We are the extraterrestrials


Registered Senior Member
I postulate that the human race did not originally come from this planet. Why would I say such an outrageous thing? First: why did Cro-Magnon suddenly appear and wipe out Neanderthal, and where did they come from? Second: Why do our skins burn and develope cancers from exposure to the sun? Now it has been proven that we share about 99% of our genes with the great apes, but that could be because we were bio-engineered by someone from apes. It could also be because we brought the apes with us from wherever we came from, possibly the planet that used to be where the asteroid belt is now. Velicovsky(sic) theorized that it was destroyed by the planet Venus as it carreened in from elsewhere. If we allow for the fact that most of us could not maintain an advanced civilization because we lack the knowledge, this could explain why we devolved into a stone age culture. I have read that archeologists have discovered depictions of light bulbs in ancient Egyptian drawings. I also read that other archeologists discovered a spark plug in a dig that was purported to be thousands of years old. Yes I read a lot of weird stuff.:) Perhaps we are not just now venturing out into space, but are in reality going back into it.:D
Your idea Is possible, But not very probable,we know apes have existed far longer than humans have, and second, we really dont know much behind the influences of either primative human races. that and the viruses and terrain of earth would make us terrestrial, that and after being born on earth.. im pretty sure that would make us terrestrial as well
Have any of you read The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy?

It explains it all there: We're Golgafrinchans, not humans! ;)

Really, though, I believe that we are an alien race (at least, to earth) and that the race that was on earth at the time was wiped out. We were brainwashed by superiors...I dunno. I guess I could drone on like this for hours on end.

To make a long story short, we are aliens in my opinion.
It takes a helluva lot more than a spark plug and a light bulb for interplanetary travel.

If we traveled here from another planet, society would have had to be advanced and organized enough to collaborate on building the craft.

What happened?

Where did the technology go?
Where did the language go?
Why were are ancestros apparently so primative?
Where did the knowledge go?
Originally posted by one_raven
It takes a helluva lot more than a spark plug and a light bulb for interplanetary travel.

If we traveled here from another planet, society would have had to be advanced and organized enough to collaborate on building the craft.

What happened?

Where did the technology go?
Where did the language go?
Why were are ancestros apparently so primative?
Where did the knowledge go?

Maybe we're test subjects, and they let us loose uncivilized, with no technology, and our superiors (the advanced ones, who let us loose) are watching us.
Originally posted by Ozymandias
Maybe we're test subjects, and they let us loose uncivilized, with no technology, and our superiors (the advanced ones, who let us loose) are watching us.

And maybe we used to be able to fly through space, not with a ship, but with technology that creates a magnetic force field that would:
shield us from radiation
defeat gravity
capture just enough oxygen within the shied for interplanetary travel
BUT the sheild technology was only powerful enough to carry a single baby at a time, so they sent a bunch of babies here just before their world was destroyed.

Sure, maybe it IS possible.
But is it likely at all?
Originally posted by Ozymandias
Have any of you read The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy?

It explains it all there: We're Golgafrinchans, not humans! ;)

Really, though, I believe that we are an alien race (at least, to earth) and that the race that was on earth at the time was wiped out. We were brainwashed by superiors...I dunno. I guess I could drone on like this for hours on end.

To make a long story short, we are aliens in my opinion.

very nice referance ;-)
Originally posted by one_raven
It takes a helluva lot more than a spark plug and a light bulb for interplanetary travel.

I wonder how many cylinders those motherships run on? :D
OMG - if Aliens are watching us, then that explanes half of those wierd dreams I have after I watch porno movies. They must take me from my room while I sleep!
Come on, fellas (and fellettes). We're empiricists here, remember?

There is far too much conspiricy-like info floating about the world to discount anything.

Remember the movie "Fifth Element"? That broad was cooked in the Earth of the time. Same thing could be said of extraterrestrials. Maybe they landed/warped/crash-landed/whatever and stayed for awhile, played with the apes, dissected the apes and promptly re-engineered the apes into something more suitable for them (prettier? Smaller?) and then were wiped-out from something catastrophic leaving only the paes?

Bottom line - NO ONE REALLY KNOWS! And if they do they ain't telling ANYTIME soon!
heyya all :)


Eman Resu

Be careful about expecting too many people to have the true scientific mind of analysis
to fly in the face of thier rellentles material disfunction is inviting
such constructive responses like sexualy disfunctional
self reinforcement
and alike
but it does give great ammo for people like me to throw at thier
attempted saddistic self esteem-undermining pathetic thrashing around back in thier face :D

