Weak Atheism. What a joke.

From 'The God Delusion':

1. Strong theist. 100 per cent probability of God. In the words of C.G. Jung, 'I do not believe, I know.'

2. Very high probability but short of 100 per cent. De facto theist. 'I cannot know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there.'

3. Higher than 50 per cent but not very high. Technically agnostic but leaning towards theism. 'I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God.'

4. Exactly 50 per cent. Completely impartial agnostic. 'God's existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobably.'

5. Lower than 50 per cent but not very low. Technically agnostic but leaning towards atheism. 'I don't know wether God exists but I'm inclined to be sceptical.'

6. Very low probablility, but short of zero. De facto atheist. 'I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there.'

7. Strong atheist. 'I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung "knows" there is one.'

So are we to believe that you would only be a theist if you were in category 1? Everyone in categories 2,3,4,5 and 6 would be agnostic hence leaving only 7 as being atheist?
From 'The God Delusion':

1. Strong theist. 100 per cent probability of God. In the words of C.G. Jung, 'I do not believe, I know.'

so Dawkins lists agnostic a number of times but fails to consider the position of gnostic - how thorough of him...

item 1 is clearly gnostic - to know or believe knowledge is possible.
He also seems to see (a)gnostic and (a)theist as merely positions on the same line, when in fact they are positions along two separate lines.
It might be that your position on one line influences your position on another - but they ARE separate.

lixluke said:
It has already been fully proven beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Please enlighten me as to where?
lixluke said:
Weak atheism and all other similar mickeymouseterminology is meaningless.
Yet you are the only one to whom it appears to be meaningless. :rolleyes:

And Lixluke, please grow up.
If you have nothing to add other than ad hominems then please refrain from posting.
He also seems to see (a)gnostic and (a)theist as merely positions on the same line, when in fact they are positions along two separate lines.
It might be that your position on one line influences your position on another - but they ARE separate.


There is a definition of agnostic meaning simply "I dont know" (as in people who fill in surveys and tick the "I dont know box") usually meaning they haven't really thought about it, this vernacular seems to be the definition used above.

As Dawkins has written a book on theology he should use the theololigical definition, as we are on a religion / philosophy forum we should do the same.

My position is gnostic (gnostic theist to be more accurate I suppose), so according to dawkins I dont exist
(I'll pre-empt the joke - yea a bit like god:D )

see Sarkus's earlier post for agnostic or try this link for gnostic


"The knowledge to which gnosis refers is that of the unconditioned ground (and source) of phenomenal reality, variously called Brahman (The Upanisads); the Dharmakaya (Mahayana Buddhism); the Tao (Taoist) and God (Theistic religion). One who having followed a spiritual path in order to return to the origin and arrived at this transcendental knowledge is called a gnostic (Gnani or Jnani in Sanskrit and Hindi)."

BTW - I do not claim to have arrived at this position, just that it is possible and indeed is the purpose of life.
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Please enlighten me as to where?
There are simply people who do not know whether or not God exists.
They are not atheists.
Atheists are those that believe God does not exist. They do not believe in God.

The term weak/strong atheist has no meaning. It is kindergarten nonsense.
Furthermore, those that do not know if God exists are not the same as those that do not believe in God. Most of the false doctrine circulating the internet claim they are the same. It's garbo.
There are simply people who do not know whether or not God exists.
They are not atheists.
Atheists are those that believe God does not exist. They do not believe in God.

The term weak/strong atheist has no meaning. It is kindergarten nonsense.
Furthermore, those that do not know if God exists are not the same as those that do not believe in God. Most of the false doctrine circulating the internet claim they are the same. It's garbo.
I do not believe that god exists.

But I could be wrong. My knowledge is limited, and definitions of god are ambiguous and varied. I therefore do not know for a fact that god does not exist and refrain from making such an assertion.

No it does not.
Atheism: The position that God (dieties) does not exist.
The lack of a position is not atheism.
That's strong atheism. However, there are varying degrees of nonbelief just as there are varying degrees of beliefs. You are lumping weak atheism with agnosticism.
Agnosticism states that they do not believe because they do not know, in turn because it is impossible to know.
Weak Atheism states simply that they do not believe. Strong atheism is the degree you are describing, which the Belief that there is no god(s). There is a thin line, which you seem to have not noticed at all.
12 pages of athesists defending themselves.... hahahaha

it could be 100.... it would still be bullshit.

Defending ourselves? From an idiot who argues to change the meaning of words to fit his own agenda! Are you just as idiotic? :rolleyes:
There are simply people who do not know whether or not God exists.
They are not atheists.
Atheists are those that believe God does not exist. They do not believe in God.

The term weak/strong atheist has no meaning. It is kindergarten nonsense.
Furthermore, those that do not know if God exists are not the same as those that do not believe in God. Most of the false doctrine circulating the internet claim they are the same. It's garbo.
So - when asked to provide evidence of the proof of your claim, you just restate the claim???
Genius debating technique.
You're not a politician, are you?

"It's this way... 'cos I say it is!"

LOL! Genius stuff. Truly :D
I'm surprised anyone is still trying to reason with Cool. It's a fruitless endeavor, people... quit while you're ahead!