Weird things poltergeists do and the noises they make

Jerry Bruce has a haunted closet. Either before or after this he was video recording his baby in the living room when the closet door opened by itself and a toy was overturned. I saw the video of this on TV but can't find it on youtube. But I did find this video of him inspecting the closet door knob that is apparently being turned by itself! Following this is a video of the same closet door opening and a ball moving by itself. He had apparently set up this camera overnight when it happened. No sign of hoaxing or any other explanation other than paranormal.

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There's a false wall in the closet and someone is hiding there opening the door. Notice the baby looking in the direction of someone else who is pulling a fishing line to make the toy turn over. Total hoax.
There's a false wall in the closet and someone is hiding there opening the door. Notice the baby looking in the direction of someone else who is pulling a fishing line to make the toy turn over. Total hoax.

Nope..when the door is seen opening you would see an arm on the other side pushing it or a hand on the door knob. There's nothing there. And when he is inspecting the door, he opens the door quickly as the doorknob jiggles and there is noone there. So much for your hiding person theory. The baby is merely turning his head in response to the noise the door makes as it opens. Nobody is there pulling a string.
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Nope..when the door is seen opening you would see an arm on the other side pushing it or a hand on the door knob. There's nothing there. And when he is inspecting the door, he opens the door quickly as the doorknob jiggles and there is noone there. So much for your hiding person theory. The baby is merely turning his head in response to the noise the door makes as it opens. Nobody is there pulling a string.

More gullible ravings and denial from MR!
I bet you automatically said "nope"without giving it a second thought on the the rest of your "compelling" cases...compelling only to those that need the mystique and mystery in their lives.
Nope..when the door is seen opening you would see an arm on the other side pushing it or a hand on the door knob. There's nothing there.

Doors can be opened with a slight push of a finger on the knob. Try it yourself.

And when he is inspecting the door, he opens the door quickly as the doorknob jiggles and there is noone there. So much for your hiding person theory.

So, you've never heard planning? The person hiding behind the false wall simply sticks their hand out, jiggles the handle and quickly pulls it back in. Never heard of planning?

The baby is merely turning his head in response to the noise the door makes as it opens. Nobody is there pulling a string.

The baby looks in the opposite direction of the door right before the toy gets tipped over, exactly in the position another person would be pulling on a fishing line.