or at the very least something to laugh about! LOL

another item that has been found in the public Egypt
is a clay ern that was used to make a battery most likely for a small night light in a house or a royal court room
i suspect that the masses were denied technology becaue of what we have today with mass greed and saddistic business practices along with no social systems of financial support by way of food and health care
so the rich people are breeding slaves who will revolt eventualy
its just a matter of which will come first world war through religousely and greed motivated oppresion or mass public revolt
time is on our side
notice how the rich and the aspiring to be rich are always saying
not to waste time and time is money
why might you ask
one of the most obviouse scientificly proven facts is brain size
another is the technology of past civilisations
unfortunately religouse leaders (world leaders)
try to cover up all that stuff to maintain thier greed and mental illness that they instill through brain washing children with money and sex
notice how Avon is a christian church company which uses nepatistic indoctrinational brainwashing techniques to sell
lipstick to little girls to make them prostitutes before they even start having sexual relations
and they covet greed and survival of the fittest through thier company practices of pyramid marketing systems
(a type of slavery)
to ensure they keep the other religions in poverty that they have
misionaried through the last 2000 years
the world church organisations have enough money to feed all the starving people in the world
the egyptians were around for allot longer than that
and this current civilisation has come to an end
its all over now
i suspect the most likely turn of events will be that we will be taken over by another race which will use us like the way we use cattle and third world countrys
the governemnets of the world are all controlled by money law which is written by the banks
and people are expected to prostitute thier morals and ethics to compete for money to buy food and shelter

NOW people covet greed and selfishness
that is the oppersite to community values
that is against the nature of intellegence
by the way governments treat thier poor and homeless
they condem themselfs to be predated

so to answer a question of why dont we see the technology

Because your all a bunch of sick-o freakin saddistic disfunctional
fuit cakes with a brain developed to think about love-less sex and money greed while coveting ignorance ignorance is bliss
bliss is the drug you feed your children = sex and money
so they are told that everything relates to sex and everything has a price
or you lock them away or feed them brainwashing drugs like rittilin
and prozac and others handed out knolledgeably by doctors who are drug pushing for multi national billion dollar pharmaciutical companys

so thiers no mystery now
just sickness and mental perversion

makes for some great art though
and just remember to stop thinking to deep it might get you depressed and then you will need to be told you need more drugs to be a normal freak so you can covet greed and sex properly

groove on all :)

peace light thruth love
the path to that we hold above

This is a interesting thread.
The first post sounds an awefull lot like a book i once read called "the minervan experement". I read it forever ago so i dont realy remeber the deatils but it was alot like that post.
heyya Empath

there are many books that contain facts that pertain to these concepts!
they are just not all put in a manner that makes them easy to understand based on a seperate theory of inquirey.

most people are looking for reasons to reinforce thier current thoughts and excuses rather than scientific interpretation.

i am sure you could find at least 3-5 books that would have a similar story and related concepts.

heyya revbill2001
planet of the apes and storys like Gullivers Travels touch on certain things that, removed of some things suggest many plasauble variations of possibilties.

groove on :)
The only indication I see of this possibility is the remarkable similarities human affects on the environment have to those of an introduced species.
This is something I can't explain.
ripple of death
Yes i guess you could find several books on that subject
but "The Minervan Experement" was a fictioinal piece that touched exactly on each of those points with a few deviations. like the moon was originaly a satilite for the 10th planet(now the astroid belt) but I recomend this book(If you can find it) to any one who likes sci fi and is interested in this subject.
heyya Empath (if you realy are an Empath)

thanks for the book name
p.s you do not have to fear my name!

groove on all :)
revbill2001 I have also conjured the idea that you believe. One can imagine a thousand points of origin from whence aliens came.
We might in truth be subjects to there study. What I believe is that like many who believe mars was thier home. I too believe to some degree and subscribe to that theory. For the reasons of the pyramids that match every detail as the ones found in Egypt,They are also located on Mars by the structure they call the face. Also the timeline is congruent to one planet drying up and another springing to life. a carry over if you will. As early as the cavemen, we see drawings in caves depicting flying suacer shaped objects.
It would seem cavemen were'nt abstract in thought just then. What I'm implying is that cavemen were like parrots, they merely
copied what the saw or liked and drew it. They probably did'nt have the depth to fictionally create new ideas or lie about things.
They were very simple in thought and mind not enough to construe or mislead. For this reason I have thought that we were
brought to this earth by some beings that are more formidable than we are. If we catch a tiger we can relocate him can't we. We have the technology above and beyond the cats. Thats why I believe we were brought here.
Originally posted by revbill2001
Why do our skins burn and develope cancers from exposure to the sun?
Black people don't burn. People's skin only started getting lighter when homo-sapiens travelled to colder areas, they started wearing the furs of animals they killed and developed over many years not being in the sun, during the ice age, humans further north would have been wearing fur year round.
Look at asia, these are people that have stayed where they are after civilisation arose(until very recently), to the north you will see lighter skinned individuals and in the south in indonesia and so on their skins are darker.
Humans originated in warm areas of africa, as they travelled to colder regions they were forced to wear clothing because they weren't biologically suited for the cold, over time this lightened their skin and made them less suited to being in the sun. This is why we get sunburnt today. White people are arctic animals and our move back to warm sunny areas was too fast for us to biologically adapt.
From the really wacky stuff I’ve found, some of it dating-back centuries, I would suggest that Earth has been isolation colony ‘X’. We are not the actual extraterrestrials (as in, from some other parts), but we are, and were, under close observation from those who do come from elsewhere.

Steve Clementson.