Was the Prophet Muhammad a paedophile ?

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I have travelled a lot in the Middle East and one day a muslim friend of mine told me that prophet Muhammad married a 6 year old female child and had sex with her when she was 9 - I did not believe it , but later I researched it and YES - IT WAS TRUE !!!!! :
Try a Yahoo search under : Muhammad prophet child wife , and all the juicy
details pop up !!!!
Aisha (Ayesha ) was daughter of Abu Bakr who was like a brother to prophet
M. - in else the 6 year old girl was considered the niece of Muhammad ...
In the book : Sahih Bukhari volume 7, book 62, number 64 it is written about Aisha : "The Prophet married her when she was 6 years old and he consummated the marriage when she was 9 years old , and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e. untill his dead).
When the prophet Muhammad had sex with Aisha she was 9 and he was 54
years old ....................
If any of your 54 years old male friends had sex with a 9 year old child -
what would you say ????
In the book Sahih Bukhari 7.18 it says :
The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for Aisha`s hand in marriage.Abu Bakr said " But I am your brother" (in else SHE IS YOUR NIECE !!!!) . The Prohet said: "You are my brother in Allah`s religion and His Book but she is lawful for me to marry "
If any of your 54 years old male friends had sex with a 9 year old child -
what would you say ????

Must have been tight?

Did you wipe your bloody dick on her teddy bear and make her cry twice?

Seriously though, how do Muslims deal with having a kid humper for a prophet?
What I have heard they say , that Muhammad was "not really" a paedophile , because he had a lot of other wifes that were adult !!!!!!!!!!!
I must say that explains a lot.

What is it about preachers and children?
they just can't stop it
Well , thank you for the info ........
It certainly gives a new meaning to why Michael Jackson -
who is also not a paedophile - wants to join islam and move to Saudi Arabia ))))))))
Mohammed did not necessarily have the sexual fetish called pedophelia, it is the custom in muslim countries to marry young. In Iran today, the marriage age can be as low as 9, with the authorization of the families. In ancient times, people lived shorter lives, and women often died in childbirth, so you needed to get a headstart. It's all part of treating women like property.
Roman said:
Seriously though, how do Muslims deal with having a kid humper for a prophet?
Good question. Here's another good question: how do christians deal with having a schizofrenic madman as a god?
Spidergoat - are you trying to say that all muslims accept sex with 9 years old girls and think it is OK ????
Remember to ask what religion your next babysitter has ......

By the way Hapsburg , why do you think the christian God is Schizophrenic ?
I mean - I just want to hear your reasoning .....
philosopher´s stone said:
By the way Hapsburg , why do you think the christian God is Schizophrenic ?
I mean - I just want to hear your reasoning .....

He flooded the earth and asked somebody to same his creation by building a boat

He forced his own son to have a very painfull death before returning him as a zombie.

He sends plagues of locusts every so often.

He cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden just for eating an apple
I don't know about all muslims. And you don't know if having a wife means having sex with her. Remember, they could have many wives. When it's part of the culture, it would not be the same kind of trauma for her as with our culture. There are alot of things your young wife could do for you besides sex, the dishes, making tea, watering your camels, ect...
Hi Pi-Soduko, that only indicates that he punishes people rather hard - not that he is schizophrenic ..........

Spidergoat - I do not want to judge neither the Prophet nor muslims ..... but Muhammad did have sex with a 9 year old (he married her when she was 6 !! and consummated the marriage when she was 9 ) in our culture that is an abomination , but I guess there are cultures where it is accepted .....................
So I guess what you are saying is, that our culture is just narrowminded , and that we should accept the other cultures way of living and see the beauty of childsex and make it legal here in our culture ?
By the way why do you think Muhammad waited untill she was 9 - was she to tight ?
Is there any legal age in Iran - or can you just have sex with any baby, if you just marry her ?
I am not an expert, but often in society sex has the purpose of getting offspring (children) - girls do not go into puberty untill they are about 11-13 years old , which means that having sex with a girl before that age it is either for pleasure or perhaps a part of a religous ritual ..............
I do not know very much about muslim religious rituals , so please enlighten me , is there any rituals in islam that includes having sex with children ?

I just want to know to broaden my knowledge ............
Pi-Sudoku said:
He flooded the earth and asked somebody to same his creation by building a boat

He forced his own son to have a very painfull death before returning him as a zombie.

He sends plagues of locusts every so often.

He cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden just for eating an apple

Yeah but that is thesame godof all abrahamic religions maybe that is a big part of the problem.
In ancient times and throughout Europe, it was common for girls to be married as young as 12. Even up to a few decades ago it wasn't uncommon for girls to marry at 14-15 in some Mediterranean countries.

In modern Islam, there is no law that forbids marriage before puberty, although it's not encouraged. The married girl has the right to nullify the marriage once she reaches puberty, but I wonder how many would actually do that, or even be aware of that right?
spidergoat said:
Mohammed did not necessarily have the sexual fetish called pedophelia, it is the custom in muslim countries to marry young. In Iran today, the marriage age can be as low as 9, with the authorization of the families. In ancient times, people lived shorter lives, and women often died in childbirth, so you needed to get a headstart. It's all part of treating women like property.
is there any wonder they died young, if the were made to have sex with a full grown man at 9 yrs whilst, the womb was developing, what damage it must cause to her insides, there is no amount of justification, for some sick f**k to have sex with a child, execute the f**king lot of them.
There's no damage, muslims have tiny weiners. The natives of South America used to sacrifice their virgins to the Gods, you want to kill them, too?
geeser said:
is there any wonder they died young, if the were made to have sex with a full grown man at 9 yrs whilst, the womb was developing, what damage it must cause to her insides, there is no amount of justification, for some sick f**k to have sex with a child, execute the f**king lot of them.

There is justification, here from ayatolah khomeinis' book "Tahrir-ol-Masael"

"A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual act such as forplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not comitted a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister."

Original farsi version here

english here
Thank you for the info, Tablariddim ,

I do remember having read something about girls being betrothed (engaged to be married) as little children and then given in marriage after puberty in the middleages ....... at least that was sex after puberty , and like Spidergoat said , lifeexpectance was not like today -all kind of diseases and epidemics without modern medicine to cure it.
Most countries of Europe today has a legal age for sex of 15 (Germany 14 ) - it is close to the puberty onset ............

Why can the muslim girls not nullify the marriage BEFORE puberty ?
If she nullifys the marriage after puberty , can she marry again (not beeing a virgin ) ?
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