Was our first God a man? Should our last be as well?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Was our first God a man? Should our last be as well?

In reading a bit of history, you will find that the ancient men of power labeled themselves as Gods. Their progeny were called sons of God. I am not clear as to why Emperors and Kings did this. Either to compete with the other Gods or to displace past older Gods. I am not sure. Perhaps people had already started to think of God and laws as the same thing.

Scriptures tell us in John 1 that. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh.
To me, this means that the notion of the word/law was replaced by a leader/God and the consensus required to formalize the laws/God/word. Many thing that the word/flesh was Jesus but this obviously cannot be because Jesus is the N T God and this is way in the beginning of the O T.

My conclusion, based on nature and how the ancients would have perhaps seen it, follows this logic trail.

The God of any animal is one of it’s own.
The God of ants is an ant.
The God of lions is a lion.
It follows then that the God of men should be a man.
No other animal, other than man, has taken the notion that it’s God should be some alien or an entity of other than it‘s own kind.

In terms of society, we have always followed men. Be they men of wealth, politics or religion, men have always been the ones to decide policies and the laws we follow. Today, most recognize that the laws in scripture are man made.
There are always the mentally lazy, literalists and fundamentals, who will foolishly believe that the word of God, the Bible was actually written or inspired by God. Most of intelligence will know otherwise. God would not start his word with a talking serpent and his cursing the earth that he just created. God is not that stupid. Only his literalist sheeple are.

Why we ever decided to chase after some invisible, absentee, super, miracle working God we may never know. The past hides it’s secrets well. Most Eastern religions recognize the myth base of their beliefs. Mostly, it is the Western Abrahamic religions, including Islam, that for some reason decided to literalize scripture and give historicity to it’s God and Jesus even as the originators of the Bible, the Jews and Hebrews. Any who have studied the older religious traditions will know that the Bible is a plagiarized account of many of the older religions. This is well documented.

Genesis tells us that A & E became as Gods. History tells us that many ancient men of power took that same title. Islam has Allah as a tile meaning God, a title. We have always followed the laws written by men and if I stretch my imagination I could even wonder if these men were inspired somehow.

Is it likely that we have misinterpreted the meaning in our ancient books and that the ideal God is supposed to be an abstract entity who we are not ever supposed to find. Is God, the word, just supposed to be a set of rules. I believe so. As interpreted by one man. Remember that that is all Moses came down the mountain with . Words and rules.

We are heading towards a new world order. This is being let by the U N and the World Monetary Fund. The political world will have it’s God/man but if the religious world remains fractured, it will be sucked up by secular forces. This is inevitable to my mind unless religionists unite somehow under a new God.

Recognizing that A & E and thus all of mankind can be as Gods, is it not likely that our first God was a man of power?
Should we not now, since it looks like the world is on some kind of brink, consider doing what revelation indicates is to happen at end time, and elect ourselves a new God and give him power?

Was our first God a man?
Should we have a new man, as God, in this time?

You mean like a world pope? Bad idea.

I agree that our first concepts of gods were just the powerful men around us. But we discovered men were flawed so we created a perfect man beyond reach of death. This if anything proves that religion was created by man.

I fail to see how in one breath you disdain fundamentalism and praise religion. They are the same. If there is no communicated word of god to the people, there is no religion. The idea of god in itself recommends no particular behavior.
You mean like a world pope? Bad idea.

I agree that our first concepts of gods were just the powerful men around us. But we discovered men were flawed so we created a perfect man beyond reach of death. This if anything proves that religion was created by man.

I fail to see how in one breath you disdain fundamentalism and praise religion. They are the same. If there is no communicated word of god to the people, there is no religion. The idea of god in itself recommends no particular behavior.

bullshit. if you can identify a flaw, you can derive a correction, or even a perfection.
if you can identify a flaw, you can derive a correction,

The main problem with that thought is that most people never look at themselves as "flawed" in any way so how can they ever overcome their own ineptitude when they can't even see themselves?
The main problem with that thought is that most people never look at themselves as "flawed" in any way so how can they ever overcome their own ineptitude when they can't even see themselves?


i don't think that's true. i think it's obvious to most people that they're flawed. they might lie about it to themselves or other people, but it's definitely recognizable that everyone is. perhaps though, some people take pleasure in evil, enough to embrace those flaws.

but for the rest, seek and you'll find. knock, and the door will open. the truth's out there, and i'm living testimony that it's really hard to look at, but very well worth it. i don't know how many times i've said out here, that it's like god follows me around with a mirror. it's metaphorical, but very accurate. the holy spirit is my counselor.
Of course He was.

After all, He fucked us all over, so he had to be a man.
The God of any animal is one of its own.
The god of dogs is a human. Just ask yours; you are their god because you singlehandedly bring home a dead cow every month.

BTW, how many species of animals do you know that have a god? And how did you get that information from them?

More seriously (if that's even possible), many species are solitary rather than pack-social. They have no instinct to form a social structure with someone at the top. Humans are pack-social like dogs, dolphins, lions, and gorillas, but be careful not to anthropomorphize indiscriminately.
There is no one ideal life, so there can be no flaws, except in relation to an abstract ideal. In that sense, it is religion itself that creates the false perception of imperfection.
There is no one ideal life, so there can be no flaws, except in relation to an abstract ideal. In that sense, it is religion itself that creates the false perception of imperfection.

actually this statement is too abstract to be realistic. even without religion, people will find faults simply because of the hardships of survival as well as the fact corruption and lies exist or people use them.
There is no one ideal life, so there can be no flaws, except in relation to an abstract ideal. In that sense, it is religion itself that creates the false perception of imperfection.

seems like you need a nice kick in the balls. don't be so afraid to see for crying out loud. you might as well see it for what it is. you have to live in it every fucking day.
That's because you are religious and it tells you something is wrong, just so it can turn around and claim to be your savior.
That's because you are religious and it tells you something is wrong, just so it can turn around and claim to be your savior.

no spider really *slap slap*. there's something extremely wrong. wake the fuck up.