Was Buddha a God?


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I've been studying Buddhism for a while now and I don't understand something, is Buddha a God?

I've never thought that Buddha was a deity, just someone who has been enlightened and teaches of the Dharama. However, I was reading this book a few days ago "Entering the Stream" and it talks about this crazy birth of Buddha.

Like he's born then starts walking around and talking. :bugeye: I don't get that. No normal child would just jump out of you and do that.

So was The Buddha a God or not?
I've been studying Buddhism for a while now and I don't understand something, is Buddha a God?

I've never thought that Buddha was a deity, just someone who has been enlightened and teaches of the Dharama. However, I was reading this book a few days ago "Entering the Stream" and it talks about this crazy birth of Buddha.

Like he's born then starts walking around and talking. :bugeye: I don't get that. No normal child would just jump out of you and do that.

So was The Buddha a God or not?

I really found Siddhartha Gautama bio inspiring...

it goes something like this.

shortly after buddha had achieved enlightenment under the tree.... he was walking down a road... and coming the other way, was some farmer or villager... and apon seeing mr buddha, the stranger was amazed and asked...
"who and or what are you sir? are you an alien from another world? or and angel?"

and the buddha turned and said.... "I am awake"

-MT (FROM THE TEACHING OF THE BUDDHA, a samll book i have.)
Absolutely not. Supernatural stories surround him, because it's the same phenomenon as the creation of any supernatural religion. One guy has a breakthrough, which few understand, and instead of understanding, they worship like they always have. It is resistance to change. It is the evolution of memes in contradiction to the character of it's source material.

I think it is probable that the same thing happened to jesus.
Aren't there a few types of Buddhism because some people made him to look like a god?
I've been studying Buddhism for a while now and I don't understand something, is Buddha a God?

I've never thought that Buddha was a deity, just someone who has been enlightened and teaches of the Dharama. However, I was reading this book a few days ago "Entering the Stream" and it talks about this crazy birth of Buddha.

Like he's born then starts walking around and talking. :bugeye: I don't get that. No normal child would just jump out of you and do that.

So was The Buddha a God or not?

No, he was superior to Gods or Devas of Hinduism, also in Hinduism there is no separation between mankind and the devas...humans can attain higher perfections than the Gods as well as mystic powers like walking on water, flying, phasing through objects, knowing previous existences, or any other mystic power

The devas experience happiness and distress just like regular humans so they are inferior to The Buddha who was free from suffering to any degree

No, he was superior to Gods or Devas of Hinduism, also in Hinduism there is no separation between mankind and the devas...humans can attain higher perfections than the Gods as well as mystic powers like walking on water, flying, phasing through objects, knowing previous existences, or any other mystic power

I have never heard of any descriptions in the vedas of humans having the capacity to attain higher perfections than the demigods - do you have any vedic statements or recollection of puranic incidents to back up these claims?

The devas experience happiness and distress just like regular humans so they are inferior to The Buddha who was free from suffering to any degree

Buddha is an incarnation of vishnu (saktyavesa avatar) and his appearance is foretold in scriptures at least 2000 years before he appeared.

Buddha was not a god but a human being who threw out all the junk that were presented as truth. And he earnestly tried hard and succeeded to find a way closer to the truth.
Buddha was not a god but a human being who threw out all the junk that were presented as truth. And he earnestly tried hard and succeeded to find a way closer to the truth.

I couldn't agree more.
Buddha was not a god but a human being who threw out all the junk that were presented as truth. And he earnestly tried hard and succeeded to find a way closer to the truth.
the quote (SB 1.3.24) mentions that Buddha incarnated to bewilder (sammohaya) the atheist class (sura dvisam) - the reason for taking such an unusual status (god appearing as an atheist) was that people were performing sinful activity (namely wholesale consumption of animal flesh) on the strength of vedic statements (using fire sacrifice) - so buddha incarnated to advocate rejection of the vedas just to promulgate ahimsa (non violence)

(from gita govinda - prayers glorifying incarnations of vishnu)
nindasi yajna-vidher ahaha shruti-jatam
sadaya-hrdaya darsita-pasu-ghatam
keshava dhrta-buddha-sarira jaya jagadisa hare

O Keshava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of Buddha! All glories to You! O Buddha of compassionate heart, you decry the slaughtering of poor animals performed according to the rules of Vedic sacrifice

I have never heard of any descriptions in the vedas of humans having the capacity to attain higher perfections than the demigods - do you have any vedic statements or recollection of puranic incidents to back up these claims?
Really? I don't believe there's any statements in the Vedas.

