Wave-particle duality is special

It's complete nonsense. It's his religious vision for intelligent design. Hope somebody sues him for misrepresenting Professor John Wheeler in this nonsense. He should use it for toilet paper instead of his face.

I have just explained spirit. Your turn.
You are not proving anything except that you are an expert hand waver. Spirit exists in 11th dimension but is anchored in our solar plexus. Prove me wrong or shut your ignorant trap!
Spirituality is one of those experiences that help people feel closer to God and to the community. Spirituality is a beautiful, rewarding and a pleasurable experience that enhances people's lives. Yet, all it takes is one intellectual to fuck it all up. Try doing the same kind of intellectual analysis during foreplay and lovemaking. See how far it gets you.

Intellectualism needs an off switch, a kill switch. Think happy thoughts.
You probably made more sense back then than you do now. At least I'm in the middle of proving that spirit is not a mere figment of the imagination but an actual thing that can bring one to enlightenment and unity. So shut your ignorant trap or disprove it!

You have to prove it since you brought it up. Not me. I say it's complete nonsense based on wishful thinking. Prove that its not complete nonsense based on wishful thinking. Just making assertions that pop up in you brain doesn't prove anything. You're deductive reasoning skills are nonexistent according to my deductive reasoning barometer. We know you're scientific illiterate. You prove that by just making assertions and calling it fact. A toadstool is a Genius compared to you. The toadstool scored much higher than you on my 'deductive reasoning barometer'. When I fed in the data on you [what we have from the bonehead threads you've started] the needle rests on 'brain dead'.
Spirituality is one of those experiences that help people feel closer to God and to the community. Spirituality is a beautiful, rewarding and a pleasurable experience that enhances people's lives. Yet, all it takes is one intellectual to fuck it all up. Try doing the same kind of intellectual analysis during foreplay and lovemaking. See how far it gets you.

Intellectualism needs an off switch, a kill switch. Think happy thoughts.

So that's why your deductive reasoning is always turned off. I wonder what the girls think about intellectually dishonest psychotic trolls who talks to 'dumb aliens' and God.
Spirit is one with God.

God doesn't exist as real natural phenomena. That's my opinion yet it's not an empirical scientific fact anymore than your assertion that it is a empirical scientific fact. You're a religious nutcase spamming this public science forum with baseless assertions and insisting we call it scientific fact.
So that's why your deductive reasoning is always turned off. I wonder what the girls think about intellectually dishonest psychotic trolls who talks to 'dumb aliens' and God.

God doesn't exist as real natural phenomena. That's my opinion yet it's not an empirical scientific fact anymore than your assertion that it is a empirical scientific fact. You're a religious nutcase spamming this public science forum with baseless assertions and insisting we call it scientific fact.
I guess I don't blame you for being so angry. I'm kind of dissapointed too that there isn't stronger evidence of aliens, God, and all that sort of thing.

I performed the frequency sweep experiment. At 0.5v peek-to-peek, from 100MHz to 2GHz, and 1GHz to 2GHz; every one microsecond. The scale didn't register anything. I didn't check that the antenna was putting out anything. It's rated for 2.4GHz. Even if the antenna would work for 2.4GHz, I'm not sure it would work for my frequency sweep. Right now I'm just trying to figure out how I would design an antenna well suited for my frequency ranges.
You have to prove it since you brought it up. Not me. I say it's complete nonsense based on wishful thinking. Prove that its not complete nonsense based on wishful thinking. Just making assertions that pop up in you brain doesn't prove anything. You're deductive reasoning skills are nonexistent according to my deductive reasoning barometer. We know you're scientific illiterate. You prove that by just making assertions and calling it fact. A toadstool is a Genius compared to you. The toadstool scored much higher than you on my 'deductive reasoning barometer'. When I fed in the data on you [what we have from the bonehead threads you've started] the needle rests on 'brain dead'.

You have just demonstrated your ignorance and stupidity again.
You have just demonstrated your ignorance and stupidity again.

Just another irrelevant assertion on your part. You're probably the 2nd most ignorant internet crank I've ever come across. Deluding yourself that your simple minded assertions are fact. In my opinion your God doesn't exist as real natural phenomena. If it did it would be very disappointed with your intellectual development. Embarrassing would be a better word. God might suggest you work to improve your metacognitive competence before adopting the handle Genius.


