Was Roswell's Crash a weather Balloon?


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
My theory is, that It was a weather balloon. The original statement of a UFO was probably only made after a metal fragment from the balloon skin had been played with.

in truth I thought about this, a weather balloon (Or balloon for sending up spy equipment), is hit by lightening due to a storm, when it's hit the halogens within the balloon (The gas to make it rise up) act with such verocity that the balloon bursts into fragments and scatters itself.

In the process of the energy exchange to the balloon and the halogen reacting, the metal skin becomes magnetised so one side is south polar and the other north polar.

This means that when a fragment was picked up and still carrying the mangetic alignments and then scrunched in the hand of an individual, it would unfold itself again because scrunching it forced the same poles to repell each other.

This means when it was reported as a Weather Balloon, and everybody thought people were lying, it was in fact a Balloon, so they weren't, that's why no matter how much publicity and partitions never have got the actual report made public. (because it already was made public)

What do you think:confused:
Jesse Marcell, the man who saw the crash debris, stated on his death bed that the "weather balloon" was really a crashed UFO and that the government threatened anyone who saw the crash, aliens, or debris with their life.

Let's face it people: Our government lies through the skin-o-their teeth about UFOs and they'd lie through the skin-o-their peckers towards their wives, concerning fidelity. I've seen a UFO with my own eyes a few days ago and anyone who still doesn't buy the fact that UFO's have been among us, for many years, can go take a seat on a Plutonium Poothole Probe.

Thank you.
Plutonium Poothole Probe????
When did you purchase one of these?
Was it new or used???:D
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Originally posted by wet1
Plutonium Poothole Probe????
When did you purchase one of these?
Was it new or used???:D

Got it at the local S&M store. It had a little blood and hair on it, but who cares- I don't have to wait for the aliens now.
The Roswell incident was alien in nature beyond the then science, including those small humanoid creatures. If someone setup a hoax, it was a damn good one - it fooled the firefighters (my uncle was one of those).
Roswell Crash

The most compelling fact in this whole incident is the original information given to the newspaper. The army officer that released the information was a major I believe and as I recall his job was to release weather balloons every day. I find it hard to believe that he could possibly make a mistake of that magnitude. If he did I think I would lose faith in our military.
FRANKLY speaking,a spacecraft as capable as taking intergalactical flights,or may be interuniversal flights may not simply crash in roswell due to rain or other stupid(according to them,the ufos)reasons,otherwise they would'nt be able to make such far away journey,i might agree if say"HEY!THEY WERE LOOSIN" GAS!"
but suspiciously enough military itself is to blame...for giving death threats to INA WILCOX,wife SHERIFF Wilcox,telling Glenn Dennis(MORTician who received military calls asking for child size coffins and also methods of preservation of bodies exposed to the elements) that if you speak about this,someone is gonna pick your bones from the desert,EVEN,col.Du bose has said that the weather balloon was just a cover story!!!!?????????REALLY MESSED UP!!
im just glad they did not decide to teach them all a big lesson
or is it possible we are just playing someone elses game already?
would we realy know?
... i have my theories and quite frankly they are a bit non conformist :D

its kinda obviouse that they are good at heart cos they left us with the planet to destroy by our selfs :D

groove on all :)
If "they" do exist, they may have a secret contract with the major powers not to shoot down or do something bad...otherwise nuclear war will look like a firecracker...

...just a thought...
If they came from some where far,far away

Then there technology is more advanced and they could take over without much resistance other then us committing mass nuclear detonation.

Weird how we might not really control what we think of as a future.

But that is the game.

Do we play it well?
possible nanotechnology

The possible crashs at roswell sound very much like the ideas of molecular nanotechnology. Using molecular machines to build super light, super strong materials and incorporating molecular repair machines to repair damage parts quickly and easily. The descriptions from over 50 years ago seem to have some truths with coming technologys. Check out www.nanozine,com.

Now you would think that if the military got their hands on something like an alien craft that the first thing they would do would be to try and figure out how it worked. Followed by the theories that make it possible. So far I don't see any plane that can turn on a dime and change flight direction in an instant.

However, some of the things we are seeing make me wonder. Such as our new (to the public) stealth technologies and flight systems that are yet to see the public eye. Any multitude of new technologies would be suspicious in pointing in that direction. Especially if they were truely off the wall or coming in from some interely new direction from past research (((??????)))

Seen anything like that lately?
An interesting long list has been provided at the end of his book calledTHE DOOMSDAY CONSPIRACY by prominent author SIDNEY SHELDON,a story about roswell and how the people who saw the weather balloon debris were eliminated.this list quotes the weird and unexplained deaths of all those people related to have admitedly seen UFOS,and the roswell included.one of them was a Scientist who was a close friend of my grandpa,his death was quoted as suicide and prosecutor proclaimed that he was insane.the last phone call he(grandpa) received was just an hour
before his death,he was talking and discussing something regarding calculus with grandpa.
thank you for that:).frequency stuff seems to confirm my thought of our world being a neural simulation one.

anyways about that perception thing give more info on how to do it experimentally(thoughts changing the reality stuff),if i manage to change my reality in my own dreams then perhaps i may be able to change it here as well.:)
As I have posted many times here, if the UFOs are crafts from our future, then secrecy is a given. Otherwise all the countries including Cuba and other non-friendly countries should not be able to keep real news secret very long. So ...who knows...
i don't know the truth of what really happened in roswell but i do know that they are still pumping governmaent funds into a laboratory located near the crash site.and you have to asks yourself why would they not release all the information about the crash night if nothing went on

Originally posted by kmguru
As I have posted many times here, if the UFOs are crafts from our future, then secrecy is a given.
Hmm...if that is so,then probably we "ll have to evolve a lot more.
some of abductess have reported grays to be talking telepathically,they appear to have lost their ear pinna,or the ear completely.these people apparently absorb food and nutrition from air.but how"ll they come back,time travel?but KM,i have followed a nice post of yours where you have given an example of a gold coin and then given result that time travel may violate laws of conservation of energy and matter.
Regarding greys and absorbing nutrition from air: It is a long story but I was told that with proper meditation, humans can attain a change in their physiology after 120 years of age such that the skin has the ability to absorb sunlight and emf and convert directly to sustain the body. I asked how the cell can repair lost material, I was told that the body will maintain equilibrium as to matter but use the energy in the ATP process. It does not sound possible but who knows....

Yes zion, it is unlikely that time travel is possible due to the conservation of M/E. But that is only true for adding or substracting into our space-time. If a bubble is created that moves through our space but does not interact with our M/E, then it may be possible to gather only information through time. Imagine a movie camera that you can send 10 years back that only takes picture...there may be other ways that does not violate the rules...