Was Christ similar to Martin Luther?

Clearly no you don't if you saying idiodcy like catholics are christian and being raised as a catholic you should no better but I guess you joined with protestants who don't shit about the history of the faith. Your wrong.

No i did not join with the "protestants", most of them follow the catholic doctrine of justifiable war. Remember in the book of Revelation the harlot of babylon has daughters too.

No i read the bible and saw that my church was not true to the teachings of Jesus and got out of her and decided to believe Jesus.

Oh i did go through the "find another church" phaze. But i did not find a church that believed Jesus. i discovered that the Body of Christ (the true church) was a body of belief not a structured organization officially recognised by and favoured with tax exemption status by state authority.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No i did not join with the "protestants", most of them follow the catholic doctrine of justifiable war. Remember in the book of Revelation the harlot of babylon has daughters too.

No i read the bible and saw that my church was not true to the teachings of Jesus and got out of her and decided to believe Jesus.

Oh i did go through the "find another church" phaze. But i did not find a church that believed Jesus. i discovered that the Body of Christ (the true church) was a body of belief not a structured organization officially recognised by and favoured with tax exemption status by state authority.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

so in other words your no different from the protestants just another dipshit heretic who thinks splintering away from a christian faith gives him and him alone the right to say who is a christian.
So the first 1500 years of christianity weren't christianity(sorry mods for this forum but I must call this man what he is) dude your a moron.

Have you even read the torah or old testement?

Where the fuck do get the bullshit from? Constantine coverted to christianity(catholicism)

than your truely the dumbest SOB who walked this earth because protestants are the ones all gungho about going to war so by your own lgic its the protestants who aren't christian.

you mean like catholics? you mean like protestants and you?

does us both a favor and quit. the more you go on the dumber your going to make your self look.

I am really sharking your foundations aren’t i. swearing your head off and throwing "moron" statements like a cornered wounded animal.

the catholic church was not founded in 1AD no it was founded by supporters of constantine after 300 AD

Irrespective of constantine and the false catholic church that has existed for the last 1700 years, Christians have existed often unseen and unrecognised down thought history. That’s why the catholic church has had to launch so many inquisitions to seek out "heratics" during the time it had full backing by the powers that be in this world (satanic serving powers)

And yeah there are many "protestant" organizations that a gunho about going in boots and all into justifiable war and yeah they are false too and they serve the needs of the satanic elites in preaching justifiable war just like the good old catholic church did and still does today.

You can call me all the names under the sun sunshine but i know what Jesus said and i know that what the catholic church teaches, it is in rebellion against what Jesus teaches. So no. catholics are not followers of the Messiah Jesus neither are most protestants for that matter.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
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so in other words your no different from the protestants just another dipshit heretic who thinks splintering away from a christian faith gives him and him alone the right to say who is a christian.

"dipshit heretic"

How revealing. Full of hatred and even spewing the word Heretic.

I will say what i believe and what conscience leads me to give. You can spew forth all the hate and invective your heart desires but the truth of the Word of God cannot be denied. Jesus words stand irrespective of all the twisting done by those who serve the kings of this world.

It is a testament to the power of God to protect His Message that they could not remove the teachings that show them clearly to be false christians.

They preserved the bible that declares them false. How ironic and how sweet is that :D a Testament to the power of God

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
"dipshit heretic"

How revealing. Full of hatred and even spewing the word Heretic.

I will say what i believe and what conscience leads me to give. You can spew forth all the hate and invective your heart desires but the truth of the Word of God cannot be denied. Jesus words stand irrespective of all the twisting done by those who serve the kings of this world.

It is a testament to the power of God to protect His Message that they could not remove the teachings that show them clearly to be false christians.

They preserved the bible that declares them false. How ironic and how sweet is that :D a Testament to the power of God

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
the orthodox christians would call you a heretic, catholics would call you a heretic, and the protestants would call you a heretic. All three major branches. No if you keep spewing falsehoods like catholics aren't christians I'll report for being a dman troll.
the orthodox christians would call you a heretic, catholics would call you a heretic, and the protestants would call you a heretic. All three major branches. No if you keep spewing falsehoods like catholics aren't christians I'll report for being a dman troll.

catholics are not true Christians. Anyone who does not believe Jesus is not His follower. Anyone who believes in the doctrine of justifiable war is not a follower of the teachings of Jesus.

Report away.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
"No if you keep spewing falsehoods like catholics aren't christians I'll report for being a dman troll."

Seriously, you can try and report.

He is doing a True Scottsman fallacy (I believe that's what it's called), if I'm thinking correctly. He's saying they aren't Christians. Yes they are. Well, not True Christians (tm).

Catholics are Christians. To say they aren't is to mince words and definitions meaninglessly, where the only result is causing confusion.

What he (I think) means to say is, "They aren't doing God's will, and they probably won't go to heaven."

"But, but, they think they will! You can't say they won't!"

Actually, he can. That's his opinion. This is a public forum where we discuss our opinions on religion. If he can't discuss an opinion that doesn't conform with the majority, then this forum has failed.
"Anyone who believes in the doctrine of justifiable war is not a follower of the teachings of Jesus."

So why did Jesus tell his follower's to sell their cloaks, and buy swords?

I may need to reread that entire section, because now I'm thinking it was when the Romans were coming for Jesus.
- Peter chopped off a dude's ear at one point, and Jesus rebuked him, and healed the soldiers ear.
- Jesus said that those who lived by the sword died by the sword.

Were all of these things in the same story? If so, then Jesus telling his disciples to buy swords may have been an elaborate message. If not, my original question still stands.
What you say:
Anyone who does not believe Jesus is not His follower. Anyone who believes in the doctrine of justifiable war is not a follower of the teachings of Jesus.

What you mean:
Anyone who does not believe Adstar is not His follower. Anyone who believes in the doctrine of justifiable war is not a follower of the teachings of Adstar.

All Praise Adstar
"Anyone who believes in the doctrine of justifiable war is not a follower of the teachings of Jesus."

So why did Jesus tell his follower's to sell their cloaks, and buy swords?

I may need to reread that entire section, because now I'm thinking it was when the Romans were coming for Jesus.
- Peter chopped off a dude's ear at one point, and Jesus rebuked him, and healed the soldiers ear.
- Jesus said that those who lived by the sword died by the sword.

Were all of these things in the same story? If so, then Jesus telling his disciples to buy swords may have been an elaborate message. If not, my original question still stands.

Yes the accounts are connected, they happened on the same day. Jesus told them to get swords so that he could later on make it perfectly clear that they where not to use them.

Yes i encourage you to read the bible in context. Thats what many "religious" people never do. They study it by isolated verses.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What you say:

What you mean:
Anyone who does not believe Adstar is not His follower. Anyone who believes in the doctrine of justifiable war is not a follower of the teachings of Adstar.

All Praise Adstar

I have only echoed the Words of Jesus on this one issue, search His word and you will see that He clearly taught non-resistance. So don't waste your time attacking the messenger because you do not like the message. Deal with the issue at hand,

And one can only be a true follower of Jesus if they acknowledge His teachings. Otherwise their claims to being a follower of Jesus are False. They only follow a modified "jesus" created to conform to the thinking and desires of men.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days