SB 3.15.24: Lord Brahmā said: My dear demigods, the human form of life is of such importance that we also desire to have such life, for in the human form one can attain perfect religious truth and knowledge.

SB 11.20.12: The residents of both heaven and hell desire human birth on the earth planet because human life facilitates the achievement of transcendental knowledge and love of Godhead, whereas neither heavenly nor hellish bodies efficiently provide such opportunities.

Furthermore it is stated that Brahma and other devas desire liberation and that at the end of the universe Brahma will attain liberation. Human beings can attain liberation even in this lifetime, and realize their true identity with Brahm.

As for mystic perfections (siddhis) and powers (Vibhutis) they're mentioned in detail in the Yoga Sutras and the Srimad Bhagavatam (11.15). Anyone who elevates their consciousness to samadhi or higher can attain them, they include abilities like flying, walking on water, materializing objects, etc...

Buddha is an incarnation of vishnu (saktyavesa avatar) and his appearance is foretold in scriptures at least 2000 years before he appeared.

During The Buddha's lifetime he wasn't considered an incarnation of Buddha, he was considered to be another spiritual master. However later on they discovered that he matched the description of The Buddha-Avatara.
Typical, making enlightened teachers out to fufill ancient prophecy.

Of course during his lifetime he wasn't considered an incarnation of Buddha, he started that whole idea.
During The Buddha's lifetime he wasn't considered an incarnation of Buddha, he was considered to be another spiritual master. However later on they discovered that he matched the description of The Buddha-Avatara.

As I understood it, Siddhartha started the wheel of Dharma again, because all of the Dharma had been completely lost to humankind.
He was the latest first Buddha - the one to come to enlightenment completely on his own accord, and that was what made him so special.

He said that, in the future, when all of the Dharma will be completely forgotten and lost to makind, another Buddha will reappear to discover it "for the first time" again.
This is the whole point of Tibetan Buddhists keeping the prayer wheels spinning - so people will not forget the Dharma.

How, then, could his appearance have been prophesied anywhere?

What am I missing?
As I understood it, Siddhartha started the wheel of Dharma again, because all of the Dharma had been completely lost to humankind.
He was the latest first Buddha - the one to come to enlightenment completely on his own accord, and that was what made him so special.

He said that, in the future, when all of the Dharma will be completely forgotten and lost to makind, another Buddha will reappear to discover it "for the first time" again.
This is the whole point of Tibetan Buddhists keeping the prayer wheels spinning - so people will not forget the Dharma.

How, then, could his appearance have been prophesied anywhere?

What am I missing?

In addition to amarakosa, there are also many other buddhist scriptures confirming this as fact. In the prajnaparamita sutra, astasahasrik prajnaparamita sutra, lalita vistara and other gives evidence of three different platforms of buddhas as decribed below

1) Adi Buddha - the original omnipotent Visnu avatar incarnation of Lord Buddha
2) Bodhisattva Buddha : the buddhas like Samanta Bhadra who were born enlightened
3) Human Buddhas - The buddha like Sakya Singha who attained enlightenment in one lifetime

The original incarnation of Lord Visnu as Buddha possessed all opulences and potencies while any other subsequent manifestations that have been referred to as Buddha as well are on a totally different platform possessing only a portion of this potency in the form of enlightenment. Sakhya Singha Buddha was not born a Bodhisattva, he attained Bodhi or enlightenment after years of intense tapasya and severe austerities. Samanta Bhadra ws born enlightened and thus he had no need to perform intense tapasya and severe austerities to attain that state. Adi Buddha who incarnated as one of thel ila avatars of Lord Visnu was a manifestation of the supreme absolute truth and totally transcendental to material existence being perfection personified. He appeared for the specific purpose of putting an end to the slaughter of animals by preaching the philosophy of ahimsa or the abstaining of violence towards any living entity.

