We don't want your stinking Qurans!

If enough people who read it and believe in it think it does, it does.

Just as the Bible mandates the testing of prophets by snake handling.

That does not address my question. I want to know specifically if it contains direct commandments to do that. Not beliefs or interpretations.
They should have put the cover of the Bible over them.
Pfff that's too funny. And sent them in Arabic.

Anyone know if it's possible to get a (insert any foreign language) translation of the Satanic Bible? We could put a very nice Bible Cover on it and mail it to some conservative representatives in the Republican Party :p
They should accept them since like the bible (can be easy collected from most hotel rooms for free) they are great for log fires.
I tell you what; if I find an article that is dissin' a queen somewhere, even an ant or hornet kind, I will ensure the thread title is that.
Yes, because I'm cool like that, I will do that for you, Atom. :thumbup:


I'm now going to vote for you as the forums most helpful member.

read said:
That does not address my question. I want to know specifically if it contains direct commandments to do that. Not beliefs or interpretations.
Well, that will depend on which expert you ask. Some say it does, some say it doesn't.

Does the Bible contain specific commandments to beat your children? Specific commandments to handle snakes? Specific commandments to not eat pork? Specific commandments against lending money at interest? Does it mandate killing witches? Remaining idle on Sunday - or Saturday? Does it prohibit killing, or only murder?

All such texts are matters of interpretation and belief.
As far as I know (this comes from owning and reading a Qur'an myself), there are various verses advocating forcing conversion through violence, but never directed at non-combatants (so blowing up civilian busses is a no-no). Also, remember that Christians and Jewish people have historically always been treated in a special way by Muslims (being "people of the book") and, apart from paying special taxes, have lived better lives under Muslim rule (like the Jews who left Europe with the Muslims when they were defeated by the French, since living under Islam was much better than living under Christianity).

If Christians and Muslims simply believed what the Qur'an claims Jesus said ("and Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship him, this is the Straight Path.") then there would be less conflict since ultimately both RELIGIONS do not like strife, but the POLITICS of their believers have totally different ideas.
As far as I know (this comes from owning and reading a Qur'an myself), there are various verses advocating forcing conversion through violence, but never directed at non-combatants (so blowing up civilian busses is a no-no). Also, remember that Christians and Jewish people have historically always been treated in a special way by Muslims (being "people of the book") and, apart from paying special taxes, have lived better lives under Muslim rule (like the Jews who left Europe with the Muslims when they were defeated by the French, since living under Islam was much better than living under Christianity).

If Christians and Muslims simply believed what the Qur'an claims Jesus said ("and Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship him, this is the Straight Path.") then there would be less conflict since ultimately both RELIGIONS do not like strife, but the POLITICS of their believers have totally different ideas.
who said religion was right?
The irony being that some of those lawmakers and probably many in the public in Oklahoma have a literal belief in the idealogy of the Old Testament which has numerous acts of violence against innocents. Although not considered "innocent" by believers.
Of course when looking down upon another religion;Islam in this case,the innocent are indeed ...innocent.
Hypocrisy rules.

Exactly! Even the New Testament has the same thing. Look at Luke 19-26,27 where he expects disbelievers to be brought to him and slain. Or what about "I come not to bring peace but a sword!" Indeed, his followers did carry swords and even sliced off an ear of one of the centurions who came to arrest Jesus for starting a riot in the Temple.
To vega (why doesn't quoting on this forum work under Opera Mini?):

Let us, as rationalists and atheists, not forget what the real problem is. Gods, being non-existent, are not inherently evil. The problem lies with the mentally unstable psychos who adopt the man-made religions and exercise their innate depravity using religion as an excuse.

Yes, so Islam was what motivated the Arabs to get off the back sides and try to conquer the whole world 1400 years ago, but it was the PEOPLE who did that, not the inanimate belief system.

There has always been tribalism in Ireland, the adoption of Catholicism and Protestantism only helped to make their grievances seem more acceptable. The same's true about the "Middle East conflict"; as one of the Jewish characters in the movie Munich says (I'm paraphrasing): "Everyone thinks we can solve this by being nice. But how do you think we got that land in the first place? We didn't get it by being 'nice'" and that's how all the trouble starts...
I find it funny that people will talk ill about a thing they have no knowledge about. There is no worse ingnorance that one who talks about something yet has no idea from first hand knowledge what he speaks on.
That comment relies on the premise that those you are referring to truly do not have "knowledge about" that which they are discussing. It also assumes that there is a level of knowledge, which you are keeping secret, that one might attain in order to speak ill about something.

If one is not careful, one might think that you are implying that unless you accept a given religious superstition as true, one cannot be "knowledgeable" about it and, therefore, cannot speak ill of it.

I have, for instance, far more knowledge of Islam and Christianity than I do of pedophilia, but if I were to speak ill of pedophilia, would you criticize me for it?
I find it funny that people will talk ill about a thing they have no knowledge about. There is no worse ingnorance that one who talks about something yet has no idea from first hand knowledge what he speaks on.

So you 'know' God? Does he talk to you? Do you hear a voice in your head?
Go to skepticsannotatedbible site and click on Quran (Koran) then check out the categories on the right side. The Quran says that unbelievers are; ugly, ignorant and perverted and that muslims should not make friends with them (or even talk to them) but make war on them. Muslims who do not do that are condemned to hell too along with unbelievers (the Quran in HUNDREDS of places tells how unbelievers will burn forever in hell.)

The Quran is an evil book which Islamic terrorists use to justify their war on unbelievers.
qu'oran or koran can be spelled either way but their is nothhing wrong with and who ever mad this thread is an idiot for not showing tolerance for others beliefs i mean i don't ostracize you for probably being a christian as i am an atheist no so don't don't do that its wrong and degenerative
qu'oran or koran can be spelled either way but their is nothhing wrong with and who ever mad this thread is an idiot for not showing tolerance for others beliefs i mean i don't ostracize you for probably being a christian as i am an atheist no so don't don't do that its wrong and degenerative

Here's where you are wrong. Nobody has to tolerate other people's beliefs. All we have to do is not discriminate against people for their beliefs, but we are free to criticise them all we want. If people don't want to get into a discussion, dissection or criticism of their religion, they are free to keep quiet about it. If they choose to talk about it, openly, we are free to criticise, openly. Proselytism is a two way street.

Sometimes the language used here may seem inflammatory, but then if you go read the Old Testament, it's hardly full of love and tolerance either.