We are the extraterrestrials

Hola,I´m totally agree with the saddistics patterns that human is suffering at this time explained by ripleofdeath.The saddist like to be saddist, so if human don´t change D.N.A. will continue inside this mental sickness,tha somebody implant after brain washing, and to own complete destruction how it´s happening now.

I believe and i feel that we came from other solar sistem.

Is very clear when you see pyramids,and indigenas o aborigenes recording.

Afro people is original from this planet,white and yellow people is from other sistem.Yellow people came before to this planet aprox.17.000 years ago,white race aprox.12.879 years ago.

All indian tribes in America,esquimals,indonesia are from the yellow race.All of them show information from where they coming from.

Till now most of white race cannot believe what they show us,visit them in turistic plan,make a picture, and then come back home and make a joke with friends about how primitive they live.

Here is the cause how start the saddistic problem that ripleofdeath explain.

Old Sumerian texts said this :"the Nephilim(in the Bible called Elohim) came from Nibiru to this planet with the intention of take Gold for stabilize the atmosphere of Nibiru.So first they had to ask to the highest consciousness who are the Zetazees(whales and dolphins), who have been here long time before and had come from Oceana in the Sirius system.The Nephilim after a time here in this planet they decided to create a race to work for them,that could not reproduce themselfs.

Some of this info i heard and is really longer.Also is one more of many....
anyway i still waiting for that day that nobody expected.....

Very good how start this post.... We are the extraterrestrials
I respect dolphins and whales, which are extremely intelligent creatures. These are terrestrial mammals, who returned to the seas about 60-million years ago. But the whales and dolphins are not from another world. The amphibious Nomo, however, were. Upon closer inspection, these ancient myths turned-out to be just that…a bunch of myths. Much of this drivel was undoubtedly generated by ETs, who now appear to be regretting the consequences of their own ancient lies. I spent a long time working on the involvement of ET (and, in the process, proving that the ancient accounts were bogus), before ET (the ones called the Anunnaki) finally admitted to me that the old stuff had been a load of rubbish. For humanity, the return of the star gods will bring an end to childhood. The lessons learned will be harsh; its growing-up time!

But don’t just blame ETs, because white men have long tried to retain fake histories to suit themselves (I should know, because I am one). However, they are not the only race to use bullshit as a prop. Concocted histories are commonplace in diverse human societies, and, whilst I have the greatest respect for the honesty and integrity of the Native American Indian, I have spotted the same sort of fake history in their legends. Ancient ETs were doubtless responsible for lying to the American Indians, too. Having exposed religion as being nothing more than an arcane, and historically inaccurate, tool of extraterrestrials, I consider these ancient myths to be equally implausible. Recent genetics research has revealed that the Chimpanzee shares more DNA with humans than previously imagined. This figure now stands at 99.4%.

If we a so darned close to chimps, then all the other anthropoids must also have been transported from other worlds. Why stop there, when we also share 60% of our DNA with bananas, or fruit flies? Then there are racoons, squirrels, hedgehogs, elephants, ring-tailed limas, foxes, elk, field voles, penguins, and barn owls. They all share lots of DNA components with humans. Thus, according to the life-form transplantation theory, they must have been imported as well. Not only that, but it is also true that all races of humans can inter-breed, thus implying that the white man, the red man, the yellow man, and the black man, are all very close relations. If visiting extraterrestrials made any DNA changes to humans (and I moot that they actually did) then they were only small alterations, all conducted on this planet. Let’s face it, for aliens to survive on this world they would need a DNA support “vehicle” that closely matched with the environment. This “DNA vehicle” would have to constitute nearly our entire DNA.

O.K. how i said before.....Some of this info i heard and is really longer.Also is one more of many....
It means that it is not only one.I believe that like universe is infinite,is because the D.N.A. of the universe is in constant evolution,D.N.A. of Mother Earth obiusly is in the same evolution.I know that beigns from other confederations also are in the that evolution.So all what is in the universe is in the evolution.Also the old sumerian text tell about how beigns from other sistem (the Nephilim) took blood from the monkey,semen from a young Nephilim,and mud from this planet,they mix,and after that they put in the ovum of sevenNephilim women .From that born the race that they used for slaves.
This, was one of the experiments what aliens made with D.N.A. from this planet.But already was humans in that time who were inside the own evolution of Mother EARTH.So this aliens they didn´t know that,after take a lot of GOLD from this planet they found out that this Humans were living inside the Earth,THE INNERs EAHRT.
The Nephilim started to kill them but they cannot destroyed them all.Mother Earth protect her own childs.

Always when i remember about Inners,come to my mind,how we evolutionate inside our mother body,and then we born.
With so many confederation exist, is not armonic for the universe that all the E.Ts.are bad.The only way is in balance.Good,Neutro,Bad. -,o,+

Sorry but my english is not so good,cos i´m from sudamerica.
Dear Irdin,

Don’t worry about your English, because I can understand you perfectly well. I am in England, and I have been involved with English crop circles since 1990. Extraterrestrials had been very involved with the ancient South American tribes. The Anunnaki tell us that they were in amongst those ancient peoples.

They are here, and they know that I am closely examining their operations and motives.

Steve Clementson:
Hola Steve:Thank you for reply.I see that you have experiences,on the case so you can help me with some doubt that i have about the Anunnaki.I will apreciate you tell me something from them and i want to know if Anunnaki-Nephilim(Elohim) are not same with diferent names and if they´re not wich is the diference between them?They came in diferent moments?

And wich is the diferences between Nazca signs and the crop circles?
Sorry i ask a lot.
I have a very long story to tell, Irdin. I don’t think that there is any difference between the Nazca symbols, and the crop circles. The crop circles speak of all previous contacts, from all over the world. There is too much distortion in the biblical accounts to use the bible as an historic guide. I have so much to talk about. It would block up this network, so I think that it would be best if I gave you my email address: stephen.clementson@ntlworld.com
Why is it so hard to believe that we just evolved, rather than some mass interplanetary conspiracy involving the transplanting of species, altering of DNA, and furthermore... that those of "our race" that brought us here through space left us in the dark with no technology to fend for ourselves? Also, if we were brought here from another race, it's likely that we'd all (and by that I mean every race on every continent) know about a common ancestry, yet we're so unimaginably diverse for this to be true. Really, I think a lot of these theories are soo self important. You evolved, no aliens care about you, so get on with your life?
Dear Siddhartha,

I think the problem here is that these people have a psychological need to find a god figure. They cannot handle the concept of evolution, so they try to invent stupid conspiracy theories. Because some god or other didn’t create life, they try to say that god put the earth here, in order for life to evolve on it. We cannot escape the crackpots!

The only thing that I’ve found is that ancient ETs had been stupid enough to play God. They even thought that this would civilise humanity. That was a really dumb idea. There never was a God of any kind, which is why they had to invent some. Instead of civilising humanity, they stupefied our ancestors, and religion became the primary excuse for humans to kill other humans.

Before some things are revealed they can be taken as very serious, for instance when i was watching a documentary on the pyramids with my brother we were very interested in one part where it said that the egyptians may have gotten help elswhere, we were thinking slaves , But a few minutes ago there was a drawing of a UFO dropping the top of a pyramid on top, and instantly all seriousness was lost, certain things are best kept to entertain the mind, the ability to entertain a thought and leave it at that is a skill more people should learn about.