We are 5% Neanderthal

Walter L. Wagner said:
Likely there were many others. That might be part of why there is now so much variation in the human species, with a lot of admixture of other genes from other related 'species' that weren't fully speciated, so the offspring were viable.

Lots of room for more research in this area.

Just yesterday I saw a 60+ male of one race accompanying an obviously pregnant spouse of 30+ years of an entirely different race. If it's happening now, it certainly would have been happening then too!

Yeah, people fell for that illusion. The illusion that you can, at a glance know someones race. It's simple, neanderthal likely looked exactly like homosapian, and there was likely no way to look and see the difference between the two. We did not have genetic tests back then so people likely did the same thing you did, "well, this person looks like me, they must be the same race" and found out they were wrong.

Now it's very much the same, because short of a genetic test, no one knows what mix they are, but if we are 5% neanderthal, it likely is because back then people didnt know either.

If we want to be scientifically specific, we could simply mate by profession and I bet we'd be more accurate than if we mate by appearance. Because only the brain differences matter.
Well, except we know that neandertal had an entirely different bone structure. Stouter and squatter, so they looked somewhat different. Probably more of the 'ruggedly handsome' look that swayed the sapiens females of the day. They didn't look a whole lot different, and the females figured they were brawny and decent to mate with.
TimeTraveler said:
How exactly do you control who women breed with? How exactly do you teach that?

Should you even have to ask that?

Look at all this "It's what's inside that counts" crap that's floating around today. Even more proof that women are completely fucking clueless about what to put between their legs.
Walter L. Wagner said:
Well, except we know that neandertal had an entirely different bone structure. Stouter and squatter, so they looked somewhat different. Probably more of the 'ruggedly handsome' look that swayed the sapiens females of the day. They didn't look a whole lot different, and the females figured they were brawny and decent to mate with.

Key word is had, but now it's impossible to just look at someone and say they descend from a neanderthal. You know, I bet neanderthals looked better than the homosapians, if thats the case you could be right, imagine if the neanderthals had the ripped muscular look or just whatever look the women seem to like, it would explain. Let's also remember that neanderthal was here first, or so the bone records show, that alone would give them certain advantages.
spuriousmonkey said:
So the only way we could have Neanderthal genes if human females had sex with Neanderthal males. And not vice versa.
Quoth the Quagmire: Giggidy giggidy, giggidy goo. :p
G. F. Schleebenhorst said:
Should you even have to ask that?

Look at all this "It's what's inside that counts" crap that's floating around today. Even more proof that women are completely fucking clueless about what to put between their legs.

You are posing the hypothesis that character and personality do not matter? If she has to live with a person for her entire life, if hes a jerk or an asshole, well, you know how it will end and who she will end up with. We are seeing many women divorce jerks and assholes on a regular basis. If women select the right guy in the first place there would be less divorces.

Anyway, who would you tell women to mate with?
Too bad too often those women don't figure out the guy they're with is a jerk until after they've had kids by him.
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I have to admit, it makes me wonder about people I've occasionally seen with neanderthal-like traits: Large brow ridge, extremely large hands on a otherwise normal frame, etc.
I doubt that those traits are directly attributable to neandertal genes. More likely just slight natural variations, though I wouldn't rule it out until further research were done.

Incidentally, I've not seen it mentioned yet, but the Neandertals as a race existed for some 150,000 years, or thereabouts, until circa 30,000 years ago, when they disappeared as the sapiens race became dominant in Europe/Mid-East.
We might not have any Neanderthal genes, but I am sure that there was sex between us & them.

One of the two species is known to have had or tried sex with women, men, rubber mannikins, infants, small children, dead people, sheep, goats, milk bottles, large dogs, small horses, and who knows what else.

I find it hard to believe that none of our ancestors made it with a Neanderthal women.

BTW: I think I read somewhere that the h has been dropped from Neandertal.
The first Neandertal skeletons came from the Neander valley in Germany. The German word for valley is 'tal', hence "Neandertal". The had was apparently added to 'anglicize' the sound. I speak German, and prefer the German pronunciation and spelling.

And I wonder if the Neandertals had as much deviant sex as modern sapiens?
The first Neandertal skeletons came from the Neander valley in Germany. The German word for valley is 'tal', hence "Neandertal". The 'h' was apparently added to 'anglicize' the sound. I speak German, and prefer the German pronunciation and spelling.

And I wonder if the Neandertals had as much deviant sex as modern sapiens?
Communist Hamster said:
Yeh, well we share half of our genes with bananas. Which would explain my enormous penis.

Are you chinese? If so, then 4 inches is considered enormous in China. :D
Walter L. Wagner said:
Well, except we know that neandertal had an entirely different bone structure. Stouter and squatter, so they looked somewhat different. Probably more of the 'ruggedly handsome' look that swayed the sapiens females of the day. They didn't look a whole lot different, and the females figured they were brawny and decent to mate with.

Sort of the 'Mike Tyson' look.......Right? :D
Maast said:
I have to admit, it makes me wonder about people I've occasionally seen with neanderthal-like traits: Large brow ridge, extremely large hands on a otherwise normal frame, etc.

I see the same types you describe everyday on the bus going to work. :D
Dinosaur said:
We might not have any Neanderthal genes, but I am sure that there was sex between us & them.

One of the two species is known to have had or tried sex with women, men, rubber mannikins, infants, small children, dead people, sheep, goats, milk bottles, large dogs, small horses, and who knows what else.

I find it hard to believe that none of our ancestors made it with a Neanderthal women.

BTW: I think I read somewhere that the h has been dropped from Neandertal.

You mean Jessica Simpson has some Neanderthal jeans? If so, I hope she wears them more often. :D
i remember a documentary a few years back in which they studied the remains of a human-neandertal. it only lived to about 12 if i remember correctly, but anyway, to try and mix 2 species successfully would be incredibly difficult. they wolud probably turn out sterile like mules or ligers.