Was there even really a Jesus?

Greetings Iaison ;)
Iaison said:
Paul's Iesous Christos is not messianic at all.
But you said about Hebrews 7:14 "The son is said to be "sprung from Judah" because thats what scripture says about the Messiah - the writer is merely mining scripture for details about this heavenly figure."

If you hold the view that Paul got his information about Christ straight out of the OT (and you seem to believe exactly that), then he is nothing but a messianic figure, who incidentally was never expected to be any but human.

The issue then was whether Jesus was a physical being who walked the earth, or was a spiritual being from the higher realms (like Paul describes.)
I couldn't find your answer to w_fortenberry's last post on "The physical Christ according to Paul". Maybe you'd like to provide it now?
Jenyar said:
What makes you expect better evidence? Can you provide an example of better evidence of a historical person who was only publically known for three years?
I must agree here (and I never agree with Jenyar). There are a number of ancient claimants known to us solely through Josephus. The argument from absence is simply not compelling.
Ebony said:
I have read the Bible, especially Isaiah. Like medicine woman, I was a devout Christian before.
M*W: Dear Ebony, I appreciate your experience with Christianity. Can you tell me how you came to realize the truth about Christianity, what you did about it, how it affected your life, etc. I believe that certain people like ourselves were inspired by whatever powers that be to bring the truth to the world. Did you get a sensation like this or did you experience something different? Thank you for your confirming your experience.
Medicine Woman said:
Ebony said:
I have read the Bible, especially Isaiah. Like medicine woman, I was a devout Christian before.
M*W: Dear Ebony, I appreciate your experience with Christianity. Can you tell me how you came to realize the truth about Christianity, what you did about it, how it affected your life, etc. I believe that certain people like ourselves were inspired by whatever powers that be to bring the truth to the world. Did you get a sensation like this or did you experience something different? Thank you for your confirming your experience.

Hey :) ,

I was just reading the Bible one day, and I just realized, it made absolutely no sense. At first I felt like my world was over, because I was a really devout Christian. But after a little while I got used to the idea. I never felt guilty about stopping my belief in Jesus. I didn't think it was Satan or anything like that. I just thought that for once I had made a decision. I had thought for myself and I had not just listened to what the pastor had said. All I wanted was to find the truth that there really is. I still believe there is a God. And I think he would be happier if I thought for myself and made a mistake trying to find him, that if I just listened to what the pastor said and went to hell.
Ebony said:
Hey :) ,

I was just reading the Bible one day, and I just realized, it made absolutely no sense. At first I felt like my world was over, because I was a really devout Christian. But after a little while I got used to the idea. I never felt guilty about stopping my belief in Jesus. I didn't think it was Satan or anything like that. I just thought that for once I had made a decision. I had thought for myself and I had not just listened to what the pastor had said. All I wanted was to find the truth that there really is. I still believe there is a God. And I think he would be happier if I thought for myself and made a mistake trying to find him, that if I just listened to what the pastor said and went to hell.
M*W: Good for you! I understand what you mean about "feeling guilty" and "your world being over!" I experienced that as well. I grieved over the loss of something so close to home, something so special to me, it was a great loss. I grieved through it, and it's like blinders were taken off of my eyes. I can see clearly now how the NT lies. After all this time, I feel that if Jesus existed, he was finally proud of me for figuring it all out! I know that today I am closer to Jesus than I was 30 years ago. Furthermore, I understand him and the interpretation of the NT. Everyone is sooooo wrong about Jesus. He died for no one. He did not even die! I'm so glad you found out the truth.
Medicine Woman said:
He did not even die!

You mean he's still alive?

Well whooppeee....... LOL! :D

If Jesus is still alive thats sure to stuff the church...LOL!

Either that or your lying again........ :D
hello...I'm new to this forum.I just want to say that there is alot more going on in this picture than just the existence of Jesus Christ.Jesus did die.He came back from the dead showing us as people that he has power over even death.The problem here is that we spend too much time quibbling over simple matters like whether he died or not.The human mind only chooses to believe what it finds to be normal.Anything that is outside that realm is garbage.Perhaps if you step out of that shell and keep searching you will see what I see.Yes Jesus is alive.We cannot see him because he is Spirit.The Holy Spirit is with us now.Keep searching before you give up on something you may regret losing.
Boufman said:
The problem here is that we spend too much time quibbling over simple matters like whether he died or not.

Are you serious? Whether he died or not is the base of Christianity. Its not just a " simple matter".

Boufman said:
The human mind only chooses to believe what it finds to be normal.Anything that is outside that realm is garbage.Perhaps if you step out of that shell and keep searching you will see what I see.

If God knows us, and what we are capapble of beleiving, then why would he give us something that is so confusing?
Vienna said:
You mean he's still alive?

Well whooppeee....... LOL! :D

If Jesus is still alive thats sure to stuff the church...LOL!

M*W: You know what I meant you stupid wienie. Jesus escaped the crucifixion, fled to France with the wifey and kids, a couple of uncles and aunts, several servants, blah, blah, blah, blah, and lived a long happy life for another 50 years or so. His son Jesus Justus traveled to India and other parts unknown and died there. Some researchers believe that Jesus' mother was to have traveled to India as well. Mary Magdalene became an evangelist in France and was honored as the Black Madonna.

The day will come, and I believe very soon, when the Church of Rome will be divorced from the legend of Jesus Christ, who wasn't the savior after all.
You talk a load of bollox M*W

I can see it now advertised as the greatest show on earth.

"Roll up folks - Jesus is appearing live in Paris on his World tour "Here in Heaven" - show not to be missed!!!.....A Few Tickets left for the Delhi show...Hurry!!!!!!

ROFLMAO..... :D :D :D