Besides the 18 names of Visnu Buddha and the 7 names of Sakhya Singha Buddha (which don't correlate) found in the amarakosa we find in the lalita Vistara on pp178 the following reference (regarding Sakhya Singha Buddha)

"This one seated on the pedestal of the earlier buddha, this traveller on the path of voidism and selflessness, holding the powerful bow which kills the enemy in the form of distress, breaking the illusions will attain the griefless auspicious detachment and the best wisdom"

It is clearly evident from this text that Sakhya Singha Buddha considered the pedestal of penance of the original Visnu avatara Buddha at Bodhi Gaya (Gaya, in the Bihar region of India, --SB 1.3.24 Then, in the beginning of Kali-yuga, the Lord will appear as Lord Buddha, the son of Aïjanä, in the province of Gayä, just for the purpose of deluding those who are envious of the faithful theist. -- is given as the place of appearance of adi-buddha, distinct from Sakhya Singha Buddha's birthplace at Kapilavastu in Nepal) to be extremely sacred and holy. Thus he performed tapasya there sitting under a pipal tree and attained bodhi or enlightenment

So in short, the reason why the adi buddha's appearance and activities can be anticipated by the vedas is because he is a lila avatar (a catagory of avatar that appears at very specific time periods during the eternal cyclic time of the universe, ie lila avatars are constantly appearing and reappearing in the material creation, hence statements such as kalau prapte yatha buddho bhavet visnuh prabhu - " Just as in the age of Kali Lord Visnu beomes buddha" (in other words every adi-buddha appears every kali-yuga)

....and even more specifically from the second chapter of Nirnaya Sindhu specific information that it is the second month of the indian year on the second day of the bright half of the month that adi buddha visnu will appear.

SB 6.8.19: May the Personality of Godhead in His incarnation as Vyāsadeva protect me from all kinds of ignorance resulting from the absence of Vedic knowledge. May Lord Buddhadeva protect me from activities opposed to Vedic principles and from laziness that causes one to madly forget the Vedic principles of knowledge and ritualistic action. May Kalkideva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appeared as an incarnation to protect religious principles, protect me from the dirt of the age of Kali.

sorry if this appears too heavily ladened with scriptural quotes but they are a necessary resource when discussing these things - being an incarnation of god, contrary to contemporary ideas, is not such a common thing ;)

CC Madhya 20.352: Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu replied, "As in other ages an incarnation is accepted according to the directions of the śāstras, in this Age of Kali an incarnation of God should be accepted in that way.

CC Madhya 20.353: "The Vedic literatures composed by the omniscient Mahāmuni Vyāsadeva are evidence of all spiritual existence. Only through these revealed scriptures can all conditioned souls attain knowledge.

CC Madhya 20.354: "An actual incarnation of God never says 'I am God' or 'I am an incarnation of God.' The great sage Vyāsadeva, knowing all, has already recorded the characteristics of the avatāras in the śāstras.

CC Madhya 20.355: "'The Lord does not have a material body, yet He descends among human beings in His transcendental body as an incarnation. Therefore it is very difficult for us to understand who is an incarnation. Only by His extraordinary prowess and uncommon activities, which are impossible for embodied living entities, can one partially understand the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.'

CC Madhya 20.356: "By two symptoms — personal characteristics and marginal characteristics — the great sages can understand an object.

I have never heard of any descriptions in the vedas of humans having the capacity to attain higher perfections than the demigods - do you have any vedic statements or recollection of puranic incidents to back up these claims? ”

Really? I don't believe there's any statements in the Vedas.

here's one

BG 7.23: Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet.
here's two

BG 9.20: Those who study the Vedas and drink the soma juice, seeking the heavenly planets, worship Me indirectly. Purified of sinful reactions, they take birth on the pious, heavenly planet of Indra, where they enjoy godly delights.