You could ask Mazulu since he has a direct line to his delusion and a bunch of aliens who appear in need of improving their metacognitive skills.
I performed the frequency sweep experiment. At 0.5v peek-to-peek, from 100MHz to 2GHz, and 1GHz to 2GHz; every one microsecond. The scale didn't register anything. I didn't check that the antenna was putting out anything. It's rated for 2.4GHz. Even if the antenna would work for 2.4GHz, I'm not sure it would work for my frequency sweep. Right now I'm just trying to figure out how I would design an antenna well suited for my frequency ranges.

I could tell you to sit in a lawn chair in an open field at night and ask the aliens how to make an antenna for your experiment. But I am sure your aliens can't tell you something that would be verifiably true or false. Funny how that works.

But I did what any normal human being would do. I used the web and within 5 minutes I found an antenna that would suit your purpose (directional, 800 to 2500 MHz). $60 + shipping. But when that fails then you will just decide that something else is wrong. Maybe your frequency range is too low. Maybe the power level is too low. Maybe your detection device is not sensitive enough. Of course as any good crank knows, it can't be that the idea will never work. It can't be that the aliens (aka your imagination) lied to you. Never give up!
There was a fellow named Ostronomos who was banned and he had a thread with exactly the same name as this thread (Wave-particle duality is special). The fellow Ostronomos also had a stupid idea that he presented in a thread named Photons Are Spiritual. He would always end his OP with "Thoughts?".

Now there's a coincidence... I mean what are the chances?
There was a fellow named Ostronomos who was banned and he had a thread with exactly the same name as this thread (Wave-particle duality is special). The fellow Ostronomos also had a stupid idea that he presented in a thread named Photons Are Spiritual. He would always end his OP with "Thoughts?".

Now there's a coincidence... I mean what are the chances?

Your point?
Read my last few responses on page two of this thread. It helps make my case for the existence of spirit.
You could ask Mazulu since he has a direct line to his delusion and a bunch of aliens who appear in need of improving their metacognitive skills.
That's funny, they said the same thing about you.

You know, you just gotta laugh once in a while.

That was a good one Mazulu!

No offense intended, toward anyone here, it just struck me as a humorous response.
I could tell you to sit in a lawn chair in an open field at night and ask the aliens how to make an antenna for your experiment. But I am sure your aliens can't tell you something that would be verifiably true or false. Funny how that works.

But I did what any normal human being would do. I used the web and within 5 minutes I found an antenna that would suit your purpose (directional, 800 to 2500 MHz). $60 + shipping. But when that fails then you will just decide that something else is wrong. Maybe your frequency range is too low. Maybe the power level is too low. Maybe your detection device is not sensitive enough. Of course as any good crank knows, it can't be that the idea will never work. It can't be that the aliens (aka your imagination) lied to you. Never give up!

I'll look into it (the antenna). If that fails, I'll boost the power. As for your need to call other people "cranks", I'll say this: you want a few people like me to challenge the limits of physics. I wish I wasn't the only one looking for the gravity drive, it's a very lonely feeling.

I acknowledge that you don't think my explanation really explains how this could work. The "undetectable aether" cannot be considered science in the absence of proof. Yet nature seems to work that way; after all, physics constants are not derived quantities. If there really is an aether, it has to act like QM and GR. As gravity is described as curvature of space-time, the aether has to be the thing that curves. The aether has to be the "thing" which has characteristics like permittivity & permeability; and it must uphold distance, time and space-time geometry. If it were not so, then the laws of physics wouldn't behave as we have observed them to behave.

When I generate a frequency sweep, it is an electromagnetic field with a changing frequency. But to what extent is it also a constant frequency under the influence of a time dilation field? If my techniques were more refined, could I induce a time dilation field measurable with atomic clocks? If I could do that, then I expect a gravity field to appear.
There was a fellow named Ostronomos who was banned and he had a thread with exactly the same name as this thread (Wave-particle duality is special). The fellow Ostronomos also had a stupid idea that he presented in a thread named Photons Are Spiritual. He would always end his OP with "Thoughts?".
Light is made of photons.

In the Holy Bible, Genesis, "1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good... "

The Bible was talking about light in a spiritual way long before anyone knew about photons. But in a geeky sort of way, photons are spiritual because light is spiritual, and light is made of photons.