Was Prophet Mohammed a real person?

Mohammed was a real person

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Was he a real person? Yes or No? And why do you believe that he was real or not?

What is considered sufficient evidence historically to decide if someone is real or fabricated?

Please explain why you think so. And what you consider as a historical person [with an example, if possible]. Citations of peer reviewed articles will be appreciated.

edit: this also includes swarm, who voted but did not comment.
There is no evidence, for a Mohammed person, other than the Quran.
As there is no evidence for a Jesus person, other than the Bible.
Yes Mohammed was a real person...by the same reasoning I have for God and Allah and Jesus...

A belief in a person/being that exists cannot come from nowhere, something/someone had to exist to giver birth to this belief.
Wow. He could have been every bit as real as Moses then. Moses fit all these qualities as well.
IMO Mohammad is a religious character created for a political story. He's possibly based on a single person, certainly the possibliy exists, but is more likely mostly the fanciful imagining of ancient theologians, doing what they do best - make up religous stories.

One could ask: Was there a real Achilleus and what does it mean "real Achilleus"? Perhaps there was a great warrior that fought against the Trojans. More likely there were various brave warriors who fought various wars. Surely the mythical Achilleus in Homer's Iliad is 99% myth mixed with the deeds of what we expect a great warrior to have done. Homer was a story teller and he told a story to people who wanted to hear this sort of story. At that time Greeks were in LOVE with the Hero Archetype.

So, was there a real Mohammad? Again what does it mean "real Mohammad"? Perhaps there was an Arab person who fought against other Arab tribesmen. That is possible. Or, there may have been many such men. But surely the mythical Mohammad in the Qur'an is 99% myth mixed with the deeds of what Arabsexpected a great Prophet of God to be. That Mohammad, is political-religous myth. A story written by story tellers, vetted by politicians, and sold to an audience that expected such a person to exist.
I think it's reasonable to assume that he existed, but it's hard to find definitive proof.
Some would suggest that Allah is a real god. In the same vein, Mohammed could very well be real. Otherwise he probably is a definite historical figure but he is no prophet. He or anyone for that matter can call him one if inclined. No different than any other religious zealot who felt he knew what was best for everyone, his best that is.
Just consider Uncle Sam, if you want an example of a real person being turned into an incredible character. Uncle Sam did exist, but he was nothing more than a simple store owner that provided supplies to the Union troops. Jesus and Mohammed may very well have had real-life counterparts, but it's likely that the characters you read of in the Quaran and New Testament bear no resemblance to the real person.
Just consider Uncle Sam, if you want an example of a real person being turned into an incredible character. Uncle Sam did exist, but he was nothing more than a simple store owner that provided supplies to the Union troops. Jesus and Mohammed may very well have had real-life counterparts, but it's likely that the characters you read of in the Quaran and New Testament bear no resemblance to the real person.

What did you read about Mohammed in the Quran ?
I'll toss a coin to decide.
Heads he was real, tails he wasn't.

still spinning.....................

Right. I'll have a look.
Tails. Mohammed was not real.
Interesting, a forum full of rationalists and not one has looked at the evidence.
Interesting, a forum full of rationalists and not one has looked at the evidence.

You didn't say there was evidence.
That's completely different.

OK. Heads I believe the evidence and tails I don't.
still spinning.........
Right. I'll have a look.
Tails. I don't believe the evidence.

What was it anyway.