Was Adam Bisexual?


He must have been.... I mean, God created Man in His own image... male and female, He created [them] = and this was before Adam was seprated from Eve... so...

Was Adam really bisexual?:shrug:
Adam as the bible describes did not exist. It's a figurative, storybook origin figure, used as a metaphor. The entire book is primarily metaphorical and figurative in nature.

The closest thing in reality to the Adam figure is the concept of a "genetic Adam", or the first human ethnicity which branched out into all over human ethnicities and individuals. This is the San or bushmen tribe of southern and south-eastern Africa.

Addressing the sexuality issue- the first Homo sapiens sapiens was most likely bisexual, given the fact that all humans are naturally bisexual, as are the majority of other primates, especially our chimpanzee and bonobo cousins.
Did he have a bellybutton? ;)

Seriously, there are two creation of mankind stories back to back in Genesis.

Adam and Eve weren't the first humans, only the first of the Hebrew lineage.
Which Is Which?

He must have been.... I mean, God created Man in His own image... male and female, He created [them] = and this was before Adam was seprated from Eve... so...

Was Adam really bisexual?:shrug:

1 Corinthians 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

AND A SPIRIT has no gender, remember?

WHY not .... read HAGGAI 2:11 and look for the one....
Did he have a bellybutton? ;)

Seriously, there are two creation of mankind stories back to back in Genesis.

Adam and Eve weren't the first humans, only the first of the Hebrew lineage.
M*W: Did A&E speak Hebrew? I've asked this question many times here, and no one could seem to come up with an answer.

As a side note: Even Abraham wasn't Hebrew. The Ibiru/Habiru were a tribe of shepherds in Egypt. They were Egyptian. Moses was Egyptian. He was never Hebrew. He never made it to Canaan where the original Hebrews came out of Egypt. So, I guess I answered my own question.

Adam as the bible describes did not exist. It's a figurative, storybook origin figure, used as a metaphor. The entire book is primarily metaphorical and figurative in nature.

The closest thing in reality to the Adam figure is the concept of a "genetic Adam", or the first human ethnicity which branched out into all over human ethnicities and individuals. This is the San or bushmen tribe of southern and south-eastern Africa.

Addressing the sexuality issue- the first Homo sapiens sapiens was most likely bisexual, given the fact that all humans are naturally bisexual, as are the majority of other primates, especially our chimpanzee and bonobo cousins.

''given the fact that all humans are naturally bisexual''

I'm sorry... but your not suggestingevery man and woman are naturally bisexual are you>?
He must have been.... I mean, God created Man in His own image... male and female, He created [them] = and this was before Adam was seprated from Eve... so...

the first humans were androgynous spirits and later we evolved into physical beings... the bible says that god gave adam and eve 'garments of skin' which refers to the physical body.

the first spirit-beings reproduced by division, like cells... until they were divided into two physical bodies which could no longer divide.

note: men and women share the same number of ribs

we have 12 ribs because jesus had 12 disciples and the zodiac has 12 signs and the clock has 12 hours.
''the first humans were androgynous spirits and later we evolved into physical beings... the bible says that god gave adam and eve 'garments of skin' which refers to the physical body.''

This is an interesting theory.... But it cannot be right from the last age of thinkers. You see, the apple was supposed to represent 'sex'... so can two spirits have sex?

The answer is no... not according to the Bible...

Are we talking the metaphorical side a bit too far?Are we inventing like stories for the Bible to suit our interpretations?
This is an interesting theory.... But it cannot be right from the last age of thinkers. You see, the apple was supposed to represent 'sex'... so can two spirits have sex?

at the time when they ate the fruit, god had already given them the garments of skin, the physical bodies.

Are we talking the metaphorical side a bit too far?Are we inventing like stories for the Bible to suit our interpretations?

not me.
Yes,but Adam worked the land... spirits are not corporeal...

p.s. ...at the time when they ate the fruit, god had already given them the garments of skin, the physical bodies.

>but did not the apple widen Eves eyes, so that she saw she was naked?
...but did not the apple widen Eves eyes, so that she saw she was naked?
How could she...not knowing what clothes are.

Nakedness is simply the absence of clothing, just as darkness is simply the absence of light.

Her eyes were opened to the principle of WRONG! :eek:
Well, the garments where after the apple, and the apple was supposed to represent sex, and sex can only be done corporeally - not spiritually.