We are Slaves


Registered Member
Thay say we are free but are we realy. I think not. Look at us we go to work all day & for what? so we can fix are cars or buy new cars just so we can get to work. We a slaves.


You are free to not go to work if you choose. A slave does not have that choice. To truly carry this conversation further, you may went to step into the Philosophy forums.

We are slaves to life maybe? Slaves to necessities of life...? Slaves to our own desires...?

This topic works here in Free Thoughts.
ah but a slave does not have to work either. We are just as sleaves we dont work we dont live.
Don't go to work. Wander off into the forest and start libing on nuts and berries and roots. However, I bet you choose to take advantage of the hospitals, schools, and supermarkets.
<i>"We are just as sleaves we dont work we dont live."</i>

Not true. You can become a bum and live off the efforts of others. Wait, that's capitalism...

<i>"our desires and phantasyes release our minds"</i>

Sure...but when you try to acquire those desires and fantasies outside of the mind...
<i>"However, I bet you choose to take advantage of the hospitals, schools, and supermarkets."</i>

Ah yes, the circle of life.
Originally posted by Bowser
[B<i>"our desires and phantasyes release our minds"</i>

Sure...but when you try to acquire those desires and fantasies outside of the mind... [/B]

Yeah, that's the problem. Maybe MATRIX like enviroment would help, but I'm not changing it to reality.

But till we progress we become less and less slaves.
Want proof -> I am in a location 6000 miles from you and we talk ignoring 3 dimensional world.
<i>"But till we progress we become less and less slaves.
Want proof -> I am in a location 6000 miles from you and we talk ignoring 3 dimmensional world."</i>

I had to labor for many hours so that I could buy my computer and pay my ISP. Progress yes, but we're still slaving.
Originally posted by Bowser
I had to labor for many hours so that I could buy my computer and pay my ISP. Progress yes, but we're still slaving.

What do you need to call yourself a non-slave ?
When would you call yourself free?

For me -> when I will acquire immortality!
We are bound by life. Freedom, in its pure form, has no shackles. You can't live without being tethered to the necessities of life. Death, then, is the great liberator.

So, be life's happy slave. Freedom awaits each of us.
I don't see how working to pay for a computer is slavery. First, a computer is not required for life. It's a luxury. Second, you chose to do it. Third, it's simply a trade between you and the computer retailer.
You CHOOSE to do everything in life. You dont have to do anything but sit in a corner and wait to die. But what is the fun in that. In a sense we are all slaves... but we are slaves to ourselves.
"Death grants freedom to slaves. Death takes freedom away from those who are free. That is why I'm not afraid to die. And that is why I will win."

<i>"I don't see how working to pay for a computer is slavery. First, a computer is not required for life. It's a luxury. Second, you chose to do it. Third, it's simply a trade between you and the computer retailer."</i>

I suppose I'm a slave to my desire to own a computer. It sure would be nice if I had the freedom to just take what I wanted or needed. What else do I desire...?

<i>"However, I bet you choose to take advantage of the hospitals, schools, and supermarkets." </i>
We are the slaves of our genes.

We work because we need to exchange food. We need food because we need to eat. We need to eat because we feel hungry. We feel hungry because our genes instructed us to do so. Why? Because our genes want to survive.