i was under the impression it was here to learn about humans,the other was just there and the third was sinister. The lightning species i have no clue it only appeared twice and was just in our house moved around and was gone,this is the only time i ever saw the dog respond to any of the species. He slept through the Subterranean visit and the abductions.
Another encounter was similiar to the lightning species in that it was just in the apartment,there was a presence, you could see what appeared to be heat waves but they moved intelligently,then they were gone.
This last time,it was very friendly,and i got the impression it would come back if i needed it but i havent tried yet still kind of in shock over that visit since it had been so long. Like i said its hard to get used to the fact that you are talking to your own wife lol.I believe there is a faction of Greys since they are the most common abductors involved in these hybrids,they are making a new earth,to take the place of this one,they abduct animals,take plant specimens etc. Some encounters i have read about involve the abductee watching a 'movie' in which there is a depiction of earth only it is perfect.They are making hybrids for this new earth,because ultimately our world will be destroyed. Man in all his greed for power shall destroy his own world. As for the date i was given the entity said it would be like a nuclear blast not necessarily caused by the aliens. Hope that helps some of the answers i need to ponder some more.
We are in the process of trying to get orders back to Germany,most of our experiences happened there so maybe we can find some more answers. Take care all and have a great day
P.S. yer not a tick lol

Eric Cooper
I never said I didn't like you Lori, and if I have offended you in some way please accept my sincere apologies. However, it's just that I find your beliefs so hard to take in. You can understand why? Can't you?
I have to agree with Oxygen... They are probably doing to us what we do to animals on earth... tracking us and observing our living habits. Where do they come from? From SOMEWHERE in our universe... Does it really matter? We probably wouldn't recognize the place even if they told us and we certainly couldn't get there yet, without their help. If they wanted us to know, some of us would probably have been taken there already. On the other hand, perhaps they are the nomads of the universe and don't have a specific place they call home? Who knows... Anyway, if I ever come across them again, I'll try to remember to ask.
Thanks, Eric. I appreciate that. Mike, I was talking to Eric, sweety.

Eric, how do the subteranian species move about? What type of a structure do they live in below ground? I have seen satelite pictures before, that seem to indicate an elaborate structure under the ground. I can't remember what sight I saw these pictures on but I know the place was out west somewhere. Have you seen what I'm talking about? Is that the kind of place where they live? Are they in with the military at all, or are they undetected? So, I see that you are apocalyptic-minded as well. Do you see similarities between what the aliens are telling us, and what the Bible tells us? Do you think that's coincedence, or do you think that aliens wrote the Bible, or what? Have you ever encountered a "being of light"? Like a "master", "avatar", whatever? These seem to be different from the alien races, yes? I'm gonna post some stuff from a book I just read out here, and just be prepared, you're not going to like it. Keep in mind though, that I'm not trying to offend you, or anyone that has had contact. I'm just trying to figure out what the hell's going on like you are, and like we all are. Do you think that the theory that the aliens are the same creatures that are called nephilum in the Bible? Do you think it's possible? If so, then why or why not?

God loves you and so do I!
Ok, sorry about the lapse lol been busy getting our car ready for the road,military life,and batting down the hatches in case the hurricane reaches us. We are taking a road trip from Atlanta to Wa State to see family in Nov if anybody lives along our route would be glad to stop and have coffee somewhere and chat in person.
Anyway,in reference to the millions of people abducted i'll have to find my reference from the particular poll i saw that on. But think about the numbers of people in the world, not the U.S.,not europe...the world.
Lori,cant find too much on the Subterranean species really only know what they told me,which wasnt much only that they had been with me since childhood. Trying to figure out if Subterraneans-Reptilians are same species.....not sure yet. So cant tell you what structure they live in. I do know,based on research..the Reptilians are supposed to be based underground in Dulce,N.M. along with military and a Grey Subspecies. There are 22 subspecies of the Grey,most are less than friendly,one made a contract with the Eisenhower administration. The Reptilians were living in an alternate dimension originally and had no access to ours until the govt did the Philadelphia Experiment and stumbled into their dimension. They signed a contract with the Reptilians which the Reptilians broke once they realized the govt had no control over them. I believe the govt also has there own agenda with some experimentation which is at times mistaken for alien abduction,which explains some of the unusual craft which is seen. So thats where i stand with the military issue. I do know my unit has an x-files type division but its run by civilians who have a security clearance far above my own,and i dont ask lol.
I really dont like being apocalyptic but just going by what i see going on and what im told by our visitors which may or may not be true,i just write down the dates and see what happens. As far as Revelations, it may be true,that book is so full of riddles its all up to individual intrepretation what some of it could mean. i see the world is going to hell in a handbasket,the U.S. first lol which is one reason we are trying to get stationed back in Germany.
As far as aliens writing the Bible,i dont believe so, i did hear about one species who claimed that they did but its all up in the air whether its true or not in my opinion.
No,ive never encountered the beings of light,only the species i spoke of earlier in recap:Subterraneans,Greys,Nordics,Reptilians,the lightning species,the heat wave species,this newest strange species,and one species i forgot about which were dots of light on the ceiling in S. Carolina for about 30 minutes before we went to bed. There was nothing reflecting light,there was no external light source,merely dots of light moving about on our ceiling,no insects,nothing.
The Nephilim in my opinion,sound possibly like the Nordics who stand 7-9' tall,are human in appearance and are probably closest to Angelic beings you will find in an ET species.
Anyway, its 1am,i must get up in 5hrs so must get to bed,i'll chk on post tomorrow morn and night and will post more info after i do some more research. This board is getting interesting i finally believe we might be going somewhere lol. Take care all,and have a great day.

