Was Mohah-mad Gay!

Neildo: I can. I knew a 12 year old who had a kid. Back in the late 90's, my city had the highest teen pregnancy rate in all the US. Sexual activity happened (no idea if it still does) in the 5th and 6th grade for me and others. So.. yeah, heh.
M*W: There was a case in my city several years ago where a 10-year-old Mexican girl gave birth. Her husband was about 21, and of course when she delivered, he was arrested and she was put in a foster home with her new baby. These youngsters didn't understand what the big deal was, because apparently this happens more frequently in Mexico and it is not frowned upon. I believe he was deported or was about to be, when a judge dropped the charges on cultural grounds, and I believe they were allowed to stay in the US (somehow).

The youngest girl I've had as a patient was 13. She gave birth to a 9 lb. healthy baby boy. The oldest patient I've had was 51. She gave birth to a 7 lb. baby but had complications. That is something I hope I never have to see again! My heart went out to the older woman with grandchildren who thought she was just going through menopause!

"Oh, yeah, life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone. Rock on!" ~ John Cougar Mellencamp
M*W: There was a case in my city several years ago where a 10-year-old Mexican girl gave birth. Her husband was about 21, and of course when she delivered, he was arrested and she was put in a foster home with her new baby. These youngsters didn't understand what the big deal was, because apparently this happens more frequently in Mexico and it is not frowned upon. I believe he was deported or was about to be, when a judge dropped the charges on cultural grounds, and I believe they were allowed to stay in the US (somehow).

Wow, that's crazy that a US judge let the guy off on cultural grounds. I would have thought he'd been lynched real bad by the people here. While I'm not into the whole 21 year old on 10 year old thing, I'm glad he got off on cultural grounds. One thing I dislike is how some culture groups look at other culture groups in disdain. Neither is anymore correct than the other, they're all just different. It's one of the reasons why I didn't like U.S. invading Iraq to force a Democracy on them. Sure, we like a Democracy, but we're not them and they're not us. Enforcing a new government is no different than enforcing a new religion or culture, it's a violation. People have their own ways and if they want change, the only way to make it happen is to have people revolt on their own, it can't be forced upon them.

And yeah, I see a lot of "fathers" shopping, or walking along with their young "daughter" all the time. I've been wondering if that's the guy's wife or not, heh, because they also seem so quiet and submissive right by their side. It probably is due to the fact that Mexican families have an ungodly huge family so what is that guy doing shopping or hanging out with only one of their kids and not the whole bunch that is commonly done?

And to stay on topic, err yeah, Mohammed.. Islam, uh yeah.. um.. it's cool and stuff.

- N

"Tout comprendre, c'est tout pardonner". "To understand all is to forgive all".
path said:
Surrenderer do not associate me with vincent I do not ascribe to such outlandish, bigoted claims, I did make some nasty threads back in Proud Muslims time but only as a counter to his anti-anything thats not islam propaganda threads. Now the mode of discussion here for the most part is much more civil. :)
If you check those crap threads started by vincent you will not find me agreeing with him on 1 of them. I simply stated the truth that muhammed was not a man of peace, a man of peace like for example Gandi does not fight wars they find other solutions. I DO find it more than strange that allah the most powerful being in the universe could not find other solutions besides violence the same goes for the god of the bible and torah. That is what I was saying it is a legitimate complaint I have not an ignorant assumption. What does it tell you about me that I refuse to ascribe to a god that uses violence? I never said all muslims are terrorist crap because that is patently false. Frankly if I were a moderator I would send all vincents threads to the cesspool. Anyway as to who said muhammed is a role model for all time it is all over the place in muslim literature and on muslim websites etc. You can search or I can post examples of it.

I never have or would(intentionally) associate you with Vincent. IF you find it strange that God could send a messenger that fought wars then thats fine i can understand that. I also do believe that the Prophet(pbuh) was a model for all time as was Jesus(pbuh) Moses(pbuh) David(pbuh) etc..... because Islam teaches us that thats why they were brought here.....to teach us how to live and to deliver a message(David....psalms Moses....torah Jesus.....Injeel) I only meant that because he fought wars doesnt mean that everyone needs to fight wars.I do agree though that theKoran does give say that:

Fighting is prescribed for you,
and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing
which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for
you. But God knoweth, and ye know not (2:216)."

But sorry dude sometimes when you are prosecuted enough one has to defend himself....the only people who would disagree with a man defending himself is a wolf who intends on making muslims his sheep....peace
Neildo: It's one of the reasons why I didn't like U.S. invading Iraq to force a Democracy on them. Sure, we like a Democracy, but we're not them and they're not us. Enforcing a new government is no different than enforcing a new religion or culture, it's a violation. People have their own ways and if they want change, the only way to make it happen is to have people revolt on their own, it can't be forced upon them.
M*W: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe we went into Iraq to force Democracy on them. We have helped them to establish their own government, but the Iraqis are now revolting. I do believe the majority of Iraqis are glad we removed Saddam Hussein from the oppression he put them under. By the US being in Iraq, it puts us closer to the source of Al-Queda and, hopefully, we will continue to pursue their trail. I don't like war. Nobody does, but I think our presence there is needed. We can't just sit back and watch as the world is terrorized and do nothing about it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe we went into Iraq to force Democracy on them.

Nah, the people in charge want everyone to be like us. It's no different than religion. People think their religion is best so they want others to follow in their footsteps.

We have helped them to establish their own government, but the Iraqis are now revolting. I do believe the majority of Iraqis are glad we removed Saddam Hussein from the oppression he put them under.

I doubt the majority of Iraqi's want a democracy, I bet it just seems that way due to the media. Those people are highly religious folk and freedom is not a word in their religion. As Leo once asked in one of this threads about freedom, the devil, and all that, "free from who?" and eventually it'll turn into free from Allah. Look at some of the young girls that were shown on TV not covering their hair in public, it's going to ruin their religion and that just ain't gonna stand with the majority of the people there as it'll ruin their culture. I highly doubt they want Iraq to become the next America-influenced Israel. They have strict ways of life that are foreign to us and we want them to become westernized. Freedom is westernized and freedom is bad for religious establishments.

By the US being in Iraq, it puts us closer to the source of Al-Queda and, hopefully, we will continue to pursue their trail. I don't like war. Nobody does, but I think our presence there is needed. We can't just sit back and watch as the world is terrorized and do nothing about it.

Well I have two opinions on Iraq. Morally I think the war was wrong for the reasons I gave above, but tactically, it was a good thing. It becomes a nest for terrorism where we have most of them in one spot to deal with our soldiers as opposed to having them on our homeland with our civilizations. We get an extra perk which is oil, we establish a more American presence in the Middle East, and we gain a second front for the soon-to-be war with Iran.

And yeah uh, Mohammed and Islam is cool. I bet his young wife was pretty hot for a 5 year old (on topic).

- N