Was Jesus a Pharaoh?

both Jesus and Joshua were one and the same,

I dunno about Joshua, but Joseph and Jesus are the same because:

Both had a miraculous birth.
Joseph had 12 brothers, and Jesus had 12 disciples.
Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver, Jesus was sold for 30.
Judah suggested the sale of Joseph, Judas, suggested the sale of Jesus.
Both began their life's work at the age of thirty.

This savior story exists in so many myths, but it's interesting to find two of them in one book.
I dunno about Joshua, but Joseph and Jesus are the same because:

Both had a miraculous birth.
Joseph had 12 brothers, and Jesus had 12 disciples.
Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver, Jesus was sold for 30.
Judah suggested the sale of Joseph, Judas, suggested the sale of Jesus.
Both began their life's work at the age of thirty.

And who was writing about all this?
I dunno about Joshua, but Joseph and Jesus are the same because: ... Joseph had 12 brothers, and Jesus had 12 disciples.

This savior story exists in so many myths, but it's interesting to find two of them in one book.
Interesting. We have ...
  1. Asher
  2. Benjamin
  3. Dan
  4. Gad
  5. Issachar
  6. Judah
  7. Levi
  8. Naphtali
  9. Reuben
  10. Simeon
  11. Zebulun
  12. ??????????
I think there may be a problem here ...
I don't know, but what does it matter?

We read so much about someone that was really unknown to everyone for many years. why write about Jesus when he wasn't doing anything and who was taking notes about what was happening to him all of the time?
You are correct, all things that were written about him were written close to 100 years after he died.

I still believe that Jesus was alive but not a son of God but a genius at doing things just like DaVinci was during his time.

I'm curious, what do you believe were the genius qualities of Jesus?
Was Jesus a Pharaoh?
There is absolutely no evidence to even suggest such.
You are letting yourself run away with your imagination again.
Step away from the Dan Brown and Acharya S. and no one will get hurt. :D

Pick up Foucault's Pendulum, instead.
You will thank me.

Evidence from archaeology, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Koran, the Talmud, and biblical sources, make a compelling case that both Jesus and Joshua were one and the same, a belief echoed by the early Church Fathers, and that this person was also the pharaoh Tutankhamun who ruled Egypt between 1361 and 1352 BC.
I'd like to know what the evidence is that makes this "compelling case" as well.
I'm curious, what do you believe were the genius qualities of Jesus?

I was thinking along the lines of feeding the multitudes by introducing new forms of crop fertilizer or growing techniques. Some of the " miracles" he performed that we are told about could have been just ways to help people in ways they never had thought of before. He could have just stood out as a man who did much to help everyone with new discoveries to help all.
why write about Jesus when he wasn't doing anything and who was taking notes about what was happening to him all of the time?

the story of jesus is a recreation of an ancient savior story. horus, attis, krishna, dionysus, mithra. the story of the savior is the story of the sun which moves through the twelve constellations and saves us from darkness. the sun is the physical version of the spiritual savior within us who defeats the darkness, ignorance.
the story of jesus is a recreation of an ancient savior story. horus, attis, krishna, dionysus, mithra. the story of the savior is the story of the sun which moves through the twelve constellations and saves us from darkness. the sun is the physical version of the spiritual savior within us who defeats the darkness, ignorance.

That is true but I'd still think that he could have just been a real human trying to do what he could but was taken for something he was not.