Eric Cooper
I believe that the alien's who visit Earth live in a solar system not so far away (mayby even from our own solar system). The reason is that every description I have heared of an alien is of two eyes, two arms and two legs, just like us. The probability of these similarities happenning on two distant worlds is almost completely impossible, I refuse to believe that it is some huge coincidence. I believe life was transferred here by a meterorite or some other intergalactic projectile.

[This message has been edited by The Communist (edited September 21, 1999).]
I have a very deep faith in the lord, and I truly doubt that all aliens are evil, although some might be. It seems to me that if you look at the reports of abuductions that aliens have a scientific way of doing things and it seems that they are studying humans rather than attempting to harm us. They have no emotions during an abductions so they seem to be scientist.
Very good point bystander!
I see Lori's point and concern- but..well
I just do not agree with the alien/demon
theory yet.
Why would satan have demons to pose as
bad demons and then have others to pose as
good ones? I do not recall reading in the
Bible that satan ever posed as a good person.
If he did.. I would think it would be obvious. A teller does not study counterfit money to know it when it comes in. So if
someone is already "saved"..wouldn't they know?
I agree that there is good and bad every where... I also believe that the good aliens
are here to help, teach, and prepare us for
things to come.
If God could speak through a mule..why not
I agree that the lord might speak through aliens, after all God does work in mysterious ways, I'm saying that all evidence points to the idea that the aliens are scientist rather than messengers. I do believe that satan can take the disguise of something pleasing to the eye, or good and pure, after all he will do anything to take your soul...
I think that aliens may be nephilum, or angelic hybrids, and that the beings of light are angels. The Bible says to test spirits; ask if they worship Jesus and the Father. Satan is described in the Bible as an angel of light. The entire message of Revelations is one of deception. Flash, how is one deceived? Certainly not by being tempted by ugly or bad things. It may not be as obvious as you think. Your salvation is sealed by faith in Jesus and repentance, and nothing can take that away. Not even an alien, and not even Satan himself.

God loves you and so do I!
The Communist,

Suppose life is transported to a planet by a meteorite, the conditions are in the range that allow expansion of the bacteria, and viola--life. Where does the energy come from to sustain this life? A sun. Does this star have to be just like ours? It wouldn't have to be at all. The environment of the planet and the competition among species is what dictates evolution, and there's no reason to believe that what has happened on Earth to create bifocal vision, the homoniod form, etc. would be drastically different from elsewhere in the universe.

What does life do, it spreads throughout the biosphere in all directions eventually filling every possible gap, testing all possibilities along the way. What is superior
improves... yadda yadda yadda. This is quite simple, it shouldn't be hard to see
that we can expect the laws that create *high* intelligence to be constant, much in the same way we have no reason to think that physics are different in other parts of the universe.
Bystander & Lori,
Alright... yes, I know that Satan can
take on many faces including an angel of
light. Doesn't the Bible say something
to the effect that we sheep will KNOW the
shepherd voice???? Yes yes..test the
spirits you are right... but I still think
we are not that dumb not to know.
I also believe not to embrace knowledge
given by aliens ..when you know it's a
good thing- would be that persons loss.
Lori, if you are speaking of the beings of
light in the manner of aliens of light..
your theory is blown out of the water.
Remember? If not I'll e-mail you on that.
Lori, all I ask is this simple question.
Why wouldn't it be possible that aliens are
just that? I know your theory..but have you
ever thought about it?

[This message has been edited by Flash (edited September 22, 1999).]