Was Mohah-mad Gay!


Sir Vincent, knighted by HM
Registered Senior Member
Was Mohammed Gay

There Are Many References In The Koran Of Taking Young Boys For Pleasure

What A Sad Thread But Someone Started A Thread About Jesus Being Gay

This Muslim Forum Is So Sad Hundreds Of Children Are Murdered In Russia Yet You Debate Is Jesus Gay
Gay? Pedophile?

Yes m-16 I read that link however read this:

Dr. Homa Darabi

Unfortuanetly, that when a grown man has "desires" of a child at the age of 4-5, and asks for her hand in marriage at 6. THAT BASTARD IN OUR WESTERN CULTURE IS CONSIDERED A PEDOPHILE!

What other characterization would you give? :rolleyes:

ok you said things that is not true
you are not muslims so please don't say whatever you dont know or you cant even understand .
Mohammad peace be upon him is a messenger of Allah just like Jesus peace be upon him.
both of them are Prophets of Allah and we should not say such thing about them.

please dont say things you dont really know .
Welcome to sci-forums Fatima.

But you are seriously MISTAKEN!!.

I've been studing Islam for some time know I don't make claims that I can't back up.
I sugest you yourself read the Shahih Bukhari, were the passages are. Written there for the whole world to know.
Or would you like for me to POINT THEM OUT TO YOU!!??

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Just a bit of help:

What is "sick" is that Muhammad had started to dream of a union with Aisha already when she was 4-5 years old: "You were shown to me twice (in my dream) before I married you...(and) I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen." He was to use a similar tactic when he wanted to marry his step son's wife. A tactic which Aisha later came to understand as fraud, as in: "Aisha said: O Allah's Apostle! I do not see, but, that your Lord hurries in pleasing you." (Refs 2)

Muhammad wasted no time in realizing what he had been dreaming. Already when Aisha was 6 "The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said "But I am your brother." The Prophet said, "You are my brother in Allah's religion and His Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry." Here it does not seem that Abu Bakr consented to the marriage wholeheartedly.

REFERENCES (1) Les femmes du Prophete Prof.Magali Morsi, Professor of History, University of Muhammed V, Rabat, Morocco.
Shahih Bukhari: [1.229] [1.230] [1.231] [1.232] [1.233] [1.258] [1.263] [1.267] [1.270] [1.294] [1.296] [1.298] [1.299] [3.148] [3.149] [3.150] [3.853] [4.736] [5.235] [5.236] [5.731] [7.14] [7.15] [7.57] [7.48] [7.57] [7.64] [7.65] [7.86] [7.88] [7.90] [7.144] [7.163] [8.151] [9.139] [9.140]

Godless said:
Yes m-16 I read that link however read this:

Dr. Homa Darabi

Unfortuanetly, that when a grown man has "desires" of a child at the age of 4-5, and asks for her hand in marriage at 6. THAT BASTARD IN OUR WESTERN CULTURE IS CONSIDERED A PEDOPHILE!

What other characterization would you give? :rolleyes:


Lets review :

PEDOPHILIA : [NL] (1906): sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object.

[Scriptural Evidence] Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64: Sahih Bukhari [the most venerated and authentic Islamic source]
Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).

Mongomerry Watts states: "Muhammed seemed to have felt a SPECIAL TENDERNESS towards children."

I don't believe that the Prophetd desired Aisha for any sexual reasons, i believe that he desired her because he liked her, like a dad would like his children.

He felt a Speacial Tenderness? According to what? Those Islamphobes? What kind of speacial tenderness? Just because he loves Kids just like any parent would, he gets called a pedophile?

Then they go,

The Moral Standard Muslims look upto, Prophet Mohammad : " ... Sounds like child molestation to me. It does not appear to me that the founder of Islam was a man of peace or good moral character. " - Anonymous.

So now it goes to him being a pedophile to now not being a man of peace, wow, thats really ummmm, :confused:

Then it quotes from Khomeini's book, which is something not supported by Muslims, they call him evil.

That link is very weak, it jumps around too many times, it leaves the subject and goes to another.

You have already humiliated your self.
He was not, whatever he was, a man of peace. The biblical figure of jesus was a man of peace. The figure of muhammed we meet in the quran and hadith was quite the little general ;)
path said:
He was not, whatever he was, a man of peace. The biblical figure of jesus was a man of peace. The figure of muhammed we meet in the quran and hadith was quite the little general ;)

Actually he was a man of peace for many many years untill he was given instructions to fight back against those who were persecuting him. The Prophet(pbuh) was a head-of-state much like David(pbuh) or Moses(pbuh) but unlike Jesus(pbuh) so naturally their would be more violence....peace
surenderer said:
Actually he was a man of peace for many many years untill he was given instructions to fight back against those who were persecuting him. The Prophet(pbuh) was a head-of-state much like David(pbuh) or Moses(pbuh) but unlike Jesus(pbuh) so naturally their would be more violence....peace

Right so allah, who has the power to do anything instructs muhammed to use force to resolve his conflicts thereby setting a precedent for all future generations of muslims. And he made him king of the newly founded state....Niiiice :m:
path said:
Right so allah, who has the power to do anything instructs muhammed to use force to resolve his conflicts thereby setting a precedent for all future generations of muslims. And he made him king of the newly founded state....Niiiice :m:

Chapter 2, Verse 190: "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors."

Yea sounds real unfair :rolleyes:

Ummmm who said it was for all future generations? Please inform me of the religion/idealogy that hasnt fought wars.You need to quit the "All muslims are terrorists"crap because you sound brainwashed.Did you know that there are more muslims in India than in the whole middle east? they seem to have little problem living among hindus and christians in a democracy.How about the fact that there are more muslims in Indonesia than in India(another democracy) I suppose they are all bent on spreading their religion by the sword also huh? :rolleyes: You guys with your ignorance are running all the muslims right off these boards.Sure there are badd people in this world with muslim backgrounds just as there are christians hindus etc....
surenderer said:
Chapter 2, Verse 190: "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors."

Yea sounds real unfair :rolleyes:

Ummmm who said it was for all future generations? Please inform me of the religion/idealogy that hasnt fought wars.You need to quit the "All muslims are terrorists"crap because you sound brainwashed.Did you know that there are more muslims in India than in the whole middle east? they seem to have little problem living among hindus and christians in a democracy.How about the fact that there are more muslims in Indonesia than in India(another democracy) I suppose they are all bent on spreading their religion by the sword also huh? :rolleyes: You guys with your ignorance are running all the muslims right off these boards.Sure there are badd people in this world with muslim backgrounds just as there are christians hindus etc....

Surrenderer do not associate me with vincent I do not ascribe to such outlandish, bigoted claims, I did make some nasty threads back in Proud Muslims time but only as a counter to his anti-anything thats not islam propaganda threads. Now the mode of discussion here for the most part is much more civil. :)
If you check those crap threads started by vincent you will not find me agreeing with him on 1 of them. I simply stated the truth that muhammed was not a man of peace, a man of peace like for example Gandi does not fight wars they find other solutions. I DO find it more than strange that allah the most powerful being in the universe could not find other solutions besides violence the same goes for the god of the bible and torah. That is what I was saying it is a legitimate complaint I have not an ignorant assumption. What does it tell you about me that I refuse to ascribe to a god that uses violence? I never said all muslims are terrorist crap because that is patently false. Frankly if I were a moderator I would send all vincents threads to the cesspool. Anyway as to who said muhammed is a role model for all time it is all over the place in muslim literature and on muslim websites etc. You can search or I can post examples of it.
you are seriously Mistaken godless coz you are saying things that is untrue and we all know that
you can not lie to a Muslim who know his Prophet more than any one and you are lying coz there is no such Hadith in Saheeh al Bokhari saying the Mohammad PBUH was a gay and he married Aisha when she was 9 coz at that time all women was able to be wives at that age and er know that as Arabs but dont say untrue sayings about our Prophet peace be upon him.

dont 4get that you are talking to a Musil and you can not make lies.
it's my religion and i know what is wrong and what is right so whenever you want to talk about such a thing be sure to tell the truth and don't lie to the others.

sorry but it's the way to tell everyone that there is no such Hadith as you've said

Mohammad and Jesus Nd Moses are messengers of Allah we all should respect them and stop talking about them this way.........

respect them all
peace be upon them
I don't believe that the Prophetd desired Aisha for any sexual reasons, i believe that he desired her because he liked her, like a dad would like his children.

Is this why he screwed her at age nine? :rolleyes:

He felt a Speacial Tenderness? According to what? Those Islamphobes? What kind of speacial tenderness? Just because he loves Kids just like any parent would, he gets called a pedophile?

What special tenderness?, he had several wifes and the youngest one, was his favorite, for sexual favors. BTW. I know a lot of fathers, and they wouldn't certainly lay down with thier nine year old doughters. I understand that these are different times, and our society has "finally" evolved a tiny bit, but Islamist still are behind the times, and it is kind of "legal" in some Islam countries to marry very young women. Old enough to bleed, Old enough to breed. Eh?.

In Muslim law, on attaining puberty, a marriage may only be permissible; it is not mandatory by any interpretation. Neither the Quran nor the prophet prescribed any fixed age for puberty or marriage. The supposedly lowest age of puberty for girls (9 years) was based on some precedents of 7th century Arabia, said to have been accepted by Imam Abu Hanifa 100 years later. Two other jurists of Abu Hanifa's time, Qazi Ibn Shubruma and Abu Bakr al-Asam, had disapproved of minor girls' marriages, relying on some indications in the Quran.

very interesting article.

freaks throughout history

Well my bad, it seems that Mohamed was not the only pedophile throug religion's history.

Mohammed wasn't a pedophile back in those days. If he were to exist today then he would be considered one though. Laws and morals change all the time. What was distasteful in the past may not be today. What is distasteful today may not have been in the past. You can't use the opinions of the past today nor can you use opinions of today in regards to the past. If that were so, we'd all still be sleeping in seperate beds from our spouses, and any other numerous stupid law that existed.

- N
Mohammed wasn't a pedophile back in those days. If he were to exist today then he would be considered one though. Laws and morals change all the time. What was distasteful in the past may not be today. What is distasteful today may not have been in the past. You can't use the opinions of the past today nor can you use opinions of today in regards to the past. If that were so, we'd all still be sleeping in seperate beds from our spouses, and any other numerous stupid law that existed.

True that!!.

Back in the old days people didn't live long, so humans had to reproduce quite young in order to survive.

However I can't fathom a young girl say 11 years old giving birth. Can you?.

However I can't fathom a young girl say 11 years old giving birth. Can you?.

I can. I knew a 12 year old who had a kid. Back in the late 90's, my city had the highest teen pregnancy rate in all the US. Sexual activity happened (no idea if it still does) in the 5th and 6th grade for me and others. So.. yeah, heh.

- N
But the thing is that Mohammad married her not to have sex with her, but for good reasons :

1. The Prophet married Aisha primarily for three reasons:

a. To reinforce the friendly relations already existing with Abu Bakr (his closest companion).

b. To educate and train Aisha for the purposes of Islam.

c. To utilise her capabilities for the sake of Islam.

Dang, am I the only one that is having early 90's flashbacks of that little 1st grade rap group called ABC that sang that song "Aisha"? Them lil kids rapping about a little girl on the playground. Who knows, it could be a hidden song of Islam love. :p (kidding!)

- N