Was Adam Bisexual?

He must have been.... I mean, God created Man in His own image... male and female, He created [them] = and this was before Adam was seprated from Eve... so...

Was Adam really bisexual?:shrug:

Uhhh, no. Who else was he going to have sex with? Cain, Able?
That's one thing I've always wondered....if Adam and Eve were the first man and women, and Cain and Able were their sons...where did they get their wifes from?
That's one thing I've always wondered....if Adam and Eve were the first man and women, and Cain and Able were their sons...where did they get their wifes from?
M*W: This is the age-old question. First, it was a myth, so technically there is no answer. Second, assuming the answer to the myth would be that they inbred with their sisters who weren't mentioned in the myth. Third, marriage hadn't been invented yet, so there were no rules of cohabitation. Fourth, none of this matters anyway. A myth is a myth is a myth.

M*W's FAQ (friendly atheist quote) of the day:

"Men create the gods after their own image, not only with regard to their form but with regard to their mode of life."
~ Aristotle
I was always told that the blood lines were purer and hadn't been as corrupted by sin as they are today, so that incest was ok.
lol, whatever
I was always told that the blood lines were purer and hadn't been as corrupted by sin as they are today, so that incest was ok. lol, whatever
M*W: They were purer in the ancient days. Look at the Egyptians. The royals married within their immediate family to retain the royal bloodline. Incest wasn't even thought of then!
...and the apple was supposed to represent sex
This strange fruit imparted the knowledge of good vs. evil, which the other animals in the garden did not possess.

Of course the two terms define each other.
If you dont know what 'good' is...you cant possibly recognize evil.

When Eve's eyes were opened she looked down and realized that the body is EVIL, and must be covered.
I'm sorry... but your not suggesting every man and woman are naturally bisexual are you?
Quite right, that I am.
Humans are naturally, that is to say anatomically and behaviourally, bisexual, as are most other primates.
We just have a particular preference, normally leaning one direction or the other. Today, we might call this preference concept "homosexuality" or "heterosexuality"; they are resulting from chemical equilibria in the brain, with influences from personal experiences and interaction. Due to this, humans often have a preferred gender of attraction; however, we are a behaviourally bisexual species.
I think males tend to be either straight or gay, with bisexuality being a rare occurence.

Women on the other hand are virtually all bisexual.

That's one thing I've always wondered....if Adam and Eve were the first man and women, and Cain and Able were their sons...where did they get their wifes from?
Adam lives for more than 900 years, human counting... and he begot sons and daughters. Therefore, Cain took one of his sisters as his wife. What's the problem with that, they were the first human species.
M*W: This is the age-old question. First, it was a myth, so technically there is no answer. Second, assuming the answer to the myth would be that they inbred with their sisters who weren't mentioned in the myth. Third, marriage hadn't been invented yet, so there were no rules of cohabitation. Fourth, none of this matters anyway. A myth is a myth is a myth.

M*W's FAQ (friendly atheist quote) of the day:

"Men create the gods after their own image, not only with regard to their form but with regard to their mode of life."
~ Aristotle
MYTH is simply MY + TH like Ethics E + th + ics. Similarly, earth derived its word from ear + th. What does -th or -th- or th- stands for? Search for it.:(
YEAH strange fruit.....

This strange fruit ....

STRANGE FRUIT, that's true, because there is a Biblical strange tree and strange man and woman which only the strangers knew this.


James 3:18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

Ephesians 3:16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;

I Timothy 2:13 - 15 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.