We don't want your stinking Qurans!

quick question Sam, is the proper spelling of your Holy book "Koran" or "Quran"?
Who donated them to who? Its not clear.
I'll have to concur. It isn't very clear, especially towards who donated them. But the recipients seem to be the Oklahoma state legislation (maybe state Senate and House?).
I'd also like to know who donated the books, but then again, why would it be that important where they came from?

quick question Sam, is the proper spelling of your Holy book "Koran" or "Quran"?
Good question. I posted Quran because that's the way the article spelled it. I've seen it spelled both ways myself.
I'll have to concur. It isn't very clear, especially towards who donated them. But the recipients seem to be the Oklahoma state legislation (maybe state Senate and House?).
I'd also like to know who donated the books, but then again, why would it be that important where they came from?

I don't follow the confusion. :shrug:

As I said in my post, it was the Governor's Ethnic American Advisory Council - obviously a committee formed by the governor's office and given the duty of trying to promote tolerance across ethnic lines. (That's what it's title says to me.)
quick question Sam, is the proper spelling of your Holy book "Koran" or "Quran"?

If you must be picky, it should ideally be al-Qur’ān (Arabic: القرآن ) or "The Recital" from Qira'at (silent t), recitation.
but then again, why would it be that important where they came from?
I just wondered who would actually donate Qurans in the US. The reaction is totally expected however, I would be greatly surprised if it had been any other.
Wow, talk about a public slap in the face...

The irony being that some of those lawmakers and probably many in the public in Oklahoma have a literal belief in the idealogy of the Old Testament which has numerous acts of violence against innocents. Although not considered "innocent" by believers.
Of course when looking down upon another religion;Islam in this case,the innocent are indeed ...innocent.
Hypocrisy rules.
I got excited for a nanosecond...I thought it read 'we don't want your stinking Queen!

..not enough important words begin with Q.

I just wondered who would actually donate Qurans in the US. The reaction is totally expected however, I would be greatly surprised if it had been any other.

Sam, would you or someone with very deep intimate knowledge address the question that is actually at the heart of this issue? Does the Quran in fact advocate the killing of non-believers and others who ignore it's basic teachings? The impression that most of the Western world has is that it does.
read said:
Sam, would you or someone with very deep intimate knowledge address the question that is actually at the heart of this issue? Does the Quran in fact advocate the killing of non-believers and others who ignore it's basic teachings? The impression that most of the Western world has is that it does.
If enough people who read it and believe in it think it does, it does.

Just as the Bible mandates the testing of prophets by snake handling.
I got excited for a nanosecond...I thought it read 'we don't want your stinking Queen!

..not enough important words begin with Q.


I tell you what; if I find an article that is dissin' a queen somewhere, even an ant or hornet kind, I will ensure the thread title is that.
Yes, because I'm cool like that, I will do that for you, Atom. :thumbup: