Was the Prophet Muhammad a paedophile ?

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Thank you Suck Puppet Path , interesting reading .....
You can actually marry a muslim woman for an hour - have sex with her , and then be divorced !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smooth operator that ayatollah .......
I guess this page answers my questions :
A girl can be married against her will . if she is either insane or if not yet in puberty !!
I guess insanity and not beeing adult must be the same ....

It looks like the girl can NOT nullify her marriage even after puberty - unless the man can not perform sex with her either by vagina or ANAL sex ........
I like the farsi page :concerning sex : the meat of horses,mules and donkeys are NOT recommended (because they might have been sodomised) , and if the animals has (knowingly) been sodomised by man they are to be sold outside the city ....
Paraclete said:
I have travelled a lot in the Middle East and one day a muslim friend of mine told me that prophet Muhammad married a 6 year old female child and had sex with her when she was 9 - I did not believe it , but later I researched it and YES - IT WAS TRUE !!!!! :
Try a Yahoo search under : Muhammad prophet child wife , and all the juicy
details pop up !!!!
Aisha (Ayesha ) was daughter of Abu Bakr who was like a brother to prophet
M. - in else the 6 year old girl was considered the niece of Muhammad ...
In the book : Sahih Bukhari volume 7, book 62, number 64 it is written about Aisha : "The Prophet married her when she was 6 years old and he consummated the marriage when she was 9 years old , and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e. untill his dead).
When the prophet Muhammad had sex with Aisha she was 9 and he was 54
years old ....................
If any of your 54 years old male friends had sex with a 9 year old child -
what would you say ????

The topic title is offensive. you have no right to use that word against the most beloved and best of creation, peace and blessings of God be upon him. fear God. Hell is for the arrogant who don't fear God.

firstly, it is contested by Muslims how old Aisha was.

I usually hear that she was 9 when the marriage contract was made, but 12 when the marriage was consummated. So the sex would have happened when she was 12 (i think)

even if it happened when she was nine, i don't see what is wrong with that. girls menstruate at the age of 9. so God has made 9 yr olds capable of being mothers, yet you think it to be abominable to marry a 9 yr old.

it's only because of ur society that u find it bad. ur detest isn't based on the actuality of what 9 yr olds are like. 9 yr olds can be as much into sex as teenagers.

also Abu Bakr (ra) and the Prophet weren't brothers in the genetic sense, but in the Islamic brotherhood sense.

for those who are seeking knowledge about islam, try some Islamic web sites... I don't really involve myself in arguments on forums, so I probly won't visit this thread again... not running away, just time-management...

By our modern and more civilized moral standards he appears to have been a monster. Does the fact that they had lower standards 1000 years ago make it any more acceptable that he enjoyed having sex with children? I don't think so, this seems to be a clear sexual perversion. It is difficult to imagine a marriage contract would not be consumated immediately - why else get married?

One could argue that healthcare in those times was extremly poor and average life expectancy only reached into the mid thirties making it appear that a 12 year old is relatively mature.

Either way by our standards he was a pedophile, at age 9 or 12.

I'm not sure that something being true can be considered offensive.
It is an example of treating women like cattle, but I don't think it's the same as the modern crime. After all, it wasn't a crime, how would he know any better? Perhaps people matured more quickly then, I think I read something about that. Compared to most mammals, the length of our childhood is very unusual.
I suspect he was not that much different to many other men living in that place at that time. Obviously, the customs and standards of that society then were significantly different from our customs and standards here and now. Taking this completely out of context makes the argument one-sided.

Regardless, I understand that this thread is deeply offensive to Muslims. The topic has been covered before, and most posters here do not seem to be able to discuss the subject in a mature manner. Therefore, I have decided to close this thread.
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