Was the Bible intended to be metaphorical?

Yes, it is. I can decide entirely for myself what I think is right and wrong. I could think rape is right, and you can't say I'm wrong.

Of course I can - and can show why it is 'wrong' as well. I wrote about it a while ago here so I shall go have a look through my old posts later and see if I can dig it up.
Of course I can - and can show why it is 'wrong' as well. I wrote about it a while ago here so I shall go have a look through my old posts later and see if I can dig it up.

Morality is PURELY subjective. How can you argue otherwise? I can think rape is righteous and moral and there is NO WAY to prove me "wrong", because it's opinion
If God commands immoral things, then he isn't Omnibenevolent and is not worthy of being obeyed.
If God commands immoral things, then he isn't Omnibenevolent and is not worthy of being obeyed.

God decides what is moral or immoral. Just like we Humans will decide for our own AI creations what is moral or immoral.
God decides what is moral or immoral. Just like we Humans will decide for our own AI creations what is moral or immoral.

So, contrary to what religious people often say, there is no objective morality, only what God says, which can be anything.
Or was it intended to be taken literally? Taking it metaphorically, the Bible seems to be an endless source of philosophical wisdom.

Yes and no.
Some parts are clearly meant to be metaphor, other parts seem to be histories. The problem is figuring out which is which.
God decides what is moral or immoral. Just like we Humans will decide for our own AI creations what is moral or immoral.

In the case of man written scriptures however,Gods' will tends to reflect the moral outlook of the people who relate to others "his will".With so many varied and conflicting versions of "his will" and with much of it considered highly immoral and evil by large segments of the population but not by it's followers,the human races epithet in the future could very well be written on a plaque on a burnt out cinder of a destroyed world (ours).."It was Gods will"
Learn to read Hebrew and find out for yourself.
M*W: Many years ago I attempted to do just that, but I didn't get very far due to time constraints and returning to the States. I'm sure if we could read, write and speak Hebrew, the bible would be more authentic or at least more understandable than it has been through christian interpretation. Perhaps you could interpret some of the misunderstood passages for us.