BG 9.21: When they have thus enjoyed vast heavenly sense pleasure and the results of their pious activities are exhausted, they return to this mortal planet again. Thus those who seek sense enjoyment by adhering to the principles of the three Vedas achieve only repeated birth and death.
here's a sequence that spells it out in case you are still thinking that humans are more elevated than demigods

SB 11.10.21: That material happiness of which we hear, such as promotion to heavenly planets for celestial enjoyment, is just like that material happiness we have already experienced. Both are polluted by jealousy, envy, decay and death. Therefore, just as an attempt to raise crops becomes fruitless if there are many problems like crop disease, insect plague or drought, similarly, the attempt to attain material happiness, either on earth or on the heavenly planets, is always fruitless because of innumerable obstacles.

SB 11.10.22: If one performs Vedic sacrifices and fruitive rituals without any mistake or contamination, one will achieve a heavenly situation in the next life. But even this result, which is only achieved by perfect performance of fruitive rituals, will be vanquished by time. Now hear of this.

SB 11.10.23: If on earth one performs sacrifices for the satisfaction of the demigods, he goes to the heavenly planets, where, just like a demigod, he enjoys all of the heavenly pleasures he has earned by his performances.

SB 11.10.24: Having achieved the heavenly planets, the performer of ritualistic sacrifices travels in a glowing airplane, which he obtains as the result of his piety on earth. Being glorified by songs sung by the Gandharvas and dressed in wonderfully charming clothes, he enjoys life surrounded by heavenly goddesses.

SB 11.10.25: Accompanied by heavenly women, the enjoyer of the fruits of sacrifice goes on pleasure rides in a wonderful airplane, which is decorated with circles of tinkling bells and which flies wherever he desires. Being relaxed, comfortable and happy in the heavenly pleasure gardens, he does not consider that he is exhausting the fruits of his piety and will soon fall down to the mortal world.

SB 11.10.26: Until his pious results are used up, the performer of sacrifice enjoys life in the heavenly planets. When the pious results are exhausted, however, he falls down from the pleasure gardens of heaven, being moved against his desire by the force of eternal time.

I could give you stacks more but I think the message is clear - humans seek the heavenly planets to attain perfections (in terms of sense enjoyment and mystic perfection)

And in response to your posts of texts to suggest otherwise

SB 3.15.24: Lord Brahmā said: My dear demigods, the human form of life is of such importance that we also desire to have such life, for in the human form one can attain perfect religious truth and knowledge.
notice how the purport to this text gives no indication of mystic perfections like walking on water

Brahmā and other demigods have much better material bodies than human beings, yet the demigods, including Brahmā, nevertheless desire to attain the human form of life because it is specifically meant for the living entity who can attain transcendental knowledge and religious perfection. It is not possible to go back to Godhead in one life, but in the human form one should at least understand the goal of life and begin Kṛṣṇa consciousness. It is said that the human form is a great boon because it is the most suitable boat for crossing over the nescience ocean. The spiritual master is considered to be the most able captain in that boat, and the information from the scriptures is the favorable wind for floating over the ocean of nescience. The human being who does not take advantage of all these facilities in this life is committing suicide. Therefore one who does not begin Kṛṣṇa consciousness in the human form of life loses his life to the influence of the illusory energy. Brahmā regrets the situation of such a human being.

and if you want to try and jump over the purport (which i don't recommend) the word tattva-visaya (the subject matter of the absolute truth) is used to indicate what is so special about the human form of life (as opposed to yoga balena, mystic power, which is something the demigods have in great reserves already)

same problems in your next text

SB 11.20.12: The residents of both heaven and hell desire human birth on the earth planet because human life facilitates the achievement of transcendental knowledge and love of Godhead, whereas neither heavenly nor hellish bodies efficiently provide such opportunities.
transcendental knowledge is translated fromt he word jnana bhaktibhyam as opposed to jnana yogibhyam
bhakti is something very unique and distinct from mystic perfections, which are outwardly declared as being mundane and an impediment to the serious spiritual practioner

SB 11.15.33: Learned experts in devotional service state that the mystic perfections of yoga that I have mentioned are actually impediments and are a waste of time for one who is practicing the supreme yoga, by which one achieves all perfection in life directly from Me.

SB 11.15.34: Whatever mystic perfections can be achieved by good birth, herbs, austerities and mantras can all be achieved by devotional service to Me; indeed, one cannot achieve the actual perfection of yoga by any other means.

further evidenced from purport to 1.7.10
According to Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya, the import of the word ittham-bhüta is "complete bliss." Transcendental bliss in the realization of impersonal Brahman becomes comparable to the scanty water contained in the pit made by a cow's hoof. It is nothing compared with the ocean of bliss of the vision of the Personality of Godhead. The personal form of Lord sri krsna is so attractive that it comprehends all attraction, all bliss and all tastes (rasas). These attractions are so strong that no one wants to exchange them for material enjoyment, mystic powers and liberation.

Furthermore it is stated that Brahma and other devas desire liberation and that at the end of the universe Brahma will attain liberation. Human beings can attain liberation even in this lifetime, and realize their true identity with Brahm.

here you are talking about bhakti - the demigods (that are knowledgable about the value of bhakti) are eager to take birth in the earthly sphere because in the heavenly planets the opulences of wealth and mysticism are great impediments to th eperformance of bhakti - in other words they are prepared to cash in their materially and mystically superior positions ot take birth as humans because they understand that both things (opulences and mystic perfection) are temporary and do not solve the real issues of life

As for mystic perfections (siddhis) and powers (Vibhutis) they're mentioned in detail in the Yoga Sutras and the Srimad Bhagavatam (11.15). Anyone who elevates their consciousness to samadhi or higher can attain them, they include abilities like flying, walking on water, materializing objects, etc...
These things are not what the demigods are queuing up for to take birth on th earth for - on the contrary they already have them and are eager to renounce them for the valuable oppportunity to perform bhakti

eg - SB 3.24.8: At the time of the Lord's appearance, the demigods flying freely in the sky showered flowers. All the directions, all the waters and everyone's mind became very satisfied.

from the purport
"It is learned herewith that in the higher sky there are living entities who can travel through the air without being hampered. Although we can travel in outer space, we are hampered by so many impediments, but they are not. We learn from the pages of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam that the inhabitants of the planet called Siddhaloka can travel in space from one planet to another without impediment."

“ Buddha is an incarnation of vishnu (saktyavesa avatar) and his appearance is foretold in scriptures at least 2000 years before he appeared.


During The Buddha's lifetime he wasn't considered an incarnation of Buddha, he was considered to be another spiritual master.
thats because buddha was dealing primarily with atheists (sura dvisam). His mission wasn't to getthem to accept him as god but to get them to obey his instructions, particularly on ahimsa, so that they would refrain from sinful activity

However later on they discovered that he matched the description of The Buddha-Avatara.
The scriptures that elaborate on Buddhas appearance were in existence many many years before Buddha
Well, that depends on who you ask.
Most modern scholars date the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam to about the 10th Century CE.

Thats just to make it correlate with their ideas of history - according to the vedas (that is numerous quotes and refernces amongst puranas) srimad bhagavtam is the personal commentary on the entire vedas (more books than you can read in a lifetime, much less understand) by the celebrated compiler of the vedas Vyasadeva, who performed the task 5000 years ago.

This is the general view of contemporary scholars

1. The Aryans first entered India from the North West and subjugated the indigenous tribes around 4463 B.C.

2. The Battle of Kuruksetra took place in 1912 B.C. (3976 years ago),

3. The present Mahabharata is not the original Mahabharata written by Vedavyasa, but one put together by a later Vyasa,

4. The Ramayana achieved its present form sometime after the compilation of the Mahabharata in about 500 B.C.

5. The Puranas were written successively between 400 A.D. and 1000 A.D. The Markendeya Purana is the oldest and the Srimad Bhagavatam is the youngest.

6. The Srimad Bhagavatam is a southern text, likely written during the 10th century by some unknown respected person who had rightfully assumed the title of Vyasa.

These ideas can be challenged - perhaps this is not the thread to do it but a good head start are these links

The first indologists

for whom does hinduism speak

Modern historical consciousness - its cause and cure

Problems in the Interpretation of Vedic Literature: The Perennial Battle Between the Scholar and the Devotee

Puranic Time and the Archaeological Record

Questioning the Aryan Invasion Theory and Revising Ancient Indian

State and Society in Ancient India

Anyway, numerous links aside, I was anticipating such a comment which is why I posted to your reply mostly with the buddhists texts prajnaparamita sutra, astasahasrik prajnaparamita sutra and lalita vistara

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